Balynin's balm: recipe, preparation rules, ingredients, application features, treatment and reviews of doctors and patients

Balynin's balm: recipe, preparation rules, ingredients, application features, treatment and reviews of doctors and patients
Balynin's balm: recipe, preparation rules, ingredients, application features, treatment and reviews of doctors and patients

This wonderful, healing balm is used to treat festering wounds, boils, panaritiums, carbuncles and other similar diseases. For the first time, the recipe for the Balynins' balm was published in a newspaper in 1999. Since then, thousands of people have used it. This remedy speaks well of both doctors and patients using a unique drug.

Origin story

The authors of the recipe are two sisters: Nadezhda and Margarita Balynin. They live in the city of Pavlovsky Posad. In the late nineties, women sent a letter to the newspaper ZOZH (He althy Lifestyle) describing a family drug, the recipe of which has been passed down in the family from generation to generation. According to the Balynin sisters, the recipe for the balm was kept secret for a long time, until Nadezhda and Margarita decided to make it public and make the preparation of the balm accessible to everyone.

Composition of the product

Balm use
Balm use

This balm contains the following ingredients:

  • wood oil firs;
  • unrefined olive oil;
  • beeswax;
  • sugar.

If it is difficult to find unrefined olive oil, then you can use the usual one. Oil is also called garni or lamp oil. Wax must be clean, free of impurities. The simple and unpretentious composition of the Balynins' balm can work real miracles.

Wooden Oil of Firs

Myrrh tree
Myrrh tree

It is an olive oil unfit for human consumption. It is made from waste generated after the production of oil intended for food. In addition to it, the composition of the oil contains other components designed to improve and flavor the composition:

  • incense reed;
  • laurel bush bark;
  • juice from the mira tree;
  • cinnamon tree branches.

That's why lamp oil gives off such a pleasant aroma. To avoid fakes, wood oil should only be purchased at the temple.

Benefits of olive oil

Olive oil
Olive oil

Oil was extracted from the olive tree as early as 7500 BC. The chemical composition of this product is extremely rich. It contains vitamins E and A, polyphenols, chlorophylls, carotenoids and polyunsaturated acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. It has the following useful properties:

  1. Regulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, cleans the rectum from feces and heals the gastric mucosa.
  2. Thanks to polyunsaturated acids, the risk of blood clots in the vessels is significantly reduced.
  3. Antioxidant vitamins A and E fightagainst the appearance of tumor diseases.
  4. Regular use of oil improves the condition of hair, nails, cartilage and bone mass.

On the basis of olive oil, many traditional medicines are prepared, designed to cleanse the body and improve the functioning of all internal organs.

Benefits of beeswax


This product is produced by bees and is used to form nectar containers. It contains the same vitamins and minerals as honey. It is extremely rich in fatty acids, hydrocarbons, alcohols and carotenes. It is used to treat cervical erosion, ovarian inflammation, hemorrhoids, and also to restore dry facial skin. It is used to treat bronchitis, otitis media, pleurisy and tuberculosis. Excellent natural face creams and rectal suppositories are made from beeswax. It has practically no contraindications for use, with the exception of individual intolerance to bee products.

How to make Balynin balm

The recipe for making a healing potion is extremely simple. For 100 ml of church oil, you will need 40 g of beeswax and an incomplete spoonful of sugar or powdered sugar. The components are heated over low heat. In a warm form, the composition is poured into a pre-prepared container and used for its intended purpose. You can not use a melted church candle. It contains paraffin and many unnecessary, harmful components.

It is not necessary to use a refrigerator to store the ointment. Even at room temperature and brightlighting, this tool does not lose its healing properties. This unique ointment is able to treat many diseases, but its main purpose is the healing of purulent wounds. The use of the Balynins' balm is extremely wide.

Joint treatment

Joint treatment
Joint treatment

Balm has high penetrating properties. Compresses are prepared from it, which are applied to a sore knee with arthrosis. To do this, a small amount of the product is applied to cleansed skin, previously washed with warm water. Thus, the pores on the skin open, and the drug is easily absorbed deep into the epidermis. The balm is applied in a thick layer on the sore spot, and covered with a plastic bag on top. The compress is recommended to be insulated with a woolen scarf or scarf. The course of treatment is one week, subject to the daily use of the Balyn sisters' balm.

Treatment of burns and peeling of the skin

The fatty composition of this product, with a huge content of vitamin A and E, is the best effect on dry skin, covered with cracks and peeling. The balm can be safely applied to the skin of the face and body, provided there is no allergy to bee products. It absorbs well and moisturizes. A thin oily film remains on the face, which still acts for quite a long time, protecting against moisture loss.

For burns, the balm can be safely used over a wound or blister. If desired, the damaged area is covered with adhesive tape.

Rhinitis and sore throat

A compress is prepared from this remedy, which is applied to the patientthroat. To do this, a small amount of balm is applied to the neck, paying attention to places with puffiness and swelling. After that, a torn disposable plastic bag is applied and insulated with a scarf. Thus, due to the warming effect, the balm will act much more intensively. If the product is applied at night, then the next morning the sore throat disappears, the temperature decreases and the swelling disappears.

To treat a runny nose, it is enough to apply a small amount of the product to the sinuses, and also lubricate the internal nasal passages with a balm. The gentle composition does not cause any discomfort, so it can be used to treat children.

Festering wounds

Wound treatment
Wound treatment

If your finger hurts, you can do the following procedure. Apply the agent to the sore spot with a rather thick layer, then wrap the finger with a piece of polyethylene, and tightly tie a bandage on top. The bandage is changed after five hours. In between using the product, the wound is washed with a strong infusion of chamomile and treated with iodine. This balm perfectly draws pus from the wound and promotes rapid healing of tissues. It can be used until the skin is completely restored.

The same is done for bruises, bruises and dislocations. The damaged area is lubricated with ointment from the Balynin sisters and with light, massage movements lightly rub the remedy for its better penetration. Often this composition is used for bone fractures and ligament damage.

It is desirable to process postoperative sutures only afterdoctor's recommendations. As a rule, they themselves advise using this remedy as a wound healing drug.

After the Balynins' balm recipe became available to everyone, there were many who wanted to change the composition of the product and supplement it with other, no less useful components. For example, high-quality, unrefined sunflower oil is sometimes used instead of olive oil. Judging by the reviews, the Balynin balm does not lose effectiveness. Its composition still remains curative.

When adding fresh juice of calendula flowers, the balm acquires pronounced wound healing properties. The resulting composition is used for burns and severe skin damage. Aloe juice added to the balm enhances the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of the ointment.

Lip Balm

Lip balm
Lip balm

The lip balm prepared according to the recipe of the Balynin sisters has gained particular popularity. The balm recipe is the same, but a small amount of sea buckthorn oil and liquid vitamin E are added to the finished composition. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, poured into a small jar and stored in the refrigerator. Thanks to the wax contained in the balm, a long-lasting protective effect against drying out of the lips is provided. It forms a kind of film that prevents moisture from evaporating, and also nourishes and protects against wind and frost.

User reviews

In their reviews of the Balynin's balm recipe, users often praise it and recommend it for use. Most often it is used to treat diseased vessels andwound healing. Women are very fond of making lip balm based on this remedy, and also use it to treat the common cold in their children.

Many people are attracted by the low cost of this product and its natural composition. To prepare the balm, you do not need to spend too much money, and the effect of its action is much superior to pharmacy ointments. Due to the huge spectrum of action, it can be used to treat the whole family. Small children smear the chest and back with bronchitis. Women use as a winter face mask to avoid chapping and flaking. If mint or tea tree essential oil is added to the composition, it can be used to treat sweaty feet caused by fungi. In short, on the basis of this tool, you can make a lot of drugs and use them for their intended purpose, depending on the disease.

The biggest problems arise with the preparation of the Balynins' balm. The recipe suggests the presence of oil, which is not so easy to get. Buying a real wooden fir in modern churches is extremely difficult. But those who have done a rather laborious job and prepared wooden oil on their own receive a real balm of the Balynin sisters.
