Exercises for the elbow joint: types, mandatory consultation with a doctor, work of muscle groups and joints, positive dynamics, indications and contraindications

Exercises for the elbow joint: types, mandatory consultation with a doctor, work of muscle groups and joints, positive dynamics, indications and contraindications
Exercises for the elbow joint: types, mandatory consultation with a doctor, work of muscle groups and joints, positive dynamics, indications and contraindications

The elbow joint is the connection of three bones: the ulna, humerus and radius. The junction of these bones is enveloped by ligaments that form complex interlacings with muscle mass. Very often, older people injure this part of the hand, which leads to pain and requires medical attention.

pain in the hand
pain in the hand

Methods of treatment of injuries of the elbow joint

Modern medicine offers several options for treating the elbow joint: a surgical method or a more gentle, but in some cases less effective - special exercises for the elbow joint.

girl doing exercises
girl doing exercises

Both methods require a medical examination, and, of course, the appointment of a specialist. Do not self-medicate. As you know, this does not lead to anything good!

What is exercise therapy?

LFK - therapeutic physicalculture, the main task of which is the prevention of certain diseases and the treatment of the patient. A similar method of therapy is prescribed both during treatment and in the rehabilitation period. The doctor must take into account the nature of the disease, its degree. Also, an experienced specialist will pay attention to the strength of the painful sensations of the affected area. Provides exercise therapy and exercises for the elbow joint.

arm hurts
arm hurts

How to prepare for exercise

Many patients are skeptical about therapeutic exercises, considering it ineffective, and even useless. However, this is not the case! Most long-term doctors claim that this therapy can work wonders. So, doing exercises for the elbow joint requires some knowledge. The most basic of them are the following:

  1. Meals should be at least two hours before exercise.
  2. Before therapeutic exercises, you also need to warm up. To do this, stretch your muscles for 5 minutes.
  3. warming up the muscles
    warming up the muscles
  4. Drink plenty of fluids while exercising. This is necessary to prevent dehydration.
  5. It is very important to breathe properly. Exit and inhale should be as long as possible so that oxygen in sufficient quantities enters the blood. Elbow exercises seem to require special training.
  6. At the end of the special exercise, you need to take a cool shower, then dry yourself with a terry clothtowel. It can be used as a warming agent for the joints, wiping hands with active movements.
  7. You can start eating and other usual procedures when the heartbeat has returned to normal. Because elbow exercises can speed up the heart rate.

Simple Joint Exercises

Performing such exercises requires a minimum of time and effort. However, you need to follow the execution technique so that the result shows itself in the near future. Doctors who consider this type of treatment effective note that patients who diligently perform a set of exercises begin to feel a significant improvement after some time. So let's get started:

  1. We take the starting position: we position ourselves with the sick side to the coffee table so that the tabletop is in the armpit.
  2. Having laid your hand on the table as comfortably as possible, you need to try to slowly bend and unbend it. Such an exercise for arthrosis of the elbow joint is especially useful. It is necessary to perform bends and extensions of the arm slowly and carefully. Repeat 5 to 7 times.
  3. If there is pain, you need to stop charging, postponing it for a while.

More difficult but effective joint exercises

The next complex is more complex, but no less effective. Doctors recommend doing this exercise at home as an exercise to develop elbow joints after a fracture.

  1. Hand should be on the table again. We take it intoa children's car or a small ball, and we begin to roll the toy on the surface of the table. You need to move your hand until it gets tired. However, without fanaticism. Overloading can have the opposite effect: the pain will increase.
  2. This exercise should be performed while standing. We place our hands on both sides of the body and make rotational movements forward 10 times, then back the same number of repetitions. Thus, the muscles are warmed up and the elbow joints are well developed.
  3. To perform this exercise for the elbow joint after a fracture, you need an additional attribute: an expander. If this is not the case, you can use a regular rubber band. You need to stand on it with both feet, taking the ends in both hands. Now you need to slowly spread your arms in different directions, making a little effort. Over time, this exercise should be performed more intensively, with more and more force applied.

Special exercises for rehabilitation after fractures

To help speedy recovery of the elbow joint after a fracture, you need to make some efforts and follow all the doctor's recommendations.

broken arm
broken arm

These exercises include:

  1. Hands should be folded into the lock behind the back of the head. Now you need to try to perform the movement, as during fishing when throwing a fishing rod. You need to repeat the "throwing" 5-10 times, provided that it does not cause discomfort.
  2. We put the injured hand in front of us at a right angle. Then we begin to perform circular movements clockwise. Most effectivethis exercise will be done regularly.
  3. forearm fracture x-ray
    forearm fracture x-ray
  4. It will also be very useful to roll the balls in the palm of your hand. To do this, you can take a few ordinary balls from the bearing, and roll them in your hand for 1-2 minutes with fingering movements. Every day you can increase the time of this exercise.

Indications for exercises for the elbow joint

Especially often the following groups of people need such a set of exercises:

  • pregnant women;
  • postpartum women;
  • people leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • those who lead an overly active life and are on their feet a lot;
  • dancers, athletes.

Contraindications for gymnastics for elbow joints

Very often, people who are faced with the problem of arthrosis or a fracture of the upper limbs begin to self-medicate, and perform exercises that, in their opinion, will help them get better soon. However, this is not the case. There are a number of contraindications that must be taken into account before performing certain actions. These include:

  • the presence of malignant tumors in the body;
  • presence of infectious diseases;
  • pressure problems, particularly hypertension;
  • serious joint disease diagnosed by a qualified specialist;
  • chronically weak immune system;
  • thyroid disorders.

Given this information, everyone will be able to draw conclusions, and,of course, seek help from experienced doctors. They, as a rule, conduct an examination, and only then make an appointment in the form of drug therapy or exercise therapy.
