Wishing to become pregnant, many women face such unpleasant diseases as tumors in the ovaries. In medicine, they are called hydatids.
There are many reasons for not getting pregnant. Rather, in such cases, contact a highly qualified specialist and clarify the diagnosis. And if the presence of hydatida is confirmed, it is recommended, first of all, to find out the causes of this disease.

What is an ovarian hydatid
Many women with this diagnosis are wondering: ovarian hydatida - what is it? It is important to understand that this is a neoplasm that most often occurs at the base of the ovary. That is, its place of localization is the fallopian tubes.
The danger of this pathology is that the woman may remain infertile. Hydatida blocks the exit of the egg from the ovary and does not allow it to move through the tube. And this, in turn, leads to the impossibility of getting pregnant, since the sperm is simply not able to get to the egg and fertilize it.

The Hydatida representsa cyst (pathological cavity), which is filled with fluid inside. On ultrasound, the neoplasm is found in the form of a circle or oval with clear outlines. Most often, the disease does not cause much concern, but may present with some symptoms.
Symptoms of disease
It is important for women to monitor their he alth and pay attention to even minor changes in their condition, only in this way can ovarian hydatid be detected in time. Symptoms to watch out for are:
- frequent pains in the lower abdomen (there are spasmodic and acute);
- increase in body temperature;
- a state of weakness and irritation;
- spotting over time;
- failure in the cycle of menstruation;
- a woman cannot get pregnant, given that intercourse is regular.

Of course, these signs may indicate other diseases. But if they are observed, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. Timely help will help to avoid many problems that threaten infertility, as well as determine if ovarian hydatid is the cause (what it is, you already have an idea).
Causes of disease
In order to help preserve the reproductive he alth of a woman and in the future to avoid many problems associated with childbirth and pregnancy, you need to know what can cause ovarian hydatitis. The reasons for its occurrence are quitenumerous:
Ectopic pregnancy, which subsequently leads to inflammation and poor functioning of the fallopian tubes
- Miscarriages, abortions, which, by the way, are the main factors provoking the growth of hydatids.
- Pelvic surgery, causing a decrease in immunity and a weakening of the protective functions of the female reproductive system.
Hidatida Morgagni
Neoplasms in the form of cysts can occur both singly and in groups. If they are solitary cysts that do not cause concern, they can be left untreated. In addition, they usually do not interfere with pregnancy. When there are many cysts, treatment is required.
These neoplasms are often round and oval in shape. Their surface is smooth and reaches a size of about 2 cm.

Cysts hang on a stalk, they are also called the appendage of the fallopian tubes. To test a woman for hydatids, an ultrasound is required. With its help, the fallopian tubes are diagnosed for patency and neoplasms. In the case when the hydatid grows up to three centimeters in diameter, it can cause discomfort:
- feeling uncomfortable;
- aching pain in the groin;
- pain at rest.
If there is a strong sharp pain, then this may indicate a twisting of the cyst. In this case, immediate surgical intervention is required.
Ovary and fallopian tube hydatida
We hope you now understand the term"ovarian hydatid". What is this neoplasm that occurs at the base of the ovary or in itself has already been said, but hydatids also appear in the fallopian tubes. The main reason for their appearance here is infection.
Hydatids are called not only cysts, but also adhesions. They are formed, as a rule, as a result of abortions or surgeries. If there are many hydatids in the fallopian tube, then experts diagnose "obstruction of the fallopian tubes". These neoplasms completely block the channel for the release of the egg or narrow it, which also leads to the impossibility of fertilization.

If there are no complications, then the hydatid is not treated. Specialists prescribe only medication and observation.
Hidatida is considered a benign neoplasm, but it can grow in size. Fortunately, it does not degenerate into malignant tumors, and most women do not even know that they have the pathology described in their ovary or fallopian tube. Many can live with her for the rest of their lives.
Treatment of hydatid ovary
But how to get rid of neoplasms with a diagnosis of "ovarian hydatid"? What is this treatment that requires surgical intervention, few people also know. True, patients are operated on only in case of growth of hydatids. And basically it's laparoscopy.
The doctor appoints the day of the operation and prepares the patient for several days. The patient passes all the tests, undergoes an examination. The anesthetist prepares the patient for anesthesia as hewill be general due to extensive operation.
If laparoscopy is not suitable, then the operation will be abdominal. After her patient is in the hospital for about seven days. This is assuming there will be no complications. Abdominal surgery is more difficult, and, accordingly, the recovery of the body takes more time.
There are also many alternative treatments.
Puncture biopsy in the treatment of disease
A new type of treatment can be tried by women who, unfortunately, know: ovarian hydatida - what it is. The method of puncture biopsy is relatively young, and for its implementation there must be certain indicators:
- Cyst over two centimeters in diameter.
- It should be seen in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.
- Presence of free fluid in the pelvis.
Specialist using ultrasound makes a medical puncture. It should reduce or completely remove the neoplasm. If everything went well, then only within one year you can trace the dynamics. Therapeutic puncture is considered only when there is no recurrence of the disease.
Ovarian hydatida: treatment with folk remedies
In general, patients who have been diagnosed with this diagnosis try to avoid surgical intervention. Then the question arises: if the diagnosis is ovarian hydatitis, how to treat it?

Folk recipes can come to the rescue, but you need to remember that in most cases they are only suitable for prevention. When the diseaselaunched, it is still recommended to find a highly qualified specialist and consult. Folk remedies are great for preventing disease.
Dandelion root is considered a good way to prevent cysts. It is an effective antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anthelmintic agent. Infusions are made from the root. It is required to finely grind it, pour boiling water and insist for several hours, then take it twice a day for a teaspoon. For the same purposes, they use the upland uterus and burdock leaves.