In the article, we will consider how rinsing is carried out with inflammation of the gums.
Most of the funds intended for rinsing the mouth with inflammation of the gums can be conditionally classified into antimicrobial (antiseptics) and anti-inflammatory. Preparations with antiseptic properties act directly on pathogenic agents that provoke the inflammatory process. Drugs with anti-inflammatory properties, in turn, have no effect on bacteria, but only reduce the severity of inflammatory symptoms.

Rinsing agents for inflammation of the gums should be selected by a doctor.
In the treatment of periodontitis, gingivitis, both types of drugs are allowed, but antimicrobial agents are more effective.
In the treatment of the inflammatory process that occurred in the hole after tooth extraction, the use of only antisepticdrugs, for example, Chlorhexidine.
Antiseptic drugs
Most often, dentists recommend the use of medications such as Miramistin and Chlorhexidine. They are professional medical products that have a pronounced antimicrobial effect. After all, inflammation of the gums is provoked by pathogenic microorganisms that cause the formation of tartar and plaque.
"Chlorhexidine 0.05%" rinse
Instructions for its use must be strictly followed. The drug is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription from a doctor. Its average cost is 20 rubles. It is one of the most effective means, capable of exerting a pronounced antimicrobial effect. Rinsing with "Chlorhexidine" should be carried out after hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity, twice or three times a day for 1 minute. The drug can be used not only for inflammatory processes in the gums, but also after tooth extraction. What else is used to rinse with inflammation of the gums?
It has a concentration of the active ingredient of 0.01%, in pharmacies it is released freely, without a prescription. The average cost of one bottle with a volume of 150 ml is approximately 200 rubles. "Miramistin" in terms of the severity of antimicrobial effects is somewhat inferior to "Chlorhexidine", however, unlike it, it is able to act on herpes viruses. In this regard, "Miramistin" for rinsing the mouth is allowed for use in the treatment of herpetic stomatitis.

Can you rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide?
Don't use hydrogen peroxide to rinse your mouth. The use of this drug in the treatment of inflammation of the gums is possible, but only as an element of complex therapy and only at the appointment of a dentist. It should not be used as the main therapeutic drug. This tool can be used when washing the periodontal pocket. To do this, the peroxide is drawn into the syringe, then the pointed edge of the needle is broken off, it is introduced into the cavity of the periodontal pocket, and washing is carried out under pressure. This allows the pus and all infection to be flushed out.
Unwanted consequences
You should not carry out such a procedure yourself, as attempts can cause undesirable consequences. Rinsing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide will be absolutely useless. When rinsing, peroxide is not able to get into pockets - only the washing of the mucous membranes occurs. In addition, after dilution, peroxide loses its properties, its concentration should be 3%.

What else can rinse with inflammation of the gums?
Anti-inflammatory drugs
Anti-inflammatory drugs are generally able to have a slight antiseptic effect on pathogens, but they can effectively affect some stages of the inflammatory process, thereby reducing the severity of inflammatory symptoms.
What to rinsegums with inflammation? We will consider folk remedies below.
It is important to consider that most herbal anti-inflammatory drugs contain alcohol, which is used during the production process for extraction.
- "Stomatofit". Instructions for use indicate that it is a highly concentrated infusion of medicinal plants. Its use is recommended as an element of complex treatment of periodontitis, gingivitis. It is necessary to use the product for up to 2 weeks. The drug is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5 immediately before use. The drug contains alcohol. This is also confirmed by the instructions for use for "Stomatofit". It is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription. The average cost of a bottle containing 100 ml of the product is 200 rubles.
- "Chlorophyllipt". When rinsing your mouth, you can use "Chlorophyllipt" in the form of an alcohol solution. Before use, the medicine must be diluted with pre-boiled warm water. The drug got its name due to its active ingredient - the plant pigment chlorophyll, which is extracted from eucalyptus leaves. However, some experts recommend the use of other anti-inflammatory drugs, since the effect of Chlorophyllipt is insignificant in comparison with them. The drug contains alcohol. The average cost of a 300 ml bottle is about 300 rubles.
- "Tantum Verde". It contains benzydamine hydrochloride, which is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatorymeans. When applied, it has a pronounced effect. The manufacturer produces in several pharmacological forms - a solution intended for rinsing, tablets, spray. The solution "Tantum Verde" immediately before use must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. The average duration of therapy is 10 days (with three times a day). The approximate cost of a bottle containing 120 ml of solution is at the level of 350 rubles. The composition of the drug contains alcohol. Many are wondering what herbs to rinse your mouth with gum inflammation?

Herbal rinses, gum infusions
You can prepare your own mouthwash solutions. To do this, use herbal herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect. It can be chamomile, eucalyptus, sage. All of these plants are able to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process. But it should be borne in mind that solutions prepared on their basis will be saturated with a large amount of pigments that can quickly stick to the teeth. At the same time, a film is formed on the surface of the tooth, to which pathogenic microorganisms easily attach. As a result, the volume of hard dental deposits and soft plaque on the teeth may increase. The most dubious herbal remedy used to prepare the solution is oak bark. The infusion on oak bark contains the most tannins and pigments. Under their influence, the teeth will darken quite quickly.
How to rinse your mouthchamomile for gum disease?
For this, an infusion is used. To prepare such a remedy, it is necessary to pour 2 cups of water into an enamel bowl. Then add 7 tbsp. l. dry chamomile flowers and soak in a water bath for 15 minutes. The liquid should be cooled, filtered, squeezed out and topped up with water to the original volume. Dissolve 4 tsp. honey and rinse your mouth 4-5 times a day.
An alternative to herbs
An alternative to herbal decoctions prepared at home can be the above-described pharmacy antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as specially designed elixirs based on medicinal plants. Such rinses contain extracts from medicinal herbs and at the same time there are no pigment substances. Thus, they are safe for teeth. You can use them on an ongoing basis, throughout the year. The only condition is that the rinse aid does not contain antibacterial additives, such as triclosan.

Currently, there are also excellent toothpastes with anti-inflammatory effect, incorporating highly effective ingredients, including those of plant origin. Such pastes are an excellent addition to anti-inflammatory and antiseptic mouth rinses. Such pastes help to cope with swelling of the gums, their bleeding.
Rinse with soda for inflammation of the gums
Soda is the most affordable, simple, safe, effective remedy, based onwhich you can prepare medicinal rinses that eliminate pain after several applications. Preparation: for one glass of water - one teaspoon of soda. Mix thoroughly. For a quick effect, you need to apply the product every hour, for fixing - every three hours. In general, the procedure can be carried out for three days in a row.
You can rinse your mouth with s alt in case of inflammation of the gums.

- Glass of warm water.
- 2 tsp s alt.
- Stir.
- The solution is ready - you can start rinsing.
Cases where rinsing is ineffective
Rinses of the mouth using antiseptic preparations for inflammation of the gums are exclusively auxiliary means, they cannot be used for self-therapy.
As a rule, the gums become inflamed with the development of two diseases:
- Periodontitis. It is an inflammatory disease, which is characterized by the appearance of a purulent inflammatory focus at the top of the tooth root. Periodontitis develops as a result of untimely cured pulpitis, caries. It may be accompanied by the appearance of swelling in the projection of the root of the affected tooth or a fistula with purulent discharge. Quite often, patients are interested in what means to use for rinsing if the gums hurt and swell. However, rinsing the mouth with periodontitis will not give a result, sincethe infectious focus is located deep in the bone tissue. In some cases, little efficiency can be achieved when using baths based on soda and s alt. They help to draw out pus and inflammatory infiltrate, however, therapy should not consist in using only this remedy.
- Periodontitis, gingivitis. They are inflammatory diseases of the gums, manifested by the development of symptoms such as bleeding, soreness, cyanosis, redness of the gums, the appearance of bad breath, tooth mobility, atrophic changes in bone tissues near the teeth, and the release of pus from periodontal pockets. The main reasons for the development of periodontitis and gingivitis are hard dental deposits and microbial soft plaque on the teeth. Thus, we can say that these inflammatory diseases appear with poor-quality hygienic care of the oral cavity. Rinsing with antiseptics is indicated in the complex therapy of these pathologies, but it is important to understand that rinsing is only an aid and cannot be used for self-therapy. The main therapy is to remove deposits from the teeth. If deposits have not been removed from the teeth, then the use of antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs will slightly and briefly reduce the symptoms of the disease (swelling, bleeding), but it will return immediately after stopping the use of medications.

The use of drugs for the specifieddiseases are quite dangerous, since the main symptoms of the pathology are masked, and inflammation progresses at this time.
It is important to understand that mild gingivitis can subtly transform into severe periodontitis if left untreated and improperly used antiseptic rinses.
How to rinse the mouth with inflammation of the gums correctly?
Recommendations for rinsing
First of all, before using anti-inflammatory solutions and antiseptics, the cause of the disease should be eliminated - dental deposits. This can be done by a dentist using a variety of techniques, for example, using ultrasound. After the deposits have been removed, the dentist will perform a periodontal pocket wash with hydrogen peroxide and apply an anti-inflammatory gel to the gums.
Only after removing deposits on the teeth, the dentist will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs for home rinses. Home therapy, as a rule, consists in the use of anti-inflammatory gels, antiseptic rinses, antibiotics (for severe forms of the disease).
Only an integrated approach to the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity will allow you to get rid of the disease completely.