Syphilis is one of the sexually transmitted infections that has begun to grow exponentially in recent years. You can easily become infected with this disease through sexual contact without a barrier method of protection. But the treatment can take a very long time. The first symptoms of syphilis in women can manifest themselves both a few days after intercourse with an infected partner, and a few months later. An untreated disease can progress in the body for a very long time, affecting the internal organs, nervous system and human skin.

The symptoms of syphilis in women manifest themselves in a variety of ways, while a lot depends on the stage of the disease and what other diseases accompany it. For example, very often it goes unnoticed because the patient is simultaneously being treated for another ailment, taking antibiotics.
In the first stage, the symptoms of syphilis in women are manifested in the form of a subcutaneous chancre, which over timeincreases in size and becomes like a pigeon's egg. At the same time, the patient may experience weakness, dizziness, a slight increase in body temperature and lack of appetite. All this can be accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes and pain in the muscles and joints. If you do not start immediate treatment at the stage when the first symptoms of syphilis were detected, a general infection will occur, which is fraught with more serious problems.

The second stage of the disease begins when pale treponema (the causative agent of syphilis) enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the system. Ulcers appear on the mucous membranes and irritation of the skin. At the same time, during this period, wave-like manifestations of the disease are characteristic, i.e. She then manifests herself in full, then subsides. Nausea, weakness, fever, hoarseness - this is how secondary syphilis (symptoms) reveals itself. A photo of women during this period can show skin lesions, accelerated hair loss, and an unhe althy complexion. In the absence of proper treatment, after only a few years, the disease will flow into the last, third stage.
The symptoms of syphilis in women during this period are already irreversible. All internal organs are affected, including the brain, bones, muscles, joints, and the nervous system. In this case, the entire skin will be dotted with ulcers and tubercles. The cartilage melts, and the nasal septum may sink. This is the last and most dangerous stage of the disease, which in 99% of cases leads to a decreaseviability and death.

Treatment of syphilis usually takes a long time and depends primarily on the stage of the disease. To avoid such situations, precautions must be taken. First of all, use condoms during sexual intercourse with unreliable partners. And, of course, go through regular examinations to detect the disease at an early stage. Stay he althy!