Alcoholism is not only a tragedy of the individual, it is a problem of the family and even society as a whole. Few people are able to get rid of this addiction on their own. Therefore, the help of specialists is often required. Doctors - narcologists, psychologists and psychotherapists - have been studying this insidious disease for years and are well aware of how difficult it is to return a person to a normal life. At the same time, of all the methods of treating alcoholism, hypnosis seems to be the most effective and efficient option. Let's take a closer look at what it is and how it works.

What is alcoholism
An ordinary person can drink alcohol on a holiday, and the next day continue a normal life. Even if he slightly “went through”, then the characteristic state that appears in the morning will be some kind of punishment for him, thanks to which he will not want to touch alcohol for a long time. It is quite different with alcoholics. After drinking a small amount of alcohol, they can no longer stop. They are not stopped by a hangover, which leads to a long binge.
Alcoholism is a mentaldisease, addiction and excessive consumption of alcohol. As a result, values and outlook on life are radically changing. A person understands everything, but the craving for alcohol is stronger than common sense. Therefore, relatives often see the last hope in the treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis.

Suggestive methods
This is not a new invention. Back in the 19th century, they began to be actively studied, and then put into practice. Bekhterev became the founder of this method. He proved in practice that hypnosis not only causes an aversion to alcohol, but also helps to cure a person for a long time. At the same time, most other methods only allowed to remove intoxication and get rid of a hangover. But the addict very soon returned to his former way of life.
But don't see hypnosis as a panacea. Often, psychotherapists practicing this method are faced with pleas for help from relatives and friends of the addict. At the same time, the person himself does not consider himself an alcoholic or does not see this as a problem. Treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis in this case will be as ineffective as all other methods. Healing is possible only from within, when a person has realized the problem and is looking for ways to solve it.
What is the treatment
This is a cross between classical psychotherapy and sleep. First of all, the patient, together with the doctor, must work out the problem, determine the tasks and outline ways to solve them. That is, from the threshold of a person it will not be possible to immerse in hypnosis and force him to give up alcohol.
Only afteryou can go directly to work. The patient is immersed in a trance state and certain attitudes are instilled in him. This method is widely used today among narcologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists.
Main benefits
For exhausted relatives, the effectiveness of this method is the main advantage. Treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis has a number of benefits, each of which is another reason to try this method:
- Hypnosis has no toxic effects on the body.
- Getting rid of addiction happens for a long period, sometimes for life.
- In parallel, fear, depression and phobias are eliminated.
- At the same time, a person does not need to drink special drugs or perform complex actions. He needs to clearly set goals, and then an experienced specialist will fix them on a subconscious level in the form of settings.

Fairy tale or not
Today, you can find a huge number of ads in any newspaper offering the treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. Many people do not believe in the power of hypnosis and believe that its effect extends only to weak and easily suggestible people. In fact, almost everyone is hypnotizable. There are exceptions, but the percentage of such people is low. Or he must have the strongest healing resistance.
Remember how television advertising works. In the 90s, we all listened every day many times a day to how well the clothes were washedAriel, you only need to clean the bath with Comet, and the most delicious bar is Snickers. Is it any wonder that years later, we continue to choose these products on the shelves. So the settings are working.
A competent hypnotherapist will help get rid of addiction without harm to he alth. But at home, the effectiveness of the method is greatly reduced, so it is recommended to place the patient in a hospital. After a couple of sessions, he develops an aversion to alcohol. But more subtle work is being done. With the help of special techniques, a specialist looks for the cause of alcohol addiction and eradicates it in the subconscious of a person. The success of this method is confirmed by numerous reviews. Treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis should be carried out in a special isolated room.

Coding for alcoholism
There are different ways and types of encodings that work with dependencies:
- Ericksonian hypnosis. This is a classic method that has been used with great success for many years. At the same time, the doctor inspires him with certain attitudes about aversion to alcohol. After leaving the trance state, the person begins to behave as the doctor told him. It turns out that a person completely changes the internal settings, which are indicators and selection criteria. Now he will look not for alcohol and a company to drink it, but for meetings with intelligent people.
- Classic hypnosis. The treatment process includes three stages. This is preparation, sessionhypnosis and maintenance effect. Effectiveness depends on the suggestibility of the patient, as well as on how much he trusts his therapist. Therefore, preparatory work, establishing close contact is very important before the session. If a person has been on a long binge, then a medical cleansing of the body is required.
- NLP is the most gentle method of hypnotic influence. Moreover, the therapist will not give rigid guidelines that regulate the complete intolerance to alcohol, intolerance to taste and smell. In this case, the work goes with those problems and "gaps" in the soul that a person is trying to "patch" with the help of alcohol. That is, the ability to enjoy life and experience joy without alcohol is restored.
Any of these methods can be very effective, this is confirmed by numerous reviews. Treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis gives good results that last for a long time.

Where to be treated
Of course, the capital has the most offers. There are quite a few clinics open here, each of which offers outpatient or inpatient treatment for alcoholism. In Moscow, one of the leading clinics is the Korsakov Medical Center. He specializes in providing psychiatric and drug treatment. The complex application of biological treatment and social rehabilitation of patients is practiced. An individual treatment plan is developed for each patient.
Complex treatment of alcoholism applies here:
- Under conditionshospital, a person is taken out of the withdrawal syndrome.
- All manipulations must be done while sober.
- Patient consent required.
Here, work with alcoholism is carried out according to the Dovzhenko method. In the process of suggestion, the doctor adjusts the person to a sober life. The emphasis is not on causing disgust from alcohol, but on the formation of the attitude that a person does not need alcohol. Hypnosis is performed only with the desire and consent of the patient. There are also alternative methods: translocation, electropsychotherapy, infusion therapy. The cost of treating alcoholism in a hospital is 6,000 rubles per day.

Doctor Sun Clinic
The treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis in St. Petersburg is also practiced with great success. Since 2004, the Doctor Sun clinic has been helping people who suffer from alcoholism, as well as their relatives. All doctors of the clinic have extensive experience and, in addition to practice, conduct scientific activities, publish their work and research. The leading hypnotherapist of the clinic has over 18 years of practical experience working with addicted people. On any day you can make an appointment with any of the doctors to individually find a solution to your problem. The cost of the consultation is 2000 rubles.
Hypnotherapy in Krasnodar
Treatment of alcoholism by hypnosis today is practiced in almost every major city. This allows you to solve the problem quite quickly. At the same time, a person has a real chance to fully return tonormal life and sobriety. This happens due to a complete restructuring of consciousness. This is exactly what the Grail clinic specialists do.
The work uses therapeutic hypnosis. During the session, a person is introduced into a state of trance and an impact is made with the person's subconscious. He is instilled with hatred for alcohol and his rejection, work is being done with his internal complexes and addictions. The session takes place in three stages. This is an introduction to trance, programming and withdrawal from hypnotic sleep.
Judging by the reviews, a positive effect is observed after the first session, but in order for a person to return to sobriety, at least 15 sessions must be carried out. Of course, the cost of treatment is quite high, but this is the price of a saved life.

Top Addiction Treatment Clinics
For residents of the capital, it is usually not a big problem to find qualified doctors, there are a lot of offers on the market. But clinics that use effective, suggestive techniques are quite enough today.
- In Yekaterinburg, the treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis is practiced at the Neromed clinic. A unique technique has been developed here that allows you to influence the consciousness and subconscious, as well as cognitive structures. The use of different techniques provides a guaranteed result, no matter how long a person consumes alcohol. Doctors during a conversation with relatives always explain that it is not always possible to restore an organism destroyed by alcohol, therefore, with strong and prolongedbinges, the harm done to he alth will still affect later life.
- In Ufa, the treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis is practiced by the Neonarcology Center. Distinctive features is the ability to call a doctor at home. This is very important in the event that a person cannot get out of the binge. The necessary medical treatment helps to remove intoxication, which allows the patient to come to the clinic for further treatment.
- Last for today we will consider the Center for Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis in Voronezh. Treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis has been practiced here for more than 10 years. During this time, the doctors of the clinic have returned hundreds of patients to normal life.
Instead of a conclusion
Alcoholism treatment starts with your decision. If you understand that you are destroying your life and want to change everything, then the help of doctors from now on will be effective. Hypnotherapy is a great tool that allows you to write new values and priorities into your subconscious mind. From now on, there will be no place for alcohol in your life.