What is Schiller's test in gynecology?

What is Schiller's test in gynecology?
What is Schiller's test in gynecology?

Timely gynecological preventive examinations, medical procedures, tests helps to prevent the development of the disease or cure it with the least damage to the he alth and general condition of the patient. Schiller's test in gynecology is considered a simple, but effective and fast method for detecting pathological epithelial cells. Their presence, by the way, may indicate the development of an inflammatory process or a dangerous disease.

Schiller's test in gynecology: what is it? Studying the issue

Schiller's test is a gynecological examination using an iodine solution, which stains the mucous membrane of the cervix and vaginal fornix. A procedure is performed to detect abnormal cells during an extended colposcopy. Their presence may indicate the development of diseases of the reproductive system and small pelvis. By the way, the technique is of great importance for the prevention and early diagnosis of dangerous pathologies.

Schiller's test in gynecology
Schiller's test in gynecology

PrincipleThe action of the test is based on the ability of iodine to be absorbed by glycogen, which is present in he althy epithelial cells, and stain tissues brown. In the presence of pathological changes, the level of this polysaccharide falls, and the affected areas do not change color. This approach allows you to define a clear boundary between he althy and altered tissues, form the most effective treatment tactics and monitor the therapy process.

Schiller test method

Schiller's test in gynecology is performed during a routine examination. First, the doctor inserts a mirror into the vagina, applies a 2-3% Lugol solution or a special iodine solution to a sterile cotton swab, and processes the tissues that need to be examined. Normally, after a few seconds, this area should turn brown evenly.

Schiller's test in gynecology is negative (diagnosed in the presence of unstained areas in the form of specks, segments with uneven staining or without it at all) indicates the presence of problems. This requires a more detailed examination and additional tests to identify possible pathology. Sometimes, to clarify the diagnosis, it is recommended, for example, a biopsy with a histological examination. The procedure is absolutely painless and causes almost no discomfort.

Schiller's test in gynecology is positive
Schiller's test in gynecology is positive

Indications and contraindications for analysis

Schiller's test in gynecology is one of the most common and affordable research methods. The analysis must be used fordiagnosing dysplasia, inflammatory diseases, atrophic vaginitis, precancerous conditions of tissues, leukoplakia, oncological diseases of the female sphere, building effective therapy tactics during menopause.

Schiller's test in gynecology is negative
Schiller's test in gynecology is negative

Doctors recommend that girls and women be examined with a Schiller test at least once a year, and in the presence of a chronic disease of the genital area or pelvic organs - once every 3-6 months to prevent the development of infection. If there are indications, the analysis can also be carried out for girls who have not yet begun sexual activity. The Schiller test in gynecology is contraindicated in patients who are allergic to iodine.

Preparation for the procedure

There are no special rules for preparing a patient for a Schiller test. General rules must be followed:

  • it is advisable to avoid sexual contact for 24-48 hours;
  • do not douche the day before, do not use vaginal suppositories, ointments, gels;
  • do not use soap or other intimate hygiene product while showering;
  • The best time to take a Schiller test is during the first days of your menstrual cycle or a few days before your period. If necessary, the analysis can be carried out on any day of the cycle.

In state hospitals, the procedure is done free of charge, in paid women's consultations it costs about 200 rubles, and in private clinics - up to 1000 rubles. A positive Schiller test in gynecology indicates that the cells are he althy and no pathological changes are observed. Easierspeaking, a similar result confirms that the patient is he althy.

Schiller test in gynecology what is it
Schiller test in gynecology what is it

Schiller's test in gynecology is one of the most popular procedures in the field of diagnosis and treatment of female diseases. It does not require expensive reagents, special equipment or training, but at the same time provides high efficiency in the examination of epithelial cells.