Aloe is called the home doctor for a reason. A lot of medicines are prepared from this amazing plant, which are used to treat many diseases. It is difficult to find a home flower that could compete with aloe in its beneficial properties. One popular form of homemade medicine is aloe vodka tincture.
Chemical composition

Aloe arborescens and aloe vera are most commonly grown at home. The latter type has the most useful properties and is actively used in cosmetology. It contains organic acids, essential oils and phenols. Among the vitamins, vitamin E and C stand out. Thanks to ascorbic acid, aloe quickly and effectively treats any cold.
Having studied the chemical composition of this plant, scientists were amazed at the presence of unique amino acids and enzymes that are extremely important for humans. They were presented in a fairly large number and, on the whole, represented a unique biochemical complex. Also important is the presence ofthis plant hormones auxins and gibberellins. It is they who own the wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties of this flower.
Among the trace elements were found manganese, potassium, chromium, selenium and calcium. Anthraquinones, which are part of aloe, have laxative properties, thanks to which aloe perfectly cleanses the intestines and activates gastric motility.

The juice of this plant has a high biological activity. Due to its unique composition, aloe is able to save a person from the following diseases:
- Inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Known recipes for ridding patients of stomach ulcers with the help of this plant.
- Thanks to the antimicrobial and antiviral properties of aloe juice, you can quickly and effectively cure conjunctivitis or herpes.
- It is indispensable for pulmonary diseases and is part of many folk remedies for the treatment of tuberculosis and bronchitis.
- Aloe juice slows down the aging process and helps a woman survive menopause.
- It is used to treat skin diseases and burns.
- This plant is indispensable for lesions of the oral mucosa and sore throat.
- Due to the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels, aloe significantly improves the condition of the cardiovascular system and prevents the formation of atherosclerosis.
- The juice of the plant is moistened with a tampon and inserted into the anus from hemorrhoids. And also with a hand-made tampon soaked in aloe, they treat cervical erosion.
- Whenin the treatment of difficult-to-heal, purulent wounds, it is advisable to use a compress from aloe tincture with alcohol. It can be used instead of antiseptic and wound healing cream.
- It helps to recover from surgery or a long illness. Aloe juice gives strength and improves appetite.
The pharmaceutical industry uses this plant to make medicines for radiation sickness.
Side effects
Succulents have some properties that can adversely affect the human body. For example, diabetic patients should take into account the fact that aloe significantly reduces blood sugar levels. Thus, using insulin, you can get hypoglycemia. Due to the high potency of this remedy, it is highly discouraged for use during pregnancy.
Too much aloe taken internally causes diarrhea and painful stomach cramps. Using a folk remedy prepared with aloe leaves, you should be careful when using medications. It affects the functioning of the kidneys in the same way as drugs. If the patient has any problems with this organ, then before proceeding with complex treatment, it is worth consulting with a doctor.
Aloe in folk medicine

Many different compounds are prepared from this plant. Even an absolutely he althy person is recommended to use drugs that contain aloe. For example, to strengthen immunity and maintain he alth during an epidemicflu, you can prepare a remedy based on nuts, linden honey and lemon. To do this, a lemon with nuts and aloe is twisted through a meat grinder, and liquid honey is added to the resulting composition. After the product is thoroughly mixed, it is sent to the refrigerator and used daily, one tablespoon per day. To enhance the effect, the medicine is washed down with green tea or herbal decoction.
Masks for hair and skin based on the agave have proven to be excellent. They have a pronounced anti-aging effect, and also perfectly moisturize the skin and saturate it with moisture for quite a long time. A small amount of aloe juice is recommended to be added to the face cream. Thus, the cosmetic product acquires additional capabilities and becomes more effective.
Aloe is practically not used to make decoctions, but it makes excellent alcohol tinctures. The use of aloe on vodka is quite wide.
Tincture with honey and vodka

This compound is used to treat lungs and sore throats. Sometimes it is used to restore immunity after a long illness. For people with chronic pharyngitis and laryngitis, this remedy helps strengthen the vocal cords.
How to make aloe tincture? To prepare it, you will need the following products:
- Quality vodka or rubbing alcohol diluted 1:1.
- Natural honey (preferably lime or mustard).
- Pre-prepared large aloe leaf.
Vodkayou will need 500 ml, and it is enough to take 200 g of honey. The sheets are cut 2 days before cooking, wrapped in a damp cloth and left to dry in a dark, cool place.
The remedy is prepared as follows: finely chopped leaves are mixed with honey and put in a cold place for three days. After that, the composition is filtered through cheesecloth and all the juice is carefully squeezed out of the leaves. The result is a syrup that is mixed with alcohol, poured into a glass container and put in the refrigerator for long-term storage.
The healing properties of aloe vodka tincture are difficult to overestimate. The composition is taken daily, one tablespoon before meals. After the tincture is over, you should take a short break and continue the treatment again.
Some people prefer not to juice the plant. The leaves are simply twisted in a blender and left in an alcohol tincture. It should be borne in mind that such a composition can be used with an absolutely he althy stomach, otherwise the remedy may cause diarrhea or heartburn.
Aloe with red wine

This product also contains honey, but red wine is added instead of vodka. In terms of its medicinal properties, it is practically not inferior to tincture of aloe, honey and vodka. This is a rather old medicine that has long been used to maintain strength during illness, blood loss and a weakened immune system. It can be used for the following conditions:
- Malignant tumors.
- For all lung diseases: pneumonia, bronchitis,tuberculosis, pleurisy and so on.
- Thanks to Cahors, blood composition improves and anemia disappears. It helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Scientists have proven that red wine significantly improves the condition of the heart and fights the appearance of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
- Tincture heals the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and restores their performance. With the help of honey and aloe, inflammation of the gastric mucosa and pancreas is eliminated.
- With its powerful anti-inflammatory effect, this compound is able to cure gynecological diseases, cystitis and inflammation of the kidneys.
The remedy is prepared as follows: two large leaves of aloe are crushed in a blender, add 1 cup of liquid linden honey and mix thoroughly. The mixture is placed in a pre-prepared dark glass container and Cahors is poured. The medicine should be infused for seven days in a cool place. As a rule, it is not filtered, but if desired, it can be passed through a double gauze. Use the remedy 3 times a day, gradually increasing the rate to six tablespoons per day. Take medicine only before meals.
Benefits of Cahors
This wine has always been used as a medicine to strengthen the immune system and destroy E. coli. Due to its special composition, Cahors has the ability to remove heavy metals and radionuclides from the body. A popular French weight loss diet involves drinking several glasses of Cahors daily and eating fresh fruit.
This drinkfavorably affects the metabolism and acts as a mild laxative. It is drunk to prevent the formation of kidney stones and cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
Medication for joints

Arthritis, arthrosis and rheumatism are extremely unpleasant diseases that constantly require increased attention. Sick joints have to be supported not only with the help of medicines, but also with healing, pain-relieving compresses.
For arthritis, a remedy is prepared based on one glass of diluted alcohol or vodka, a large leaf of aloe, grated through a meat grinder, and 100 g of honey. Aloe vodka tincture for joints is prepared as follows: all ingredients are mixed very carefully and stored in a refrigerator in a glass container. Tincture is consumed orally for one month in the amount of one tablespoon. Doctors recommend doing this in the morning on an empty stomach. As well as tincture daily rub the joints.
To make a compress, a small part of the product is wrapped in gauze and applied to the sore spot. Experts recommend keeping it for about 2-3 hours.
Not everyone knows how to use aloe tincture on vodka, but if you add mint essential oil to the composition, the product will acquire a cooling and analgesic effect and, thus, can replace any pharmacy gel.
Ammonia tincture
For diseased joints, you can prepare a tincture of aloe on vodka, in which ammonia will be used instead of honey. Forthis take two thick leaves of aloe, 100 ml of vodka and a few drops of ammonia. The agave is twisted in a meat grinder and poured with alcohol or vodka. After that, a few drops of ammonia are added to the composition. The tincture is shaken, after 6 hours it can be used for rubbing the diseased joint.
From insect bites

In order to reduce the pain from a bite and remove swelling, make a tincture of aloe on vodka. The components are taken in a ratio of 1:2. That is, for one part of the crushed leaf, two parts of vodka will be needed. The resulting composition can be used after 3-4 hours. They wipe the bites or make compresses.
Due to the fact that the agave has a high bioactivity, it is able to penetrate into the deepest layer of the epidermis. That is why rubbing and compresses based on this plant are very effective and efficient.
Contraindications for use
Aloe medicine has a number of restrictions for use:
- Not recommended for low blood pressure.
- It is forbidden to use alcohol tinctures for the treatment of children or pregnant women.
- In acute thrombophlebitis, it is also not advisable to use this remedy.
Do not use vodka aloe tincture if the patient is allergic to honey, alcohol or aloe.