Teeth hurt from cold: causes and treatment

Teeth hurt from cold: causes and treatment
Teeth hurt from cold: causes and treatment

Every person has had problems with their teeth at least once. These are various diseases that are manifested by certain symptoms. But sometimes the teeth hurt from the cold. This condition causes severe discomfort. What to do if your teeth hurt after a cold? The causes and treatment of this condition are presented in the article.

Cold tooth

If your teeth hurt from the cold or your gums ache, you should see a doctor. Such a reaction may occur. This happens due to the following factors:

  1. A tooth or gum has hurt before. For example, caries has appeared or inflammation has begun in the deep layers that affect the dental nerve. In this case, inflammation of the nerve from hypothermia is observed with a decrease in immunity: pathogenic microorganisms are activated, caries and inflammation appear, and therefore teeth hurt. That is, hypothermia is considered a provoking factor that accelerates inflammation.
  2. Inflammation appeared not in the tooth, but in the nose. Hypothermia leads to an increase in the number of pathogenic microorganisms in these cavities. Also in the face area is capablegive an inflamed ear. Inflammation in the nose and ear can spread to the teeth.
  3. Complication of herpes leads to similar symptoms. This is due to the fact that this disease penetrates the nerve endings. And from hypothermia there is an infection. As a result, there are unpleasant sensations in the nerve endings.
  4. Due to hypothermia or wind, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is performed. This leads to similar symptoms that are sometimes difficult to distinguish from dental problems.
cold teeth hurt
cold teeth hurt

Sometimes the nature of discomfort is incomprehensible. If your teeth hurt from the cold, what to do? You need to contact your dentist and tell about your condition. The doctor may think that the matter is not in the tooth, so he will prescribe an x-ray. If nothing is found in his part, the patient is referred to an ENT or neuropathologist.


Teeth ache from cold usually for:

  • general hypothermia of the body;
  • being in front of the air conditioner;
  • stay in a draft;
  • ice drink;
  • breathing in the cold through the mouth;
  • walking in windy weather with an unprotected face.
teeth hurt from cold what to do
teeth hurt from cold what to do

How long can you walk in the cold and wind to prevent a cold? Everything is individual. One is enough for half an hour to get a cold. And others can walk all day and not have a single symptom of the disease.

Can teeth hurt from cold food? If it is very cold, then such a symptom occurs. It also manifests itself indrinking low temperature fluids.


When teeth hurt from the cold, it negatively affects the general well-being of a person. Usually this condition manifests itself in the form:

  • dull or sharp, aching or shooting pain in or near the teeth;
  • pain while pressing;
  • headache;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • facial swelling;
  • small rash on face;
  • temperature increase.
can teeth hurt from cold
can teeth hurt from cold

The trigeminal nerve can also become inflamed during hypothermia. It manifests:

  • changes in facial expressions;
  • ticks;
  • dental pain that starts on the face;
  • pain from chewing, cold wind, touch.

In ordinary toothache, triggers include those that act in the mouth, such as cold or hot food. But independently the sources of pain differ quite difficult.

Complications and consequences

If your teeth hurt from cold and wind, then timely treatment is required. In its absence, pulpitis appears - inflammation of the pulp (the inner tissue of the tooth). With the development of infection, a flux appears. The development of periodontitis is also likely - inflammation of the soft tissues that are adjacent to the upper part of the tooth root.

Even in the tooth, an infection develops, and this provides a complication to the internal organs: pathogenic microorganisms are carried through the body with blood. As a result, a vulnerable organ suffers: it can be the bladder, ovaries, lungs or heart. Therefore, evenif the pain is gone, treatment is still needed.

teeth hurt after cold causes and treatment
teeth hurt after cold causes and treatment

Another complication of an untreated tooth is phlegmon. This term refers to purulent inflammation of deep tissues, which leads to tissue necrosis. Due to untreated hypothermia of the trigeminal nerve, paresis or paralysis develops. From neglected neuritis, a chronic condition appears, in which nothing helps.

Paste selection

For severe tooth sensitivity, desensitizing pastes with fluorine, potassium and calcium are used. They include components that fill the enamel microcracks and restore its structure. Sometimes there is a long-term anesthetic in the composition. These pastes can be simply applied to the teeth for instant pain relief.

teeth hurt from cold and wind
teeth hurt from cold and wind

In Russia such pastes as SILCA Complete Sensitive and LACALUT Extra Sensitive, Sensodyne F and Blendamed Pro-Expert are in demand. But there can be many fakes in stores. Therefore, you should buy medical paste in a pharmacy. Although the use of such funds does not differ from the use of conventional ones, the former are considered therapeutic. Therefore, they cannot be brushed without a break: a course of 4-5 weeks is required, and then the use of regular toothpaste is required.

To really be useful, brush your teeth thoroughly, at least 3-5 minutes 2 times a day. Brushes for hyperesthesia should be chosen with medium hardness. They allow you to completely eliminate food residues and do not lead to injury.gums.


If my teeth hurt after a cold, what should I do? It is necessary to contact the dentist in the coming days from the moment the discomfort appears. The pain may temporarily go away, and the inflammation will continue, and then appear at the wrong time. And for a while you can eliminate discomfort with folk remedies.

teeth hurt after cold weather what to do
teeth hurt after cold weather what to do

Traditional medicine

If teeth start to hurt in the cold, aspen bark is used. It has antipyretic, antitumor, wound healing, bactericidal, astringent, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Rinsing with decoction helps (1 liter of boiling water is added to 1 tablespoon of raw materials). It is necessary to purchase aspen bark in a pharmacy, and not to extract it yourself, because then it will be processed.

Helps calamus root, sold in pharmacies. It has an analgesic effect. Traditional healers recommend performing a tincture of alcohol with calamus, and then mix with propolis and rinse the sore spot. But it must be prepared in advance for 12 days. It is also allowed to take a stick of calamus and chew it with a sick tooth. The result comes after 5-10 minutes.


If your teeth hurt from the cold, how to rinse? A simple way to eliminate discomfort is to use a soda solution. It will take 1 tsp. soda, ½ tsp. s alt and 1 glass of water. 2 drops of iodine are added to the solution. The product has an analgesic effect.

Oak bark has an antiseptic, analgesic, astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. Necessaryprepare a decoction (1 liter of water per 1 tablespoon of raw materials). Rinse your mouth throughout the day.

For this problem, onion peel is used. About 50 g is poured with boiling water (1 liter) for half an hour. The product is used for rinsing. The solution is kept in the mouth for 15 minutes.

Garlic is known for its antiseptic and analgesic properties. Therefore, a cut clove of garlic is applied to the diseased tooth. For the effect from the inside of garlic, you need to eat a lot.

Propolis (a small piece) should be applied to the aching tooth. Do not spit it out, they walk with it for a while. Propolis relieves spasms, pain and inflammation. Even in the pharmacy you can buy alcohol tincture of propolis and rinse your mouth (2-5 drops are added to 1 glass of water).

Toothache drops contain camphor, valerian, peppermint and clove oil. The components are effective if the discomfort comes from an infection. 1-2 drops are applied to the cotton wool and applied to the affected area. As everyone knows, alcohol can dull the sensitivity of nerve endings. In case of pain, rinse the tooth with vodka or cognac.


If the pain is severe, and folk methods are ineffective, then pharmacy remedies are used. These are painkillers. When the pain is of medium intensity, Ibuprom, Solpadein, Tamipul are used. It is undesirable to use old-generation painkillers, such as analgin, since these medicines are harmful to the stomach.

Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Nise, Paracetamol are isolated from anti-inflammatory drugs. But if these medicines did not help, then they are usedpowerful drugs, such as Ketanov. But the drug is so strong that it has many side effects and contraindications. Therefore, if possible, it should be abandoned. You can also perform local anesthesia by applying a cotton swab with "Lidocaine" or special gels for teeth - "Kamistad" or "Dentol".

Trigeminal inflammation

Dental neuralgia, which is called so in everyday life, is an inflammation of the endings of the trigeminal nerve. Therefore, there is pain in the teeth. It can also appear in the eye area, jaw. Often the pain covers the entire face or half of it.

The trigeminal nerves are a pair of cranial nerves that are responsible for sensation in the face. One is on the left and the other is on the right. Each of them has 3 branches: the first gives nerve endings to the eyes, upper eyelids and skin of the forehead, the second to the lower eyelids, cheeks, nostrils, upper lip and gums, the third to the jaw, lower lip, gums, chewing muscles.

When inflammation appears, treatment should be started immediately, because in this case it is possible to influence the situation. In advanced conditions, even strong medicines cannot cope.

teeth hurt in the cold
teeth hurt in the cold

To eliminate inflammation (if such pain occurs), after coming from a cold, you need to rub your head with alcohol or make an iodine grid. Then she is wrapped in a warm scarf. Iodine mesh is performed on the face, in the area where pain is felt.

If you are prone to inflammation of the nerves in the house, you need to have medicines with B vitamins - in tablets orinjections. When the first signs of neuritis appear, they drink or inject vitamins. The nerve calms down after 30-60 minutes.

If 1-2 days of home treatment have passed, but there is no improvement, then you need to see a doctor. Usually, a neurologist prescribes antihistamines, anticonvulsants, antispasmodics, vasodilators. Another specialist can prescribe physiotherapy - performing electrophoresis, ultraphonophoresis, infrared therapy. Treatment may vary depending on the patient's condition.
