How to stop menstruation if they have already begun: folk remedies and pharmaceutical preparations

How to stop menstruation if they have already begun: folk remedies and pharmaceutical preparations
How to stop menstruation if they have already begun: folk remedies and pharmaceutical preparations

Menstruation is a natural occurrence in every woman's life. Regular menstrual flow indicates a woman's he alth and the absence of any pathologies or unwanted pregnancy. Sometimes menstruation lasts too long and abundantly, which negatively affects the general condition and he alth. Therefore, girls periodically wonder how to stop their periods if they have already begun.

how to stop periods if they have already started
how to stop periods if they have already started

When to stop menstruation

If the cycle is regular and the discharge does not bring much discomfort, there is no need to take pharmaceutical preparations or folk remedies to stop menstruation. This becomes necessary if changes occur that bring a woman severe discomfort and he alth risks.

The discharge becomes long and profuse - on the first day of menstru althe discharge is always quite abundant, if it lasts more than 5 days, and before such a course of menstruation was not observed, it is urgent to visit a doctor. He will select an effective therapy and tell you how to stop menstruation if they have already begun.

how to stop periods if they go on for a long time
how to stop periods if they go on for a long time

Should I use methods to stop my period

Even teenage girls know that regular periods are a sign of the he alth of the female body. You can not often resort to methods to stop the discharge, as this is fraught not only with a violation of the cycle, but can also cause serious diseases of the genital area.

In isolated cases, when circumstances really require a quick end of menstruation, certain drugs can be used, but only after consulting a gynecologist who will tell you how to stop periods if they go on for a long time.

Abundant and prolonged discharge bring the body to nervous exhaustion and cause anemia. This condition develops when the volume of secretions exceeds 50-150 ml per day. If the abundance occurs after strong physical exertion, it is better to refuse physical activity for the period of menstruation or significantly reduce its activity.

What drugs are used to stop menstruation

Pills that stop periods can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. They are artificially synthesized vitamins that regulate the duration and abundance of menstrual flow.

Now there are many drugs, each of whichhas a certain effect on the body. Their main task is to reduce the intensity of menstrual flow.

Important! Only a gynecologist can explain how to stop periods if they go on for a long time. It is also necessary to carefully observe the prescribed dosage of the drug.

how to stop period at home
how to stop period at home

Depending on the form (tablets or injections), drugs have different effects on hormonal changes. When administered by injection, the agent acts much faster and its dosage is less than when taking tablets.

"Vikasol" to stop menstruation

"Vikasol" is an artificially synthesized vitamin K. When using the drug in the body, the level of prothrombin increases, blood clotting normalizes, as a result, menstrual flow becomes less abundant.

The main reason for prolonged and intense discharge is a lack of vitamin K in the body. Only a gynecologist can prescribe "Vikasol" after interviewing the patient and necessary laboratory tests.

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how to stop periods fast

Despite the fact that "Vikasol" stops menstruation, you should not often resort to taking medications. It is better to make a balanced diet, thanks to which the vitamins and trace elements necessary for its normal functioning will enter the body.

The effect of "Duphaston" on the menstrual cycle

"Dufaston" - the hormone progesterone,synthesized in the laboratory. This drug is similar to the natural hormone progesterone, which is produced in the body and is responsible for the normalization of menstrual flow. Therefore, "Dufaston" is the best solution on how to stop menstruation at home.

The drug is practically harmless to the body, it does not have corticosteroid and steroid effects and does not affect blood clotting. In addition, "Dufaston" normalizes the lipid balance of the blood and does not affect the functioning of the liver.

The drug provides an early stop of menstrual flow, and is not an oral contraceptive. With pathologically occurring menstruation, "Duphaston" is prescribed as a prophylactic agent that normalizes the intensity of the discharge.

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can i stop my period

"Etamsilat" to reduce the intensity of secretions

"Etamzilat" - tablets that stop menstruation. Most often, the drug is used to stop bleeding and reduce the intensity of menstrual flow. In case of bleeding, the drug is injected into the body, and in the case of a pathological course of menstruation, pills are prescribed.

"Etamzilat" strengthens the vascular walls, stimulates the production of platelets, so that the intensity of menstruation normalizes. A contraindication to taking "Etamzilat" is taking anticoagulants and thrombosis. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to quickly stop menstruation can onlyattending physician.

Among the domestic drugs, one can single out Dicinon. It is completely similar in composition and effects on the body, but is much cheaper.

Folk remedies to stop periods

Women of all ages trust folk recipes more than doctors and pharmaceuticals. Especially if the question arises of how to stop menstruation at home. Some of the most popular home remedies for stopping periods include:

  • Decoction of nettle - stopping menstruation occurs due to the property of nettle to increase blood clotting. For a decoction, pour a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and drink a glass 2-3 times a day. With a tendency to thrombosis and increased blood clotting, this method is contraindicated to decide whether it is possible to stop menstruation.
  • Raspberry, mint and parsley are also used to stop menstruation. The decoction is prepared in the same way as when using nettle. Dried leaves or grass are poured with boiling water and infused for several hours. For the result, you need to drink 2-3 glasses a day.
  • Water pepper - a decoction is prepared from 5 tbsp. l. raw materials and 0.5 l of water, the mixture is boiled for five minutes and infused for 3-4 hours. You need to drink a decoction of water pepper 2-3 times a day, 100-150 ml each.
vikasol stops menstruation
vikasol stops menstruation

All of these drugs look harmless, but they can cause serious damage to he alth, especially if the dosage is not followed. It is very important to use any decoctions onlyafter consultation with a doctor. Otherwise, you can provoke the development of chronic and acute diseases of the reproductive system.

How to normalize the menstrual cycle

When the question arises of how to stop menstruation, if they have already begun, it is better to consult a gynecologist. To ensure that each period proceeds normally and does not cause severe discomfort, it is important to lead a he althy lifestyle and eat well.

The intake of a sufficient amount of trace elements and vitamins ensures its normal functioning. Therefore, it is important to eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, fish, and avoid unhe althy foods and fast food.

pills to stop menstruation
pills to stop menstruation

Moderate physical activity also affects the course of menstruation. Every day you need to do exercises, do gymnastics, fitness, run and dance. Do not bring the body to exhaustion. It is enough to alternate sedentary work with physical activity during the day.

Knowing how to stop menstruation, if they have already begun, you can influence the menstrual cycle, normalizing it and reducing the intensity of secretions.
