The modern way of life is characterized by low mobility. It has become almost the norm. Office work, high heels, cross-legging are just a few of the many reasons why people feel bad. A person begins to complain of migraines, vegetovascular dystonia, pain in the spinal column. Scoliosis often develops, dizziness is noted, the work of the heart worsens, a person becomes sensitive to weather conditions, and is quickly depleted. Flat feet and poor posture may appear. All these problems contribute to a decrease in efficiency, the appearance of stoop, osteochondrosis and pinched nerve endings in the cervical spine.
Using applicators
There are many different methods for the treatment of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
- drugs;
- physiotherapy;
- baths;
- massage;
- Physical education or a suitable sport.
Many are turning to alternative medicine methods. Acupuncture has become very popular. It should be noted that the procedures have a high cost, and one visit to a specialist will obviouslynot enough.
One of the ways to solve he alth problems is the back applicator. What varieties the device has, and what is its impact, is described in this article.

Applicator impact
The applicator for the back, the photo of which is presented in this material, has different effects.
- Mechanical. It is able to cause a quick and active reaction of the whole body, in contrast to the usual massage performed by hands.
- Reflex. With acupuncture, it helps to activate the skin segmental reflex, which has a positive effect on the state of internal organs.
- Galvanic. It is characterized by the effect of applicators (Lyapko's invention) in osteochondrosis of the neck and diseases of the spinal region and muscles. The supplied low voltage current helps to relieve inflammation and swelling.

Kuznetsov Applicator
The device was invented by Chelyabinsk music teacher Ivan Kuznetsov. It was created in 1980.
Kuznetsov was an admirer of Chinese medicine. Having once received a severe lung burn caused by a cockroach remedy, he decided not to resort to official medicine and come up with his own way of healing.
He attached sharp pins to a rubber yoga mat and began using an injury healer. Noting the positive impact of the invention, Kuznetsov began to treat other people.
It should be noted that official medicinethe new invention was not given any importance for a long time. The back applicator soon spread throughout the world. In the Soviet Union, he was in great demand. The device had a positive effect in the treatment of osteochondrosis, overwork and severe diseases of the skeletal system. Kuznetsov's applicator is constantly being modified.
What is the applicator based on?
A needle applicator for the back helps to fight pain in the thoracic and cervical spine, as well as heal the lumbar region and joints. It also makes it possible to cope with the strongest migraine.
The main component of any device of this type is needles. They do not spoil the skin and do not injure it. Therefore, this method of treatment does not carry the risk of blood infection.
Needles cause the body to react by acting on its reflex areas. Impulses are transmitted to the spinal cord and to internal organs and tissues. The absence of pain is caused by increased production of endorphins by the pituitary gland. Therefore, tactile sensitivity is reduced.
Kuznetsov's applicator for back pain promotes vasodilation, which improves blood circulation and speeds up metabolic processes in the body. In parallel with this, protective mechanisms are activated, biologically active substances begin to be released, including opioids, which have an analgesic effect.
The scheme of the applicator's impact is based on the fact that it promotes the excitation of a new pain focus in the brain. It acts as a competitor to the existingfocus, provoked by the disease of any internal organ. As a result, the pain gradually decreases.

What Kuznetsov's applicator looks like today
The structure of a device such as a back applicator is not complicated. It is based on an ordinary rug made of oilcloth or fabric, on which there are square or round plates. The plates are blunt spikes made of plastic, metal or polystyrene.
The distance between the spikes is usually called a step. The mats on the market come in two sizes: 5 mm pitch (soft action) and 7.6 mm pitch (hard action). The wider the step, the greater the level of pressure on the skin. The rug is a classic modification of the applicator.
There are other models of the Kuznetsov applicator:
- Massager. It is presented in the form of a roller with or without a handle. The size of the roller and the size of the needles are selected individually. It treats muscle pain and breaks down s alts. If you roll the roller with your feet on the floor, then not only spurs will disappear, but also muscle fatigue.
- Disc. There are also plastic needles on its surface, and a belt is located below. The device is worn on the arm. This is an applicator for back massage and other problem areas.
- Belt. The device is quite wide. The inside is lined with polystyrene spikes.
- Insoles. They are designed to massage the feet.
Color difference of Kuznetsov's applicators
Kuznetsov's applicators also differ in color:
- Green device for people with sensitive skin and low pain threshold.
- The blue applicator is designed for patients with a normal pain threshold.
- Adaptation of yellow color has the maximum effect on people with an increased pain threshold. The spikes are equipped with additional magnet inserts that contribute to the formation of a magnetic field.
- Orange applicators are for all patients. It is often used by yogis as the first step in the transition to nails and glass shards.
How is Kuznetsov's rug used for osteochondrosis?
The Kuznetsov applicator for the back is fixed on the back or neck. To enhance the impact, the patient lies on his back. The protruding corners put pressure on the skin of the back or neck. Massage combined with exposure to acupuncture points.
Which processes are activated?
When using the applicator, the following effects are achieved:
- blood circulation improves;
- optimized metabolic processes;
- toxins are removed;
- reduces muscle tension.
Which areas can be targeted for treatment?
The impact of the applicator is directed to the reflex zones. These are places on the surface of the body that are removed from the diseased organ, but are connected with it through nerve endings. Massage of these zones contributes to a significant increase in the effect in the healing of the affected organ.
Reflex zones are localized on the feet and palms of a person. Therefore, in the treatmentosteochondrosis, in addition to acupressure of the back area, they resort to massaging these areas using rugs and rollers.
Lyapko applicator
Nikolay Grigoryevich Lyapko is a Ukrainian reflexologist. He managed to improve Kuznetsov's invention and create a completely new device based on Kuznetsov's applicator. The invention also gained wide popularity. The modernized Lyapko applicator helps with diseases of the spine and other problems of the musculoskeletal system.
The back treatment applicator does not hurt the skin. It is based on medical rubber, covered with rows of needles made from metal. The fixation of the needles is made by restrictive edges located along the perimeter of the product.

In addition to acupressure and reflex action, the Lyapko applicator allows you to achieve a galvanic effect. How is electroplating achieved?
There is a needle in each protruding bump. The metal from which the needles are made is capable of creating galvanic couples. In the area of contact of the needles with the skin, a current is generated. Thus, massage and acupuncture are complemented by physiotherapy.
The metal from which the needles are made can be different. It can be copper, zinc, nickel, iron. Needles come with a silver-plated or gold-plated tip. The presence of precious metals determines the high cost of rugs.
The high price of Lyapko's back applicator pays off in full with a positive therapeutic effect and a decrease in the use of drugs.
Modifications of the Lyapko applicator
Lyapko's applicator is presented in different modifications. It can be in the form of a rug, roller, belt, pad or ball. All attachments have a needle surface.
What options are applicable for osteochondrosis?
The following devices are used in the treatment of osteochondrosis:
- Mat-applicator for the back. The patient lies on his back or massages his feet.
- Belt. It is worn under clothes.
- Roller. Used for massage.
- A flat rug called "chamomile". It is fixed in the bend of the neck, on the lower back, shoulder or knee.
Effect of the Lyapko applicator in osteochondrosis
Lyapko's back applicator is capable of:
- stop back pain;
- relieve muscle spasm;
- improve blood circulation;
- restore cartilage tissue;
- reduce medication;
- stimulate the reserve forces of the body.

Lyapko massager in the form of a ball
In a series of devices created by Lyapko, there is a ball on which needles are also located. Games with such a ball help to stimulate the development of infants and young children. For children in school, the device helps in the development of brain activity and provides relaxation during the night's rest.
Elderly people are advised to hold it in their hands or roll it on the floor with their feet in a sitting position. At the same time, the reflex areas are massaged, the nervous system is relaxed,improved sleep quality.

By what criteria should Lyapko's applicator be distinguished?
The Lyapko applicator is represented by a diverse range of products that have different characteristics:
- Distance between needles for people with high pain threshold, sensitive skin. For children, models with a small distance between the needles are preferred. Patients over 40 are advised to use larger pitch devices.
- In size and shape, they can be large, small, round, fit in the palm of your hand, long. They may have the form of a rug, belt, roller or insoles. This variety is suitable for any physique. If the classic Lyapko applicator in the form of a rug is suitable for the treatment of osteochondrosis, then other forms are suitable for eliminating other diseases.
Which do you prefer?
The device invented by Lyapko has a pronounced therapeutic effect. What provides an advantage over Kuznetsov's invention?
Kuznetsov's back applicator optimizes blood circulation. The Lyapko method, in addition to improving blood flow, provides additional effects. Needle plates, as already mentioned, are able to provide the generation of galvanic current and supply the necessary metal elements to the skin. Such treatment helps to reduce spasms in the muscles, eliminate the inflammatory process, and accelerate the recovery of the body.

For what diseases is indicatedapplicator application?
The applicator is used for the following diseases:
- pain in the knees, muscles, joints;
- migraine;
- arthritis;
- insomnia;
- pinched nerve;
- cramps;
- sciatica;
- cellulite skin lesions;
- osteochondrosis;
- joint fractures;
- curvature of the spine;
- bedwetting;
- neuralgia;
- hemorrhoids;
- low or high blood pressure;
- bronchial asthma of an allergic nature;
- pneumonia;
- inflammation of the respiratory tract;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- diabetes.
Available contraindications
The applicator is not used in the following pathological conditions:
- acute infectious disease;
- blood diseases;
- asthenic condition;
- violation of the epithelium;
- frostbite;
- presence of blood clots;
- fever;
- presence of papillomas and warts;
- epilepsy;
- cardiac ischemia;
- skin diseases;
- low blood prothrombin;
- drug and alcohol addiction.
Kuznetsov's classic applicator model inspires many to use it. The product has been widely used by specialists practicing traditional and oriental medicine.
According to many doctors, the applicator for back pain makes it possible to improve the general well-being of the patient, increase his levelperformance. The invention also showed excellent results in the correction of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (fatigue, migraine, dizziness, pressure drops)

A positive effect can be achieved with the complex therapy of cellulite. The high level of therapeutic and prophylactic efficacy allows us to advise the use of the applicator to a wide range of people.
According to patients, the Lyapko applicator helps to get rid of fatigue in the legs. It is great for massages. Also, the device can eliminate pain in the joints, improve immunity. The Lyapko applicator has an anti-cellulite effect, helps with disorders in the gastrointestinal tract (eliminates constipation and colic).