Aloe, honey and Cahors are three ingredients that are often used in traditional medicine. Imagine what would happen if you put them together! And there is such a recipe. A tincture of aloe, honey and Cahors can work wonders. It has been known for a long time, with its help various ailments are treated.

Why does the tincture help?
Understand the popularity of this remedy is not difficult. It is enough to consider each of the components and study their properties.
- Honey is a powerful immune stimulant. It easily kills pathogens. At the same time, having a rich composition, honey saturates the body with the minerals and vitamins that make up the medicine.
- Aloe also improves immunity, being an excellent means of preventing infectious and cold diseases.
- Cahors is able to relieve tension, helps to relax and accelerates the action of the above medicinal products.
There is no doubt about the quality of home-made aloe or bought at a pharmacy. To check honey and not make a mistake in choosing, there is a whole arsenal of tests,some sell right at the time of purchase. But finding a real Cahors in a store is problematic. But you can cook it yourself. To do this, buy a bottle of dry wine, add 50 milliliters of pharmacy alcohol to it, and then 150 grams of honey. Such a Cahors is suitable for our purposes. So, how is a real tincture of aloe, honey and Cahors made? The recipe for the preparation of the remedy depends on the ailment for the treatment of which it is intended. Consider the most common of them below.

Tincture of aloe and other components will significantly improve well-being in the following diseases:
- Cold.
- Lung diseases.
- Weak immunity.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Other diseases.
Aloe, honey and Cahors tincture: contraindications
As with any potent remedy, it should be treated with caution and take into account possible contraindications. Despite the healing effect, components such as cahors and aloe may be contraindicated for certain categories of citizens. Therefore, the tincture of aloe itself will not be useful. It is not recommended in the following cases:
- Pregnancy.
- Lactation period.
- Alcoholism.
- Allergy.
- Tumours.
- High blood pressure.
- Severe form of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Bleeding and poor blood clotting.
- Pathologies of the liver and kidneys.
- Exacerbationhemorrhoids.
Making sure that you have no contraindications, you can safely prepare and use this miracle cure.

Recovery of strength
Let's first prepare a remedy to improve immunity. For this you will need:
- 100-150g juice;
- 250g honey;
- 350 g Cahors.
The ingredients are mixed, pour the mixture into a glass container, and then put in the refrigerator. For a week and a half, it should stand at a temperature of eight degrees. After this time, the drug can be taken. It will have a more pronounced effect if you use homemade aloe, which is at least five years old. At the same time, before cutting the leaves, the plant is not watered for at least a week. The raw materials are wrapped in foil and placed in a cool place for another week, after which they are used.
The drug is drunk three times a day for a tablespoon. Feeling better after two weeks.

Gastrointestinal diseases
A tincture of aloe, honey and cahors for the stomach is prepared a little differently. A feature of the technology for preparing medicines for these purposes is that the crushed leaves of the plant are first infused with honey. Prepare 500 grams of aloe and pour a glass of honey. The mixture is kept in a glass container for three days in a dark place. Then 500 milliliters of Cahors are added there and kept for another three days.
Medication takingcarried out three times a day before meals for a month and a half.
Tuberculosis treatment
And here is a recipe for a remedy that will alleviate the condition of this disease. Cut the leaves (150 grams of raw materials) and immediately squeeze the juice. To do this, they are crushed and squeezed with gauze or first passed through a meat grinder. The juice is diluted in 350 grams of Cahors. Add 2 tbsp to the mixture. l. honey. The contents are mixed and placed in a glass container, kept in a dark place for a week. After seven days, a tincture of aloe, honey and Cahors is considered ready. How to take the remedy? Just like in the previous recipes, three times a day, a tablespoon before meals.

Treatment of lung diseases
For the preparation of this potion, an adult plant is used, which is at least three years old. Its leaves are cut, washed, crushed and poured into a glass container. Then a similar amount of honey is poured into it, two parts of wine and everything is stirred. The mixture is placed in a dark place and kept for nine days. After this time, the contents are filtered, squeezed and reception begins. The medicine is drunk three times a day, half an hour before meals, a tablespoon, but only for the first few days. Then it is taken at the same time, but in a teaspoonful. The course is one month.
You can use another recipe. Take 350 grams of crushed fresh leaves and mix with 250 grams of honey in a glass container. 100 milliliters of alcohol, three glasses of Cahors are added to the mixture and placed in a dark place onday. Next, use 2 tbsp. l. a quarter of an hour before meals and stored in the refrigerator.
Joint treatment
Aloe is known to have beneficial effects on joints. There are also recipes for medicine from Cahors. And there is no doubt about the healing properties of honey at all. Why not combine useful components? A tincture of aloe, honey and cahors for joints can also be useful. Means lubricate problem areas. But, in addition to external use, it would be nice to take the tincture inside. It does not require a special recipe for preparation. Thus, the joints are also lubricated with the drug, and at the same time another ailment is treated by drinking the medicine before eating.

Aloe tincture: other options
There are many recipes with each of these components used for different medicinal purposes. We have already told how aloe tincture works, what diseases it treats and how it is taken. Let's add some more useful information.
Tincture can, for example, cleanse the body. For this they prepare:
- 100g butter;
- 200g plant leaves;
- 200 g honey.
The leaves are crushed, thrown into 500 milliliters of water and boiled for a quarter of an hour. Then the solution is cooled, honey and oil are added to it, thoroughly mixed and sent for storage in the refrigerator. The remedy is taken half an hour before meals for two weeks. The recipe for vodka tincture is popular among the people. To prepare the medicine you need:
- half a liter of vodka (or alcohol);
- 1 kilogram of leaves;
- 1 glass of sugar.
The leaves are wrapped in foil and placed in the refrigerator for two weeks. Then they are crushed, half a glass of sugar is mixed with them, the rest is sprinkled on top and kept in the refrigerator for three days. After this time, the released juice is poured into another container and poured with vodka. The finished product will help with bronchitis, sinusitis, hypertension, pneumonia. It is taken in a tablespoon one hour before meals.
Recipes with Cahors
Many medicinal drinks are prepared on the basis of this wine. For example, in case of joint disease, two pods of red pepper are added to one bottle. After waiting a week, problem areas are rubbed with a ready-made product.
After adding one hundred grams of sage to the bottle, the container is removed in a cool dark place. In two weeks, a drug will be ready to help with anemia.
To treat blood vessels, cahors is mixed in equal proportions with olive oil and left for a week. According to the last two prescriptions, the remedy is taken in 2 tbsp. l. before meals.

The healing power of honey
Probably everyone knows about the miraculous power of honey. Do not list the diseases in which he is able to help. Honey has a calming effect, gently promotes recovery. It is taken as an antibacterial and antiviral agent, a sedative at bedtime, to increase vitality, in the treatment of coughs, anemia, and so on.
An excellent tonic is honey water, a glass of which is drunk on an empty stomach. cookits very simple. A spoonful of honey is dissolved in a glass of water at room temperature.
Thus, having prepared a tincture from such useful ingredients, at home they get the most valuable remedy. Of course, it is not universal. But, having prepared a drug for a specific purpose and regularly taking it at a certain time and period, you can be sure of improving your well-being - both your own and those close to you.