Mammary glands in women: types, structure and functions

Mammary glands in women: types, structure and functions
Mammary glands in women: types, structure and functions

Women's breasts are not only an object of male admiration. Beauty and attractiveness fade into the background in comparison with functionality. The mammary glands in women serve primarily for feeding the child. More details about the functions, structure and types of the female breast are described in this article.

Basic concept

The mammary gland is a paired organ of external secretion, which is part of the reproductive system. The female breast is an apocrine skin gland type.

Mammologist projection
Mammologist projection


The anatomical structure of the breast is as follows:

  • Chest wall.
  • Pectoral muscle.
  • Glandular tissue.
  • Milk portions.
  • Milky Ways.
  • Nipple.
  • Areola.
  • Adipose tissue.
  • Skin.

The predominant component in the structure of the female breast is glandular. It consists of 20 small lobes. The shape of these lobes is cone-shaped. The top of the cone goes to the nipple. Each share in turnconsists of alveoli - rounded lobes responsible for the production of milk. Connective tissue and breast fat are located between the alveoli. Cooper's ligaments are also located there. They are responsible for attaching the organ to the skin, maintaining the elasticity of the breast and its shape. Cooper's ligaments are many thin fibers running through the bust. The mammary ducts run from the tops of the lobes to the nipple. They can be felt. To the touch, the ducts are tubercles and ligaments. They end with milky pores through which milk comes out.

Women's breasts from the inside
Women's breasts from the inside

Fat sheath

Fat is an essential component in the mammary gland. It not only protects the chest from various injuries, but also helps to keep warm. And this is simply necessary for the reproduction of milk and lactation.

The volume of the breast also depends on the amount of fat. The more it is, the more magnificent the bust. Therefore, those ladies who have a lot of adipose tissue in this delicate organ may notice how the size of the mammary gland varies during a diet or before critical days.

Female nipples

Mammary glands in women are conditionally divided into squares. To do this, two lines are drawn in the center of the nipple - vertical and horizontal. Naturally, these lines are visual. This method is very helpful in examining the bust.

The central part in the structure of the female breast is occupied by the nipple and areola. The nipple is a small tubercle made of dense tissue. It has many holes, up to 18, from which the newborn receives milk. The color of the nipple of a woman who has not given birth is pinkish. Its form isconical. After childbirth, this part of the breast becomes brownish in color and acquires a cylindrical shape. A significant disadvantage at the time of breastfeeding is the flat shape of the nipple. However, the child is quite capable of pulling it out.


This is the skin around the nipple. Its color is pink or brown. If you look closely at the female areola, you can see a lot of wrinkles on it. These are the so-called Montgomery tubercles. They secrete a special secret that prevents the nipples from drying out.

A little more about the structure

Under the mammary gland are the pectoralis major and minor muscles. Surrounding them is the serratus anterior. Part of the latissimus dorsi and the biceps brachii serve as support for the chest from the side and from above. Muscles, oddly enough, are in the nipple. Therefore, he is able to tense up. There are no more muscles in the female bust.

During pregnancy, there is an increase in the mammary glands. This is due to their preparation for new features. The breasts swell and are able to "grow" several sizes.

Breast types

The names of the types of mammary glands are very interesting. They are assigned in two ways: scientific and popular science. In the first case, it is not always possible to explain why this or that form was named that way. In the second, these are fruit and vegetable names, depending on which fruit or vegetable female pride looks like.

Scientific classification identifies 16 types of female bust:

  • "Snow Hill". This type of female breast is small, with pale and delicateskin. Areoles around the nipples are large and light. Pointed nipples.
  • "Chloe". This type of mammary gland is characteristic of young ladies. Adult women with such breasts note its tiny size. The chest is tight, with a pronounced nipple and a clear areola.
  • "African savanna". The shape of the breast "specializes" in its width. The breast itself is medium in size, with small nipples and a pronounced areola.
  • "Sappho". For those representatives of the weaker sex who wear this form, the breasts are slightly flaccid. As a rule, the bust is of medium size. His distinguishing feature is large and dark areolas and the same nipples.
  • "Buds". This type of breast is medium in size and narrow. The nipples are pointed, the areolas are not very pronounced. Very often, reddish thin streaks can be seen on the skin of women with this breast shape.

  • "Dulka". The form got its name due to its similarity with the tomato variety "dulka". The chest expands at the nipple, but is narrow at the base. The nipples are poorly expressed, they are almost invisible. But the areolas are very large.
  • "Chestnut". The bust of this type is large, slightly flattened. The areolas are light and large, but the nipples are weakly expressed.
  • "Circe". It is considered to be the ideal shape of the breast. Larger than average, firm, with large dark areolas and prominent nipples.
  • "Lady fingers". bust typesimilar to the famous grape variety. Its size is large, the areoles are dark and large. The nipples are not very visible.
  • "Turkish eyes". The bust is large, but the breasts are rather narrow. The nipples have a specific look: they look in different directions.
  • "Water surface". These are large mammary glands. Areoles are pale but large. The nipples are almost invisible against their background.
  • "Peach". Breasts of large volume. However, it is in very good shape. Areoles bright pink, nipples to match.
  • "Alma mater". The mammary glands are large and heavy, and the nipples and areolas are constantly in tension. They are pale, as is the skin on the chest.
  • "Renaissance". The name speaks for itself. The bust is very large and lush. Areoles are pronounced, but small. The nipples, on the contrary, are very large, dark in color.
  • "Ripe pear". Another big size with dark areolas and understated nipples.
  • "Globe". Large round bust. The areoles of such breasts are very large and dark. The nipples are pronounced, large, the color of the areolas.


What is the main function of the mammary glands? Feeding offspring. This is her very first and necessary work - the production of milk with the subsequent feeding of the child.

The second function is sexuality. It's no secret that the bust is the main erogenous zone of a woman. Nerve receptors are located in the areola and nipples. Thanks to them, a woman receivespleasure from stimulation of this chest area. The mammary gland swells, becomes very sensitive. Medicine believes that stimulation is very beneficial for the female body. It promotes pleasure, which means the production of oxytocin. Oxytocin is responsible for the tone of the uterus.

The main function of the breast
The main function of the breast


Unfortunately, this part of the female body is not without its "sores". What diseases of the mammary glands can occur? They can be divided into benign and oncological. A list of possible breast diseases is provided below:

  • Mastopathy. This disease is associated with hormonal imbalance in the female body. As a result, there is a violation of the ratio of epithelial and connective tissues in the bust. Pronounced symptoms of the disease are bumps, nodes and other seals that can be determined by palpation. Why does mastopathy occur? For different reasons. This may be a refusal to breastfeed, abortion, stress, various infections. The disease can develop into a malignant tumor if measures are not taken in time.
  • Mastitis. Diseases are exposed to women in the process of lactation. This is an inflammatory process in the mammary gland. Its main signs are very severe chest pains, discharge from the nipple. Mastitis can appear for a number of reasons. Here and non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of the bust, and colds, and prolonged exposure to a draft, and cracks in the areola and nipples.
  • Fibroadenoma. This kind of disease with a beautiful name isbenign tumor. She does not manifest herself, does not cause discomfort. You can detect the disease by probing the breasts. Under the fingers will be spherical seals. Moreover, these seals are able to move through the mammary gland. Fibroadenoma is treated with surgery.
  • Cyst. This is a kind of "pouch" with a viscous liquid. The connective tissue, growing, stops the gaps in the lobes of the mammary gland. Why this happens, doctors can not yet establish exactly. The cyst is removed with the help of drainage, under medical supervision.
  • Cancer. This is the most terrible disease. Epithelial tissue grows, and cancer cells divide in it. And there is a malignant tumor. The latter can rapidly develop and affect all nearby tissues. There is not one cause of cancer, there are many. Heredity, malnutrition, exposure to radioactive substances or excess estrogen in the blood.
Palpation method
Palpation method

Common causes of disease

Breast diseases have very common causes. And we should not forget that women aged 40-65 are very susceptible to breast diseases. These ladies should have an annual breast examination.

Let's return to the main causes of bust diseases. The following are distinguished:

  • Heredity.
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Infectious processes and inflammation in a woman's body.
  • Abortion.
  • Smoking.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Absence of menses for several cycles.
  • Early first period.
  • First pregnancy after 30.
  • Taking oral contraceptives without a doctor's prescription.
  • Environmental factor.
  • Wrong diet.
  • Poor personal hygiene.
Mammologist's appointment
Mammologist's appointment

Is breast surgery dangerous?

Mammary gland augmentation is a popular procedure among women nowadays. However, is it safe? There are hypotheses that implantation can "help" the development of a disease such as breast cancer. In addition, there is an opinion that breastfed children are less he althy than their breastfed peers. Is that right?

As for diseases, there is more mythology than truth. According to medical data, women who have breast implants do not develop cancer more often than women with a regular bust.

Regarding pregnancy and breastfeeding, doctors say women who have breast augmentation and their breastfed babies have no he alth problems. More precisely, they are not due to the fact that breast implantation was performed.

You gotta take care of your breasts
You gotta take care of your breasts

Bust care

Delicate female bust needs care. One of the basic rules for the care of the mammary glands is a contrast shower. Its functionalityis to improve blood circulation, the chest becomes firmer and more elastic. Those who are not afraid of experiments should try to massage their breasts with cold water from the shower and a special nozzle that regulates the water pressure.

breast size chart
breast size chart

Bra selection is another important point. In no case should this attribute be worn smaller than it should be. It should be comfortable, support the chest and not rub the skin underneath. For sports, it is better to select certain models of a sports plan.

A good bra is the key to he alth
A good bra is the key to he alth


What should you remember from the article?

  • A woman's breasts are very delicate and need to be taken care of. A contrast shower and the right choice of bra are the basis of the basics.
  • Breast disease can be prevented with a he althy lifestyle.
  • During the breastfeeding period, the bust requires special care.
  • The structure of the breast is unique, and its volume depends on the amount of fat in the gland.
  • The shape of the mammary glands is different. There are 16 species in total.
  • Breast surgery is not so dangerous. There are many mythical stories around her.

Careful care, proper nutrition and exercise will help keep the bust in shape for many years.
