As you can see from the reviews, the "Eye of Rebirth" is a fairly effective gymnastics, about which many say that it literally changed lives. If you believe the information on the World Wide Web, there are a lot of practitioners of this method, even more interested in trying it. Consider what basic exercises the technology involves, what is their exceptional feature. Probably, this information will become important for many, it will help to decide whether it is worth introducing a new method of gymnastics into your habits.
General information
As can be seen from the reviews, the Eye of the Renaissance gymnastics is surprisingly well suited to our compatriots and residents of other European powers. To some extent, this seems surprising, given that the technology was developed in the Far East. The method involves rejuvenation - not only physical, but, more importantly, spiritual. AtIn this "Eye of Rebirth" promises the development of man's practicing exercise. Gymnastics created by the monks of Tibet, consists of six exercises designed for regular practice. Five of them can do everything and everyone. Such techniques allow you to improve the body, throw off the past years, feel again the joy of life, inspiration, the desire to create. The last, sixth, is an exercise created for those striving for complete freedom from the mortal world. It allows you to achieve spiritual perfection, effectively free yourself from sexual attachments to this world.

As indicated in the reviews of the exercises, the "Eye of Rebirth" helps only those who are sincerely, with all their might, interested in rejuvenation, liberation from the burden of the lived. The technology allows you to nourish the body with energy, while simultaneously affecting different levels. But it should be understood: the result will be only if the technique is practiced daily.
Some rules
As you can see from the reviews about the "Eye of True Revival", professionals assure: if you skip the exercise just once, you will have to start the entire course from the very beginning. If you stop for a month, all previous illnesses, problems, ailments, age will return, troubles will fall on your head with renewed vigor. However, there is a positive point: it is never too late to start all over again. No matter how long the break is, at any moment you can start practicing the “Eye of Rebirth”, which will allow you to feel he althy, happy, start enjoying life, rejoiceeveryday life.
As practitioners note in their reviews, the “Eye of Rebirth” is quite simple to implement, although the complex shows its effectiveness only if general recommendations are followed. First of all, it is important to approach the beginning of the practice correctly - all exercises are done strictly on an empty stomach. The optimal time is early morning, as soon as a person has just woken up. However, taking a shower before gymnastics is not only possible, but also recommended. But after the exercises, you will have to be very careful, in particular, in no case should you go under a cold shower, because hypothermia of the body, including local, is strictly contraindicated. In the first hour after the end of the program, cold douches should be completely excluded, ice cream should not be eaten, swimming in the pool, the sea, drinking cool drinks. To make the practice as effective as possible, before starting the approach, you can do several warm-up exercises. During the execution of the approach, you do not need to be zealous beyond measure. The main idea of the Eye of Rebirth practice is to listen to your own body. You have to be very careful with your breathing. Initially, the selected exercises are repeated three times, then every week this number is increased by two, until they reach 21 repetitions of each of the phases. This is enough, no further growth is needed.
Where to start?
As stated in numerous reviews, Tibetan gymnastics "Eye of Rebirth" is most effective if a person prepares his body before starting specific exercises. This allows you to adjust the internal systems, organs,stretch the spine, activate energy flows, stimulate circulation through them. In this case, the very first step can be taken while lying in bed, barely waking up. It is quite simple, it consists in sipping. At the stage of inhalation, it is necessary to stretch the spine, and then let the air out of the lungs and fully relax. The task of a person is to stretch sweetly, with pleasure. The complex continues by raising arms and legs perpendicular to the bed. The limbs are shaken in the air for about half a minute.

To continue the gymnastics "Eye of the Renaissance" according to Calder, reviews recommend leaving the bed. When lifting, it is necessary to carefully straighten the spine and stretch out, feeling the energy flows emanating from the earth and penetrating the body through the perineum, passing through the body, saturating it with the charge necessary for the new day. Exhaling, you need to relax, then stretch again, inhale deeply and exhale slowly. At the same time, a person practicing gymnastics feels how a cool stream of cosmic force penetrates through the top of the head into the body - silvery, saturated, spreading inside. After that, you need to gently shake your limbs, easily jump in one place. The body is completely ready to continue, you can start directly Tibetan gymnastics.
First and second exercises
As seen from practitioners' feedback, the Eye of Rebirth begins with a whirl. To correctly perform the technique, first a person rotates around his own axis in the same direction as he spins inclock arrow. At the same time, many people recommend spreading their arms to the sides so that the palms look down - it is believed that this is easier and more convenient. It is not a prerequisite, everyone can spin in the way that is convenient for him. It also happens that people feel that their body requires rotation in the opposite direction. If this is true, you need to obey, rotate in the opposite direction from the clockwise direction.
As you can see from the reviews, the "Eye of Rebirth" in the second step involves taking a lying position. It is necessary to comfortably sit on your back, and stretch your arms along the body. The practitioner of gymnastics makes the most complete exhalation, drawing in the stomach, pressing the lower back into the surface. Then they also inhale slowly, raising their head in an effort to touch their chest with their chin and freeze like that. The next step is to raise your legs. The best option - the limbs are straight, relative to the floor are at right angles. True, this is far from being the case for everyone, especially at the very beginning. If you cannot achieve the ideal position, do not be upset, because the most important thing is intention. Many experts say that at the very beginning of the practice, you can raise your legs bent if you can not keep them straight. In the highest position, they freeze for a few seconds, then the limbs, the head are lowered, the air is released from the lungs. The main objective of this technique is to activate the third chakra, which makes a person more successful, helps to adapt to society.
Third and fourth exercises
According to the doctors, the "Eye of the Renaissance" continueskneeling posture. In this position, the hands are placed under the protrusions of the buttocks, inhaled and bend back as far as possible. Correct practice, the intention to bend as much as possible allow you to feel your own strength, fill the reserves of the body, and therefore make your innermost desires come true.

As you can see from the doctors' feedback, the "Eye of Rebirth" at the fourth exercise is easier than all the others. In the people it is often called the "table". Some at first find this technique quite difficult to perform, but you just need to adapt, and everything turns out as if by itself. They begin by taking a sitting position on the floor, keeping their back as straight as possible, and stretching their legs forward, resting their hands on the floor surface and emptying their lungs of air. At the stage of inhalation, you should lean on your feet, palms, rise so that the posture is similar in shape to a table. Hips, shins should be at right angles to each other, arms and body too. In this position, the practitioner of Tibetan gymnastics remains for several seconds, maintaining the muscles as tense as possible. Then gently sit down, let the air out of the lungs. When performed correctly, the exercise opens the heart chakra, which means it contributes to a more harmonious relationship with loved ones.
Fifth and sixth exercise
From the reviews of the Eye of Rebirth: exercise 5 is a relatively simple set of sequential actions for which the starting position is as if a person plans to startdo push-ups. They lie down on the stomach, take a pose of emphasis, lean simultaneously on the fingers of the lower extremities, palms. Exhaling, the head is thrown back. It is very important to do this as carefully as possible, especially if a person has only recently started gymnastics. Slowly releasing air from the lungs, the body is gradually transferred to a position resembling a simple house, that is, the fifth point is raised up, leaning simultaneously on the palms and feet. In the highest position, they freeze for a few seconds, after which they gradually take the original position, release air from the lungs.

According to reviews, 5 Tibetan exercises “Eye of Rebirth” are already sufficient for many for everyday practice, but not everyone is ready for the sixth. As experts assure, it is it that gives a special influx of strength, allows you to believe in yourself, to be filled with world energy. It is intended strictly for those who are not interested in an intimate act in any form or form. If this condition is violated, the energy flow can destroy the body of the practicing exercise from the inside, so deception, self-deception will not help - you will have to be extremely honest with yourself. The exercise itself is quite simple, and you can practice it separately at any time if intimate excitement suddenly arises. Starting position - standing, hands on the belt or hips. A person takes a breath, draws in his stomach, tightens the muscles of the perineum, tilts his head, sharply bends his torso, throws out the air with the sound "Xxx-aaa" and lingers in the lower position for a while.time, removing all the air from the lungs. After that, they return to their original position, maintaining muscle tension in the perineum, abdomen for another 10 seconds. Then calmly, deeply, slowly inhale. Just three repetitions allows you to completely transform energy from sexual to free.
Gymnastics for women: features
As can be seen from the reviews, the "Eye of Rebirth" for the beautiful half of humanity is recommended with some modifications from the general scheme, although they are not a prerequisite. The maximum effect of gymnastics can be achieved if, during all exercises, you exhale strictly through your mouth, folding your lips in the shape of "O". To be most effective during the day, you can chant the mantra "Om" from time to time. If possible, do it in a high voice. The mantra shows the best effect if you practice it immediately after gymnastics. It is known that during the period of adaptation to Tibetan practices, a woman may encounter depressive disorders, but such periods are always short-lived, they should be endured, while adding the number of repetitions of each of the exercises. This helps to quickly stabilize the psychological state. This specificity is due to the peculiarities of the perception of free energy by the female body.
As can be seen from the reviews, the "Eye of Rebirth" helps to normalize hormonal levels. To do this, immediately upon awakening, you should perform a set of specialized exercises. To begin with, the palms are rubbed until they become warm, then they press on the eyeballs 10-30 times in a row, rub the ears, and gently massage with thumbsbase of skull. The forehead is rubbed with neat longitudinal movements. Use the right hand, hold from temple to temple. You can put your left hand on top. The next step is a slight pat on the cheeks, massage with the left hand of the shoulder on the right and vice versa (as strongly as possible). Next, stroke the navel in a circular motion, following the direction of the arrow on the clock. Cyclicity - up to 40 circles. The knees are rubbed until the skin turns red, then the feet are rotated 30 times in a row around the ankle axis. You need to repeat this for both legs. The next, he is the last preparatory step - foot massage.
The described program allows you to normalize the hormonal background, normalize, stabilize the emotional state, adapt to the changes associated with the practice of the "Eye of Rebirth". Reviews confirm that the regular repetition of such exercises significantly improves the condition of women.
Worth believing?
On the Internet it is very difficult to find negative reviews about "The Eye of the Renaissance". As many experts note, the complex is well-planned, relatively simple to implement, requires little time to apply, is built reasonably, and shows results in relation to people of different age groups. According to doctors, their clients do not notice any shortcomings with prolonged practice of such exercises. If you believe the reviews on the World Wide Web, often the "Eye of the Renaissance" becomes an element of everyday life not only for ordinary people, but for qualified doctors who are forced to look for ways to cope with a heavy load. Exactly fiveexercises for daily use, as professionals assure, allow you to fill up with strength to overcome all the difficulties of everyday life. It is noted that with regular practice, the mood becomes more stable, better, which is especially noticeable if a person finds himself in a difficult life situation. They note that against the background of such exercises, it becomes easier to believe in the best.

Spiritual and physical rejuvenation, according to the reviews of the Eye of Rebirth practitioners, is especially noticeable before and after classes, and what is visually impossible to see is more pronounced. The person feels younger, stronger, calmer. The mood is normalized, there is confidence in oneself and one's strengths, desire and desire to successfully cope with any obstacles on the path of life. An important aspect noted by many is accessibility, because for the constant practice of exercises it is not necessary to purchase expensive equipment, drugs, there is no need to enroll in special circles or work with an individual trainer, and not everyone has the time and energy for this. In fact, the "Eye of the Renaissance" is a universal program available to everyone - young and old, with any income, lifestyle. All you need is a desire, readiness for regular practices, a little time.
Opinions and terms
As you can see from the negative reviews, the Eye of Rebirth exercises are perceived by some as something esoteric, and therefore completely useless. By the way, this practice is also known underItems:
- "5 Tibetans";
- "5 pearls of Tibet".
These names all refer to the same technology. Those who practiced it note that they sometimes faced condemnation from others who considered it as if it were just a waste of time. But people who resort to it in their lives note that with the regular execution of the described cycle, well-being really does get better, strength appears to resist everyday difficulties. Some, by the way, believe that the “Eye of Rebirth” is secret, this is knowledge that should never have spread to the world, but was intended only for the lamas of Tibet. Others believe that the "Eye of Rebirth" allows you to simultaneously transform both the physical human body and the intangible spirit. There is an opinion that the practices described above are not just gymnastics that positively affects the body, but ritual actions that allow you to change yourself at different levels. How exactly to perceive the "Eye of Rebirth", whether to consider it a ritual or just gymnastics - everyone decides for himself. The main idea is in an obvious improvement in well-being, which is noted in their responses by those who practiced the described complex. By the way, if you pay attention, it will become clear that all these exercises are found in yoga, are common throughout the world, and are known as effective. Reasonable execution allows you to soon regain your former he alth, strength, self-confidence.

No secrets
It is worth noting that today the technique is quite popular"Eye of rebirth". Reviews, photos before and after using it can be found in specialized books dedicated to this gymnastics, and on numerous forums of interest. They are presented in a really wide variety. Special communities created by adherents of this gymnastics technique are especially informative. Those who wish to publish their stories, tell how gymnastics helped them, and how it turned out to be ineffective. As for the official book editions, here it is necessary to note the book by Peter Kelder. She talks about how to practice gymnastics, contains a full-fledged theoretical introduction from the master, who has delved deeply into the essence of the philosophy on which this method of rejuvenation and healing is based. Currently, the book can be bought in bookstores, downloaded from the Internet for free.
If you look for reviews of the Eye of Rebirth, before and after photos, you can see that these actions had a good effect if they were practiced responsibly and diligently. The key to success is the desire to coordinate all the movements of your body. Equally important is proper breathing. To achieve the most pronounced effect, when exhaling, it is necessary to try to free the lungs from air as efficiently as possible, and when inhaling, fill them deeply, as much as possible. If during the execution of the next approach a person feels tired, you can allow a short rest. In order for the effectiveness of the complex to be maintained, in the intervals one should adhere to the same breathing rhythm as in gymnastics. The effectiveness of the complex increases if a person breathes as much as possible.deep.

Everything has its time
As can be seen from the feedback from practitioners (with photo), the “Eye of Rebirth” is effective not only due to each of the exercises or a set of techniques taken together, but also due to the correct approach to breathing. Between all the exercises described above, it is important to take short rest breaks, while observing the correct breathing technique. To do this, they stand straight, legs apart shoulder-width apart, hands placed on the belt, while the thumbs should look forward. In the process of exhalation during gymnastics, a person imagines how dirty energy leaves the body, and while inhaling, how pure energy enters, which is called prana in Eastern methods. Between exercises, you should do several such approaches to inhale and exhale, and then continue the main course. The main task of the practitioner of the technique is to strive to maintain a single rhythm of breathing throughout the entire period of gymnastics.