In the article, we will consider how scoliosis is treated with manual therapy.
Scoliosis is a curvature of the spinal column of a congenital or acquired type. Treatment of the disease involves an integrated approach. Manual therapy for scoliosis is considered quite effective in this pathology, not even in the initial stages. Correct action on the spine and joints helps eliminate pain, relieve muscle tension, increase mobility and flexibility of the back.

Causes of illness
The reasons why scoliosis appears are the uneven distribution of the load on the back and spinal spasm. A chiropractor uses special techniques to help relax the back muscles. Muscles thus acquire the necessary tone. Specialists in the field of traumatology and orthopedics are skeptical of the methodssuch treatment. However, numerous reviews and practice confirm that the condition of the spine improves after manual therapy for scoliosis.
Method Description
It is possible to correct deformity changes in the spine using an alternative method. In the treatment of scoliosis, the actions of the chiropractor are aimed at relaxing the spinal muscles and directing the joints into the correct and physiological position through manual techniques. The goals that kneading and stretching the back with the hands are aimed at are:
- Tone weak muscles.
- Restoring the functions of the mobile parts of the spine.
- Increasing the flexibility of the bone structures of the spinal column.
- Removal of functional type blocks from the spine.
Thanks to manual therapy, one can observe positive dynamics not only in the curved spine, but also in the internal organs. Scoliosis can disrupt the normal functioning of many structures and systems of the body, which affects the quality of human life.

Treatment of the patient with hands allows to achieve the following results:
- Elimination of disorders in the work of the heart muscle.
- Removal of toxins from the body.
- Relief of frequent headaches and restoration of respiratory function.
As the spine aligns, metabolic processes are established in the affected areas of the body. Manual therapy for scoliosis should be carried outqualified specialist, as the ability and experience of the doctor ensure the he alth and well-being of the patient in the future.
The fingers of a chiropractor must have supersensitivity as well as precision and strength. The specialist performs manipulations blindly, so it is extremely important for him to feel the human body. With a low qualification or lack of experience from a chiropractor, the disease may worsen. Thus, the choice of a specialist is a key point in the effective treatment of scoliosis.

Standard rate
The standard course of manual therapy for scoliosis of the 2nd degree to alleviate the patient's condition is 10 visits. The course can be repeated after a six-month break. Visiting a chiropractor is recommended no more than once a week. With more frequent manipulations, the vertebrae can become significantly loosened, which leads to the risk of even greater curvature. The session begins with stretching, then the specialist deals with the problem areas of the body in turn. The chiropractor acts on the arch of the spine from the edge, gradually moving to the central part. One session should include exposure to 1-2 vertebrae, no more. In addition to manual therapy for scoliosis, treatment can be supplemented by heating the ligaments and muscles, as well as hirudotherapy.
Treatment of scoliosis by manual therapy is effective regardless of the age of the patient. Treatment is prescribed in cases where the disease is notlaunched. When scoliosis begins to progress sharply, but has not reached the third degree, it is allowed to influence the muscles and vertebrae with your hands. As soon as the curvature reaches more than 25 degrees, manual therapy loses its effectiveness and even appears dangerous to the patient.

Specialists call the following contraindications to manual therapy of the spine for scoliosis:
- Back injury. If the curvature has arisen as a result of blows or falls and other injuries, manual therapy is contraindicated.
- Diseases of an infectious nature. Tuberculosis, poliomyelitis and other diseases of the bone structures can have a destructive effect on the spine.
- Children's age. High-intensity exposure to the bone structures of a child under seven years of age is prohibited, as cartilage tissue can be deformed.
- Tumours of a malignant or benign type in the spine. Neoplasms may interfere with manual treatment.
- Scoliosis of the fourth degree. In this case, it will no longer be possible to eliminate the defect using manual action.
- Bone type calluses on the vertebrae. Growths can form as a result of a fracture or crack. Manual impact can provoke the growth of these formations.
- Irregularities in the work of the heart. It is forbidden to visit a chiropractor for hypertension.
- Hernia in the intervertebral space. A patient with this diagnosis should not be subjected tothe influence of a chiropractor, as one careless action can cause disability.
- Osteoporosis. This disease is typical for patients older than 40 years. Pathology is accompanied by fragility of bone structures, which excludes any physical impact on the spine.
- Spinal cord compression. With this violation, there is a loss of sensation in the arms and legs, as well as a disorder in the functioning of the brain. Manual therapy can make things worse.
Manual therapy for grade 3 scoliosis should be done with great care.
Manual therapy is considered the most effective for curvature of the first degree. First, you need to go through up to three sessions, which will put the segments of the spinal column in a physiologically correct place. The results of manual therapy in the treatment of scoliosis of the second degree become noticeable after a full course of 10 visits to a specialist.

Techniques and techniques of manual therapy
Therapy of scoliosis with manual therapy methods is based on three principles that the specialist adheres to in his work:
- The impact should be on different muscle groups. This is necessary for load balancing.
- The use of acupressure, which makes it possible to identify the increased tone of various areas of the spine.
- Stimulation of muscle structures that are involved in the development of pathology.
Manual massage procedurecarried out through certain methods and rules. With intensive kneading, metabolic processes are activated and the muscles are included in the work. Superficial, gentle massage helps relieve muscle tension and overcome hypertonicity.
Twisting is a technique that is needed to put the vertebrae in the correct position and strengthen the corset of the muscles.

Technique difference
The technique of manual therapy for scoliosis of the 2nd degree, which will be used for a particular patient, is selected by the therapist, taking into account the location and degree of scoliosis. Techniques differ in the nature of the impact on the arch of the spine. If the curvature is fixed in the thoracic spine, the patient is placed on the couch upside down, while the head should be on its side towards the therapist. Massage begins with light movements in the neck and back without contact with the vertebrae. The intensity and strength of the movements gradually increase.
Special attention
Paravertebral areas should be given special attention. In this case, a technique involving friction with weights is used. Thus, it is possible to carefully work out the lumbar and thoracic spine.
It is very important that the patient does not experience pain during the manipulations of the chiropractor. You should tell your doctor right away if you experience discomfort. The procedures help strengthen the spine and stop the development of scoliosis.

Reviews aboutmanual therapy for scoliosis
There are quite a few skeptical people who do not consider manual therapy really effective. In some, after the course, a relapse of the disease occurs. According to reviews, manual therapy for grade 3 scoliosis can be dangerous, especially if it falls into the hands of an unskilled specialist. Therefore, they prefer to turn to exclusively eminent and proven by numerous positive reviews chiropractors. There are also complaints about the cost of procedures, when you need to pay at least two thousand rubles for one massage session.
However, quite a few comments are positive about visiting a chiropractor. There is information from those who were not helped by the methods of traditional medicine, while the course of manual therapy literally saved them from curvature of the spine.