Early menopause at 30-40 years old: causes and consequences

Early menopause at 30-40 years old: causes and consequences
Early menopause at 30-40 years old: causes and consequences

One of the inevitable stages in the life of any woman is menopause. This period is inextricably linked with the processes in the body leading to the inability to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. At the same time, monthly bleeding becomes weaker, and then completely stops. The gametes stop maturing, which means that the woman's reproductive system begins to work in a different way. However, in some cases, there may be an early onset of menopause. This phenomenon, as a rule, indicates the presence of serious disorders in the body.

What is pathology?

The period referred to in the sections of the article begins at the age of forty-five and older. Experts say that early menopause at 40 or younger women indicates the occurrence of certain hormonal disorders. In rare cases, even before examining a patient who complained about the premature absence of critical days, the doctor establishes that her condition was caused only by unfavorable heredity. In some families, manyrelatives, there was an early onset of such a period.

The occurrence of menopause is due to the extinction of the activity of the female reproductive organs. As a result of certain reasons, the ovaries stop producing the necessary substances. Consequently, the gametes stop maturing and menstruation becomes scanty and then stops. Early menopause in women is a pathology that does not occur too often. It can appear at any age.

woman at the doctor's office
woman at the doctor's office

Due to mechanical damage, surgery or a cancerous tumor, the functioning of the internal organs of the reproductive system is disrupted even in young girls.

Factors explaining the development of the disease

There are many reasons for early menopause. The main triggers due to which this process occurs, experts include the following:

  1. Missing ovaries as a result of surgery to remove them.
  2. The extinction of the activity of the internal genital organs due to exposure to radiation. This can happen, for example, as a result of the treatment of cancerous tumors or work in hazardous industries associated with radioactive substances. The degree of damage caused to the female body depends on the dose of harmful compounds and on the age of the patient.
  3. Effects of anti-cancer drugs.
  4. Genetic failures regarding the structure of chromosomes.
  5. Starting monthly discharge at an early age (11-12 years).
  6. Immune related disorderssystems in which the body perceives ovarian tissue as elements alien to it.
  7. Incorrect or too long use of drugs that protect against unwanted conception.
  8. Infectious diseases, viruses.
  9. Pathologies of the endocrine glands: thyroid gland, adrenal glands.
  10. Diabetes.
  11. Exhaustion.
  12. Overweight.
  13. Wrong lifestyle (smoking, lack of a balanced diet, diet and fasting).
  14. Environmental pollution.
  15. Insufficient mobility.
  16. physical exercise
    physical exercise

In some cases, the causes of early menopause cannot be established even after a detailed examination of the patient.

The appearance of the problem before the age of 40

If such a situation arises, experts say that it is the result of severe stress. Unfortunately, the premature stop of critical days entails the loss of the opportunity to have children. However, the appearance of early menopause in women 40 years and younger does not immediately take away their chances of becoming a mother. Therefore, those who do not plan to conceive should use special means. Irregular and scanty bleeding at this age is a serious reason to see a doctor. After all, these symptoms do not occur without a good reason. Most often they are associated with a lack of certain substances. If hormones are not produced correctly, a woman is faced with such unpleasant phenomena as excess hair on the face and body, weight gain, bone fragility. She is worried about headaches, periods of severe chills, mood swings, constant weakness, and a decrease in libido. Patients with similar complaints are referred for laboratory blood tests. This analysis helps to determine the level of essential substances in the body.

Characteristics of early menopause in women 40

If a similar phenomenon occurs at this age, doctors also talk about pathology. In addition to the loss of the ability to conceive a child, such a condition is fraught with a high risk of developing serious ailments.

hot flashes during menopause
hot flashes during menopause

The likelihood of heart attacks, senile dementia, cerebral hemorrhages, bone damage, memory and attention disorders increases. Sometimes experts are unable to pinpoint the exact cause of the problem. However, it is known that the symptoms of early menopause in women 40 years old may appear due to surgical operations on the reproductive organs, mental trauma, tobacco abuse, or unfavorable heredity. In any case, this pathology is not treatable. Symptoms of ovarian dysfunction cannot be completely eliminated.

Main symptoms

Signs of early menopause in women include the following:

  1. Irregularity of critical days (the intervals between them become too long, the amount of blood decreases significantly). Then the periods disappear completely.
  2. Unable to conceive.
  3. Feeling hot, chills, redness of the skin on the face, profuse sweating.
  4. Respiratory disorders.
  5. Anxiety, causeless tears, anger, depression.
  6. woman crying
    woman crying
  7. Difficulty remembering.
  8. Decreased ability to work.
  9. Heart disease that manifests itself as discomfort in the chest, rhythm failures.
  10. Sleep disorders.
  11. Feeling of dryness in the vulva.
  12. Involuntary separation of urine during rapid movements or laughter.

Dangerous Complications

Signs of early menopause in women significantly worsen their well-being. In addition, pathology often causes severe consequences that pose a threat to life. These complications include:

  1. Diseases of blood vessels and heart muscle.
  2. Bone fragility leading to fractures.
  3. Inflammatory processes in the thyroid gland.
  4. Diabetes mellitus.
  5. Pathologies of the digestive tract.
  6. Cancerous tumors of the breast and organs of the reproductive system.
  7. Disorders of the adrenal glands.

These complications often lead to disability and even death.

Appearance changes

Symptoms of early menopause in women not only worsen the well-being of patients, but also adversely affect their appearance. There is a strong and rapid weight gain, there is an accumulation of fat in the sides, hips, abdomen, buttocks. The skin becomes wrinkled and flabby. Dark spots appear on the face and body.

Mammary glands lose elasticity. Feeling hot, profuse sweating, and problems with appearance are signs of early menopause that can cause complexes, self-doubt, and cause a depressed emotional state.

Diagnostic measures

When symptoms of early menopause occur, a woman needs to contact several medical professionals. These are, first of all, specialists in the treatment of pathologies of VA, cancer, as well as gynecologists. The patient is referred for an examination which includes:

  1. Laboratory blood tests (performed in order to determine the content of the necessary substances in the body).
  2. Examination of the pituitary gland using CT and X-ray.
  3. Ultrasound to assess the condition of the organs of the reproductive system.
  4. Diagnosis of possible breast diseases.
  5. Determining the strength of bone tissue.

After these diagnostic measures, specialists, as a rule, manage to establish the cause of early menopause and choose the right treatment for the patient.

Therapy Methods

As a rule, for women who suffer from a similar disease, doctors recommend hormonal drugs. This kind of drugs allows you to make up for the lack of substances necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive organs.

hormonal drugs for menopause
hormonal drugs for menopause

The benefits of treatment are as follows:

  1. It helps fight the signs of early menopause: increased sweating,feeling hot, loss of sex drive.
  2. Pills containing hormones are a good prevention of heart failure, vascular rupture.
  3. Drugs improve metabolism, protect against weight gain, normalize glucose levels in the body.
  4. Therapy prevents brittleness and mechanical damage to bone tissue.

Use of medicinal plants

With the symptoms of early menopause in women, preparations made from herbs that have beneficial properties help to cope. These include:

  1. Infusion of the uterus boron.
  2. The brush is red.
  3. Decoctions of oregano, sage.
  4. Clover.
  5. Blackberries.
  6. Specially formulated herbal formulas available at pharmacies.

However, it must be remembered that if an early menopause and symptoms of this pathology occur, a woman is not recommended to use herbal preparations without the permission of a doctor.

Can I still become a mother?

It is known that the condition referred to in the article is characterized by a gradual cessation of monthly bleeding. However, while the critical days are still preserved, there are certain chances of conception. A woman with early menopause, symptoms of this disease, should consult a doctor about a means to prevent conception if the birth of a child is not in her plans.

In those cases, the expectant mother dreamed of a baby, and pregnancy has come, you must also tell the obstetrician-gynecologist about this.

There is a misconception that a long process of breastfeeding can provoke this pathology. However, lactation can only cause a temporary loss of critical days, but not an early menopause.

Can the development of the disease be prevented?

In the case when the condition is caused by a hereditary predisposition, there are no effective ways to deal with it in modern medicine. However, any woman can follow certain rules to prevent the appearance of vivid symptoms and complications. The best treatment for early menopause, like many other disorders, is prevention. Refusal of medical abortions, casual intimate relationships, genital infections, as well as regular check-ups and examinations - all this helps to avoid the problem. Timely diagnosis (even of such serious pathologies as tumors of the reproductive system or mammary glands) in many cases gives patients a chance for good results of therapy and the absence of serious consequences in the future.

A balanced diet also plays an important role.

he althy eating
he althy eating

The diet should include useful substances and a minimum of junk food (fried, spicy, s alty foods, fats and sugar). Refusal of high-calorie foods allows you to deal with excess weight, which often occurs in patients with such a pathology. It has been noticed that women living in Asian countries are less likely to need treatment for early menopause, as they tolerate it better. They almost never face the feeling of hot and cold, which is a serious inconvenience.representatives of the weaker sex. This is due to the presence in the diet of a large number of fruits, vegetables, fish, various cereals. There are many products that can provide the body with a certain dose of substances similar to hormones. Sufficient fluid intake plays an important role. Don't forget about movement. Physical education helps fight early menopause. They also help improve the condition of muscles and bone tissue. You also need to monitor your emotional state. This means that the patient should try to avoid unrest, unpleasant experiences. With symptoms of early menopause in women, doctors advise from time to time to relax in nature (go to the park, for a picnic), pay attention to sleep, rest, interests and pleasant activities that bring joy. Communication with friends, family, watching your favorite shows or reading books, as well as other hobbies allow you to relax, relieve fatigue and get pleasant emotions.


Early menopause is an unpleasant condition experienced by women between the ages of thirty and forty-five. It is not the norm and is caused by pathological processes in the internal genital organs, violations of the production of substances necessary for the body. As a rule, such a disease complicates the life of the patient, and often provokes serious consequences. Therefore, a woman who is faced with signs of early menopause, you need to seek help from a doctor. Modern therapy can prevent the development of dangerous complications and improve well-being. Each representativethe weaker sex should understand that the state of he alth largely depends on the lifestyle that she leads.

walk in the park
walk in the park

Therefore, attention should be paid to such aspects as a balanced diet, sufficient sleep and rest, control of one's physical condition in medical institutions, physical education.
