Devil's claw: description with photo, flowering period, useful properties, therapeutic effect, tips and rules for reproduction and care

Devil's claw: description with photo, flowering period, useful properties, therapeutic effect, tips and rules for reproduction and care
Devil's claw: description with photo, flowering period, useful properties, therapeutic effect, tips and rules for reproduction and care

Devil's Claw is a perennial herb that has been used in folk medicine for centuries. What are the benefits of medicinal herbs? What is the healing effect of the devil's claw? Is it possible to cultivate a plant in our climatic conditions? We will talk about this and more later in the article.

General information

devil's claw plant
devil's claw plant

Devil's claw is a plant also known as martinia fragrant. Perennial grass has hollow, spreading stems that can branch along the ground at a distance of up to one meter. The root of the devil's claw has a tuberous shape with large thickenings. Split foliage, strewn with teeth along the edge, is able to grow to a size of 20 cm or more. The surface of the plant is covered with an oily, sticky fluff.

Devil's claw begins to bloom with an abundance of moisture, in particular, duringrainy season. During this period, large purple flowers with five sepals form on the stems.

Particular attention is drawn to the fruit of the plant, which is a box with long, stiff shoots, bent inward at the edges. Such hooks really resemble claws, which actually explains the name of the weed.

Unripe fruits have a fleshy texture. Subsequently, they become ribbed and narrowed. After drying, the fruit of the plant breaks up into several parts, each of which bears a pair of curved hooks. The claws help disperse the seeds by catching on the fur of passing animals.

Growing conditions

devil's claw extract
devil's claw extract

Weed prefers to grow in open areas of soil, well lit by sunlight. The grass develops well on loosened, generously moistened soil. Notwithstanding the above, regular watering of the devil's claw is not necessary. For active growth, it is enough to moisten the soil with a moderate amount of water about 2 times a week. After the formation of the first seed pods, watering should be stopped.

If we talk about plant care, it all comes down to the timely weeding of the surrounding grass. In order for the stems to grow faster and flowers to appear, it is advisable to periodically loosen the soil. Martinia is an annual plant. Accordingly, we are not talking about wintering here. With the onset of the next season, the plant is re-cultivated from seeds.

In South American countries thatare the birthplace of martinia, flowers are formed in mid-summer and fade in late autumn. When grown in domestic latitudes, flowering can be observed later, for example, if a rather low air temperature is observed. Without generous heating by the sun, the stems reach a length of about 50-60 centimeters. In such conditions, the fruits often do not ripen. Therefore, one of the most important prerequisites for successful cultivation of the plant is the presence of sunny weather throughout the season.

About planting a plant from seeds

Devil's claw is grown using seeds. The latter are laid in the ground in the spring, when there are no more night frosts, and good weather is observed throughout the day.

Before planting in the soil, the seeds are pre-soaked with warm water for a period of about 8-10 hours. They are placed superficially in the ground. The first shoots are observed after a few weeks. Only the strongest shoots are guaranteed to take root. Therefore, thin and weak shoots are recommended to be removed in advance.

Procurement of raw materials

devil's claw for joints
devil's claw for joints

For the purpose of the subsequent production of medicinal extracts, the roots and seed pods of the plant are used. The latter are collected during the flowering of grass. Raw materials are laid on a plane under direct sunlight. Dry the product for several days.

The harvested plant is ground to a powder. Dry extract of the devil's claw is placed in linen bags or paper bags, after which it is stored in a protected from

Healing properties

devil's claw application
devil's claw application

Martinia has the following medicinal properties:

  1. Has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. Devil's claw finds its use in the manufacture of means for removing puffiness, removing excess cholesterol from the bloodstream.
  2. Antimicrobial action - plant extracts help eliminate gastric disorders, activate the production of bile. The active substances in the composition of the medicinal herb protect the digestive tract from the development of infections.
  3. Diuretic and antipyretic properties - the plant has long been used by folk healers to eliminate kidney diseases, relieve high body temperature, reduce headaches.
  4. Wound healing qualities - the herb can be used to quickly heal wounds, sores, and treat burn injuries.
  5. Useful devil's claw for joints. Plant-based medicines have the potential to increase body mobility by reducing inflammation. The herb is often used when it is necessary to rehabilitate after sports injuries, in particular, to eliminate strong, protracted pain syndromes.


devil's claw ointment
devil's claw ointment

Uncontrolled, inappropriate use of plant-based traditional medicine can cause exorbitant harm to the body. After all, an abundance of alkaloids is concentrated in the structure of the herb. Devil's claw extract should be taken with caution by personswho suffer from ulcerative formations in the stomach and intestines. It is forbidden to use the remedy for gastralgia, a tendency to develop heartburn.

The plant contains substances that have a stimulating effect on the contraction of the female reproductive organs, in particular the uterus. Therefore, taking herbal medicines during the period of bearing a child can provoke a miscarriage. Breastfeeding is also a contraindication.

Healing remedies - recipes

dry extract of devil's claw
dry extract of devil's claw

Based on the plant, you can prepare a decoction that will eliminate the symptoms of radiculitis and rheumatism, relieve discomfort in the joints. In order to create a medicine, they take no more than a dessert spoon of a grated grass root. Raw materials are poured with a glass of boiled water. The container is covered and the product is allowed to brew well for 5-6 hours. Then the liquid is carefully filtered through a fine sieve or gauze folded in several layers. For rheumatic pains, the medicine is taken in a glass 3 times a day.

Prevent the destruction of cartilage tissue makes it possible to use an alcohol infusion of the devil's root. The crushed root of the grass is poured with strong alcohol. The container is tightly sealed with a lid and sent for a month in a dark place. The tool is shaken periodically. To slow down degenerative changes in the cartilage area, take a teaspoon of medicine 3 times a day. The composition is stopped when the problem is completely eliminated or negative reactions from the body.

Excellent healingointment from the devil's claw has properties. Preparing a miracle cure is easy. Prepare several glasses of refined vegetable oil. A large root of the plant is laid here. The composition is allowed to brew for 3 weeks. The darkened root is periodically replaced with a new one. The vegetable oil should thicken slightly and absorb the aroma of the medicinal herb. The finished product is used during massage procedures. Rubbing tissues with oil allows you to remove swelling, relieve inflammation, get rid of pain in muscles and joints.

Interesting facts

devil's claw root
devil's claw root

Healing plant famous for the following:

  1. Grass was actively used by healers at the dawn of civilization. For example, African natives used the plant to restore bladder function, treat bile stasis, and also to destroy minerals accumulated in the kidneys.
  2. Indigenous peoples of North America used the hooked seed pods of the weed as a means of defense and intimidation of enemies. The clawed shoots of grass were woven into baskets. The latter were laid out near the settlements, covered with a layer of foliage. Stumbling into a trap, the enemies of the tribe or predatory animals experienced unbearable pain.
  3. In the civilized world, an amazing plant was discovered in the 18th century. It was at this time that grass began to be actively imported to European and Asian countries for the preparation of medicinal products that helped fight diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  4. Weedused in the field of cosmetology. The plant extract is used as part of products, the purpose of which is to get rid of skin rashes, all kinds of abscesses, boils, the consequences of the development of dermatitis.
  5. Recently, researchers have found that the composition of the juice of the plant contains substances that help smooth out expression lines.

In closing

As you can see, the devil's claw plant has a whole host of healing properties. The grass is unpretentious to growing conditions. Therefore, it can be successfully cultivated in temperate climates. At the same time, it contains not only useful, but also toxic substances. Therefore, before starting to use plant-based medicines, you should once again familiarize yourself with the contraindications, as well as take the advice of a doctor.
