How to put a bridge on your teeth: installation methods, denture hygiene and possible complications

How to put a bridge on your teeth: installation methods, denture hygiene and possible complications
How to put a bridge on your teeth: installation methods, denture hygiene and possible complications

There are many problems with gaps in the dentition. These include disruption of the digestive tract, bone tissue atrophy, jaw deformity. Therefore, many are interested in whether it is possible to put a bridge on the teeth? Installing this design just allows you to solve these problems. And how to put bridges on the teeth, described in the article.

Is it necessary?

Is it possible to put a bridge on the teeth? This procedure is necessary in the following cases:

  1. With the loss of a front tooth, the appearance of a person deteriorates. The lost beauty of a smile leads to lower self-esteem.
  2. Lack of speech appears after the loss of dental units. This problem is especially significant for people whose work requires clear diction. They definitely need to install a prosthesis.
  3. Teeth near a lost unit may be crooked. Due to their displacement from the lack of lateral support, tissues are loosened, which may cause other teeth to fall out.
  4. More violatedchewing efficiency, which affects the nutrition and quality of human life.

After how many teeth can a bridge be placed? Every situation is different. If there is a problem, you should contact a dentist who will prescribe treatment and provide recommendations on the installation of the bridge. The prosthesis allows you to replace the missing dental units, improve chewing function, restore speech, improve your smile.

Indications and contraindications

Bridge structures are installed in the absence of 1-4 teeth in a row. This is usually done to people who are contraindicated in implantation. From an aesthetic point of view, this is the best replacement. But in some cases, products cannot be installed:

  • for diseases of the jaw bones;
  • severe cases of periodontitis and periodontitis;
  • severe deficiencies in abutment teeth;
  • bruxism - involuntary grinding of teeth;
  • malocclusion;
  • high abrasion of hard tooth tissue;
  • the presence of acute oral ailments.

Some kinds of contraindications are surmountable. For example, in the presence of bruxism, caps are prescribed. When an abnormal bite is detected or the abutment teeth are rotated so that it is difficult to hook the prosthesis on them, orthodontic treatment may be prescribed. After its completion, prosthetics are performed.

Design Features

The bridge includes crowns that fix the artificial unit and the tooth itself. The most popular materials include all-ceramic, cermet and ceramer. The functionality of the design of suchmaterials are perfectly combined with a beautiful appearance.

The prosthesis is presented in the form of a metal alloy frame, which is covered with ceramics. Externally, it is similar to a natural tooth. To make the bridge perfect, experts advise installing a zirconium oxide structure. The material has increased strength. Zirconium oxide has a translucent appearance, compatible with the gum. From above, the base is covered with ceramics.

through how many teeth can a bridge be placed
through how many teeth can a bridge be placed

Multiple units can be replaced with a bridge. When replacing a larger amount, the design cannot be securely fixed in the mouth. If the product is installed to compensate for the front teeth, then it can be wider. And when they are replaced by root chewing, it is not necessary to change a large number of units.

Given age-related changes in the mouth, dentists allocate 5 years of operation for a bridge prosthesis, but usually it lasts longer. To extend the term, high-quality preparation of the site for the structure is required. First, teeth or crowns are prepared, which will be the support of the structure.

Considering the topic of how to put bridges on the teeth, you should familiarize yourself with the preparation for the procedure. Native units are released from nerve endings. The remaining channels are sealed. It should be remembered that the load will be placed on the tooth, which was previously on several.

The artificial unit will be fixed on the supporting teeth or dentures. Since the procedure is complex, it is performed in several stages. It depends on the supports: crowns or inlays.

Mounting views

Which is better to put a bridge on the teeth? This must be decided by the doctor. Designs according to the method of fastening are:

  1. Ordinary. They are fastened with extreme crowns, which are put on living teeth.
  2. Adhesive. The fasteners are the plates that are in the prosthesis. With this fixation, there is no strong effect on living teeth. But the design does not hold very firmly, since the fastening is carried out to the inner walls.
  3. On crowns. Fixation is performed on the abutment teeth with special cement.
  4. On locks. In this case, no additional fasteners are required.
  5. On implants. The bridge is fixed on the implant installed in the gum bone. This is a great option when there are no he althy teeth to attach.

When can I put a bridge after a tooth extraction? If it is necessary to install the structure, the procedure is scheduled in the near future. When is the best time to do this, the doctor must decide.


What kind of bridges are placed on chewing teeth? When choosing a design option, you should always consult with a specialist. According to the material of the product are as follows:

  1. Metal-plastic bridges. Their base is metal, and the outer part is plastic. Typically, these temporary structures are used to get used to the prosthesis before making a permanent one. But there are also disadvantages: not very attractive appearance, short service life, the risk of allergies, the likelihood of changing their texture, shape, color.
  2. Metal-plastic prostheses. Their base is metal, and the outer part is ceramic. Productsaesthetic, have a long service life and positive properties.
  3. Constructions made of aluminum oxide and zirconium. These products are the most durable - they last about 15 years. From this material, even impressive prostheses are made.

Production method

In addition to these types, designs are divided according to the manufacturing method:

  1. Combined. They include base and outer cover.
  2. One-piece. Considered common because they are easy to work with.

On tabs

How do you put a bridge on your teeth if tabs are installed? The procedure is as follows:

  1. Neighboring teeth are treated first. This involves the preparation of special cavities. The easiest way is to create sites that are left over from old fillings. After elimination, the necessary treatment is required.
  2. After making an impression, the teeth are temporarily filled.
  3. Then the work is done by technicians. In the laboratory, a metal frame is created from an impression, which will be an inlay placed in an artificial unit.
  4. The prepared units will become the support for the installation of the structure.

How do you put a bridge on your teeth? The photo shows the result of the work done. During the procedure, the specialist monitors the patient's sensations. Only with a properly installed design, the work of the jaw will be comfortable.

is it possible to put a bridge on the teeth
is it possible to put a bridge on the teeth

On crowns

How are bridges put on teeth if crowns are installed? The procedure is as follows:

  1. Preparation is performed from adjacent teeth.
  2. They are ground for the installation of a crown, a cavity is prepared for fixing the prosthesis.
  3. Then the layout of the bridge installation site is performed.
  4. A temporary plastic prosthesis is mounted.
  5. The design of the denture is being created. At this stage, the fitting is in progress.
  6. If the design is suitable, it is covered with ceramics. Choose a color close to natural teeth.
how much do bridges put on teeth
how much do bridges put on teeth

No matter how successful the prosthesis is, in the end it needs to be adjusted on the spot. After that, it is polished along the bite and finally fixed. You can put a bridge on the front teeth, as well as on the back. The procedure in both cases must be performed with high quality.

Pros and cons

It is acceptable to put bridges on the front and back teeth. Of the advantages of devices, the following are distinguished:

  1. You can correct visible imperfections and improve your smile.
  2. Though the construction is light, the material is strong enough.
  3. Bridges are not capable of causing discomfort if the rules of care are followed.
  4. Create structures from the latest materials.
  5. Adjustments are great replacements for a lost tooth or multiple units.
  6. Installation and removal is fast. A person instantly gets used to the bridge.
  7. Care is easy.
  8. No special training required. Installation can be performed at any clinic.
  9. Affordable price.
put a bridge on the front teeth
put a bridge on the front teeth

Do bridges fit wisdom teeth? Everything depends on the specific case. This affects the condition of the tooth and oral cavity. But you should also consider the presence of disadvantages:

  1. The abutment teeth need to be turned to fix the bridge. An expensive and reliable method can be used - adhesive prosthetics.
  2. For fixation, you need live teeth or use implants.
  3. Probable atrophy of the jaw tissue under the bridge.
  4. A strong load is placed on the supporting teeth, which leads to their immobility.

How long does a bridge put on the teeth? The whole procedure with manufacturing, installation of seals, fitting takes about 2 weeks. But the timing is different for each case. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about whether it is painful to put bridges on your teeth, as this procedure is painless thanks to modern technology.


Almost immediately after fixing, the question arises about the proper care of the structure. There are no new hygiene requirements, but following the usual recommendations will be more important. Teeth should be cleaned with a special floss once a day.

Daily care changes a little. Now there will be another focus of cleaning. In this case, special attention should be paid to the area between the prostheses and the gum. It is more convenient to use superfloss to clean this part. A technological method will be the use of an irrigator. Such a device allows you to wash the area with water under pressure.

what kind of bridges are placed on chewing teeth
what kind of bridges are placed on chewing teeth

It is still necessary to follow all the advice of the dentist on oral care. Some time after installationthe bridge should be rinsed frequently. Filling treatment will prevent problems while getting used to a new product. In the near future after the installation of the prosthesis, an examination of the oral cavity and consultations with a specialist will be required.

Probable Complications

Some people refuse prosthetics. The teeth that are next to the lost ones are deprived of support. They experience pressure, the effect of which is compensated with the help of neighboring ones. It turns out that the teeth next to the gap move towards the free space. Because of this, changes occur in the oral cavity, which leads to discomfort during chewing.

The load during chewing food will not be balanced. Some teeth are under severe stress. Such an imbalance can over time upset the activity of the masticatory apparatus. Young people need to worry about the integrity of the dentition as early as possible. It is much easier to perform a bridge than to deal with multiple consequences.

If it wobbles, what should I do?

Over time, the product may loosen. But since modern developments in dentistry are used, this does not appear often. The structure is loosened from the destruction of the supporting teeth or the cement that was used for fixation.

which is better to put a bridge on the teeth
which is better to put a bridge on the teeth

What to do in this case? You need to see a doctor. Usually the bridge is removed and installed again. If the x-ray does not show the destruction of the supporting teeth, then you should not worry. It is not necessary to strengthen it, because over time the structurewill stagger again.


If the bridge fell out, you should not take action yourself. You need to see a doctor. He performs an inspection and makes recommendations for further actions. If the structure fell out without damage, it is installed again. And if there was a breakdown, you need to create and install a new product.


If the bridge is damaged or loosened or there is pain in the abutment, then the structure must be removed. This work should be done by a specialist. The person himself can damage the structure and supporting teeth. Jaw bones may also be affected.

Determine the degree of damage and the need to remove the bridge allows computed tomography. Based on it, the dentist evaluates the condition and performs the removal. This procedure is performed in the following ways:

  1. A common method is scalers, which de-cement fasteners with ultrasound. In this case, the crowns can be removed carefully, then they are used again.
  2. The Koch apparatus is used to cut the prosthesis. The procedure is performed with anesthesia. This method is used if the supporting tooth hurts under the bridge. He is being treated and new crowns are being installed.


If a bridge needs to be replaced, the doctor removes it with a scaler. The procedure is painless, moreover, it costs less than installing a prosthesis. After removal, inspection is carried out, and then a new product is inserted.


The period of operation of the bridge depends on:

  • from manufacturing precisionprosthesis;
  • quality of work;
  • material;
  • bridge length;
  • conditions of abutment teeth;
  • masticatory load distribution;
  • periodontal formation.

Usually, the dentist provides a guarantee that the prosthesis will last up to 5 years. But with all the advice and careful care, the service life can be up to 25 years.


The cost of installing a bridge is determined by many factors. The cost mainly depends on the material from which the prosthesis is made.

how to put a bridge on your teeth photo
how to put a bridge on your teeth photo

Metal-ceramic bridges are the most expensive. The price of the product is at least 9 thousand rubles per tooth. The average cost of finished bridge prostheses is 14–37 thousand rubles.

Thus, dental bridges allow you to maintain normal chewing function and a beautiful smile. The main thing is that the installation is carried out by a specialist. And the patient can only follow all the recommendations regarding the care of the structure, and then it will last a very long time.
