Women's he alth 2024, October

Diagnosis of pregnancy

Diagnosis of pregnancy

Whatever they say, but pregnancy is one of the most reverent, crucial moments in the life of every woman. Many primary signs can indicate its presence: a change in appetite, nausea, lack of menstruation, but only a specialist can diagnose pregnancy. Diagnosis of pregnancy is made on the basis of anamnestic data, probing of the mammary glands and squeezing out colostrum, visual examination of the vestibule of the vagina and external genital organs

Itching, burning, dryness in the intimate area in women: treatment. Remedies for dryness in the intimate area

Itching, burning, dryness in the intimate area in women: treatment. Remedies for dryness in the intimate area

Almost every woman may encounter a situation where discomfort occurs in the vulva. The reasons for this phenomenon can be completely different. Sometimes itching or burning is an informative symptom of an illness, such as an allergic reaction or a sexually transmitted infection. As a rule, treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause, after which the discomfort disappears on its own

Cervicitis of the cervix: description, causes, symptoms and treatment

Cervicitis of the cervix: description, causes, symptoms and treatment

Cervicitis of the cervix is a fairly common disease and is diagnosed in every second woman. It will be discussed in our article

Classification of causes for uterine prolapse, disease prevention

Classification of causes for uterine prolapse, disease prevention

Prolapsed uterus is a serious problem for many women. The disease is manifested by pulling pains in the uterus, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, impaired urination, unpleasant vaginal discharge

Female hormones: name, norm, deficiency symptoms

Female hormones: name, norm, deficiency symptoms

Female hormones are the most important substances that largely determine the functioning of the menstrual cycle, reproductive abilities and overall he alth. Each of them has a name and features. Now we will talk about them, and we will also talk about the norm, symptoms of a lack of hormones and an increase in their level

What do girls' clear discharge mean?

What do girls' clear discharge mean?

Features and structure of the female body predetermine some processes that are usually absolutely harmless. So, transparent discharge in girls, as a rule, is not evidence of any disease

What don't people talk about? Redness of the labia

What don't people talk about? Redness of the labia

Despite the fact that there is less and less censorship in TV programs, some topics remain sensitive and are discussed in a close circle of "patient - doctor". For example, redness of the labia. Why does it occur? What is the risk? Maybe there is a reason to worry about your own he alth? Is this a reason to reconsider the personal hygiene regimen? Is it possible to go on an intimate date with a similar symptom? Any girl would be worried in such a situation. How to answer the most basic

Inflammation of the fallopian tube: causes, symptoms, treatment

Inflammation of the fallopian tube: causes, symptoms, treatment

Inflammation of the fallopian tubes is considered a fairly common disease of the female reproductive system, which can lead to tubal infertility

Mucous menstruation: causes, symptoms, norm and pathology, treatment if necessary

Mucous menstruation: causes, symptoms, norm and pathology, treatment if necessary

Mucoid discharge instead of menstruation is a very dangerous symptom that jeopardizes a woman's reproductive function, that is, the birth of he althy children. It is imperative to understand the causes of mucous secretions and begin appropriate treatment. Perhaps, in your particular case, unusual discharge is a variant of the norm, but only a gynecologist can accurately determine this

Cervical pregnancy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis

Cervical pregnancy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis

Cervical pregnancy is very rare. This is a severe pathology, often leading to death. If suspicious symptoms, discharge, or a deterioration in well-being are found, a woman should urgently seek medical help. What is cervical pregnancy and why is it dangerous?

Bubble skid - symptoms, causes, treatment

Bubble skid - symptoms, causes, treatment

How often women look forward to those cherished two stripes on the test that will turn their lives upside down! But, unfortunately, the joy of pregnancy does not always last as long as we would like. There are a huge number of pathologies, as a result of which this process must be interrupted

Green discharge in women: causes, treatment

Green discharge in women: causes, treatment

Every woman has vaginal discharge. This is a natural process of the female body. Vaginal secretion is produced by glands in the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, is a natural lubricant and helps to remove dead cells and bacteria. Discharge of a small amount of milky, white and transparent color, odorless is normal

The hormone progesterone in women: norm, pathology and functions performed

The hormone progesterone in women: norm, pathology and functions performed

There are several types of hormones that prevail in the female body and are responsible for the activity of the reproductive system and the whole organism. One of them is the hormone progesterone in women. It performs very important functions in the body. Incorrect development of it will carry many negative consequences. In this article, we will talk about what it is, what is the role of the hormone progesterone in women, and also find out when its production is considered normal

Sipovka is for gourmets

Sipovka is for gourmets

Men have their own slang. I once heard a conversation between well-drank gentlemen. Foaming at the mouth, they discussed the female structure. The words "sipovka", "kinglet", "drupe" flew out from them every now and then. I decided to clarify in dictionaries what they mean

Why is my period delayed by 10 days or more?

Why is my period delayed by 10 days or more?

The natural menstrual cycle has a certain period, which is individual for each woman. The optimal number of days in a cycle is 24-28 days, but a period of up to 35 days is allowed. If there is a delay in menstruation of 10 days or more, this is already an excess of the norm, which can be fraught with many problems

Cervical ectopia: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Cervical ectopia: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Quite often, after visiting the gynecologist's office, women hear for the first time about a diagnosis called "cervical ectopia." This term is not entirely clear to a person without a medical education, and therefore the patients are trying to find additional information on this topic

IUD spirals: types, action, manufacturer reviews

IUD spirals: types, action, manufacturer reviews

The intrauterine device is a reliable method of contraception that is suitable for women who have given birth. When choosing an IUD, it is worth consulting with a gynecologist

Heterogeneous endometrium: causes, structure, what does it mean

Heterogeneous endometrium: causes, structure, what does it mean

Endometrium is the lining of the uterus that lines its inner surface. Sometimes there are situations in which, during an ultrasound diagnosis, the doctor determines the untimely heterogeneity of the endometrium, which indicates hormonal disruptions or serious inflammatory processes

Protein in the urine after childbirth: causes, norms and deviations, treatment methods

Protein in the urine after childbirth: causes, norms and deviations, treatment methods

The presence of protein in the blood is a normal condition, while its detection in the urine indicates the development of a pathological process in which the kidneys begin to remove not only harmful substances from the body, but also useful ones. The danger of this condition lies in the fact that the pathology is not always accompanied by characteristic symptoms

Ovarian cyst torsion: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Ovarian cyst torsion: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

An ovarian cyst is a benign formation, which is a sac with liquid contents inside. Has a tendency to increase due to the accumulation of secretions. In this case, growth of the ovary itself is also observed. By its nature, the cyst is quite mobile, which can cause its torsion. With this pathology, timely diagnosis is very important, since the consequences of torsion pose a danger to the life of a woman

Curettage with endometrial hyperplasia: features, indications and consequences

Curettage with endometrial hyperplasia: features, indications and consequences

Women often experience diseases due to the structural features of their bodies. Pathological processes can have a different character. Some of them are quite difficult to find. In order not to bite your elbows later, you need to visit a doctor in a timely manner. The gynecologist will conduct an examination, listen to your complaints and, if necessary, refer you for additional diagnostics

How is endometrial hyperplasia treated: symptoms, necessary diagnostics, treatment methods, review of drugs, reviews

How is endometrial hyperplasia treated: symptoms, necessary diagnostics, treatment methods, review of drugs, reviews

Hyperplasia of the endometrium is a serious disease of the female genital organs, some of its varieties are considered a precancerous condition. It is noteworthy that most women are used to ignoring the symptoms of the disease. How hyperplasia is treated will tell the article

Adnexitis: symptoms and treatment in women

Adnexitis: symptoms and treatment in women

Not fatal, but dangerous, leading to infertility disease of the female genital organs is adnexitis. Symptoms in acute and chronic forms of the course are different. Is it possible to cure this disease with homeopathy and folk remedies at home? What are the causes and consequences of adnexitis?

Abundant discharge in women: the norm or the disease

Abundant discharge in women: the norm or the disease

Every woman should take care of her he alth. The body makes it clear about various pathologies with certain symptoms. You need to be careful about such manifestations. One of the signs of women's he alth is discharge that meets recognized standards. Deviations may indicate the presence of various ailments. What copious discharge can mean will be discussed in detail later

In vitro fertilization of a woman

In vitro fertilization of a woman

Women who 30-40 years ago would have been doomed to childlessness, today, thanks to the development of assisted reproductive technologies, become mothers of he althy babies. In the modern world, IVF - artificial insemination - is one of the most common ways to overcome infertility. What is the essence of this procedure?

Antral follicles in the ovaries. What is it, what are they responsible for? Norm and deviations

Antral follicles in the ovaries. What is it, what are they responsible for? Norm and deviations

Antral follicles are the foundation of a desired pregnancy. How to find out the norm of these follicles? What indicators are pathological? What does modern medicine offer in solving women's problems with infertility?

Atrophic colpitis: symptoms and treatment in women, features of the disease

Atrophic colpitis: symptoms and treatment in women, features of the disease

Atrophic colpitis, symptoms, treatment options offered by modern medicine. Armed with knowledge about the causes and symptoms of such a disease, every woman can protect herself from the development of serious cancer

Herpes on the labia: how to treat

Herpes on the labia: how to treat

Herpes on the labia is an unpleasant disease that has many consequences. It is easy to protect yourself from it - it is enough to follow preventive measures

Saddle uterus: causes and treatment

Saddle uterus: causes and treatment

The saddle uterus is found in most of the female population. Unfortunately, not everyone knows about this pathology

Ultrasound of the patency of the fallopian tubes. Indications for the study

Ultrasound of the patency of the fallopian tubes. Indications for the study

One of the necessary conditions for the onset of pregnancy is the normal patency of the fallopian tubes in a woman. After all, it is through these channels that the fertilized egg enters the uterus. If the patency is impaired, then the woman is diagnosed with infertility. In case of partial obstruction, an ectopic pregnancy may occur. To protect a woman from such problems and assess her chances of conceiving a child, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound of the patency of the fallopian tubes

What are the signs of imminent labor in multiparous?

What are the signs of imminent labor in multiparous?

All pregnant women often think about the date of delivery. The excitement is entirely justified. Those who give birth for the first time are afraid not to recognize the signs of such an important event and confuse the main harbingers with ordinary malaise. More experienced women, those who are pregnant for the second time, perfectly remember all the harbingers. To avoid unnecessary worries and be prepared for all the changes taking place in the body, it is necessary to study what are the signs of an early birth in multiparous

HPV infection in women - what is it? Diagnosis and treatment

HPV infection in women - what is it? Diagnosis and treatment

All women dream of looking attractive. But sometimes the skin can somewhat upset the fair sex. It is especially unpleasant when warts or unaesthetic papillomas appear on it. Of course, such a defect of a young lady is most often perceived solely as an external one. But these formations are caused by an unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous HPV infection in women. What it is? How does the infection enter the body? What methods to fight it?

Chinese pads: reviews of gynecologists

Chinese pads: reviews of gynecologists

Therapeutic Chinese pads have an incredible healing effect on the female body and are suitable for the treatment of many gynecological diseases. Chinese healers believe that for healing you need to use only those gifts that nature gives us. Thanks to the accumulated experience of thousands of years, as well as the latest innovative technologies, Chinese pads have appeared that have a healing effect. In this article, we will consider all the features of this product, as well as reviews about it

Delay 9 days, pregnancy test negative: what could be the reasons?

Delay 9 days, pregnancy test negative: what could be the reasons?

Quite often, women experience a delay. Day 9 is no exception even if the pregnancy test is negative. According to gynecologists, you should not worry much, but you still need to figure out what changes are taking place in your body. If menstruation does not occur for more than eight to ten days, be sure to consult a specialist

Gestational age: what is it and how to calculate it?

Gestational age: what is it and how to calculate it?

Gynecologists need to know the gestational age to determine the expected date of birth. This will eliminate preterm labor and will not allow a woman to pass

Ovarian neoplasm: causes, symptoms, diagnostic testing and treatment

Ovarian neoplasm: causes, symptoms, diagnostic testing and treatment

An ovarian neoplasm is an uncontrolled growth of tissues caused by abnormal cell division. For preventive purposes, a woman is recommended to visit a gynecologist at least once a year and undergo an ultrasound examination. Tumors can be either benign or caused by cancer. Ovarian neoplasms according to ICD-10, the international classification of diseases, have an individual code C56 or D27

When and what kind of discharge appears after conception?

When and what kind of discharge appears after conception?

Many women planning pregnancy are tormented by doubts in the second half of the cycle. During this period, conception, which took place at the time of ovulation, radically changes the functioning of the body. Experienced and attentive representatives of the weaker sex can guess their new position even before the delay. Today's article will tell you about what happens to the discharge after conception

Laser cauterization of erosion: features, description and reviews

Laser cauterization of erosion: features, description and reviews

A dangerous disease of the reproductive system of the female body is cervical erosion. It requires constant monitoring. If necessary, this pathology is treated. One of the effective methods today is cauterization of erosion with a laser. How this procedure goes, its features and reviews will be presented in the article

Cauterization by radio wave erosion: cauterization procedure and doctors' recommendations

Cauterization by radio wave erosion: cauterization procedure and doctors' recommendations

Cauterization of radio wave erosion as a therapy has appeared quite recently, it consists in the treatment of damaged tissues with radio waves

Uterine fibroids: causes, treatment, consequences

Uterine fibroids: causes, treatment, consequences

One of the most common pathological conditions in gynecology is uterine fibroids. In medicine, this term refers to a benign tumor. For what reasons do uterine fibroids occur in women, and how is the disease treated? The answer to these questions should be known to all the fair sex, because anyone can face a problem