Medicine 2024, October

Omron C28 nebulizer: instructions and specifications

Omron C28 nebulizer: instructions and specifications

The Omron C28 nebulizer will significantly speed up recovery from diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The device can be successfully used both in medical institutions and at home. Suitable for all segments of the population, both adults and children can use it

How to remove plaster: features, when you can and how to do it at home

How to remove plaster: features, when you can and how to do it at home

On average, the period of walking a person in a cast with a fracture of moderate severity is about three weeks. The younger the patient, the faster the bones grow together. Elderly people can walk with a cast for up to three months. Consider how the process of removing gypsum takes place, depending on its variety. Find out if you can do it yourself

Exercises for the spine at home. Spinal Stretching Exercises

Exercises for the spine at home. Spinal Stretching Exercises

Long-term sedentary office work, long pastime at the computer, lack of the necessary full-fledged physical activity and developing physical inactivity are the main reasons that initially lead to a weakening of the muscular corset of the body, and then to a violation of posture, curvature of the spine. However, this can be avoided, because you can take care of your he alth at home by performing simple exercises to strengthen the spine at home

Aphrodisiacs - what is it

Aphrodisiacs - what is it

The ancient name, derived from the name of the goddess of love Aphrodite, suggests that these are special substances that enhance love passion. First of all, aromas, essential oils were referred to them. Aphrodisiacs are also a lot of potions with the most exotic compositions

Erythrocytes: the norm and possible deviations

Erythrocytes: the norm and possible deviations

Blood is the most important liquid medium of the human body, carrying out the metabolism and protection of other organs and tissues. Its formed elements are represented by three main types of cells: leukocytes, thrombocytes and erythrocytes, normally their composition is maintained at a constant level for hemo- and homeostasis

ESR in men: norm and deviations

ESR in men: norm and deviations

Very often in the results of analyzes people see such an abbreviation as ESR. This indicator may indicate the presence of various diseases. We will talk about how to properly prepare for the blood donation procedure, as evidenced by the increased or decreased ESR values, in the article

Traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy: causes, treatment

Traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy: causes, treatment

Traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy is a cause for concern, as they may indicate serious illnesses

Lunin Nikolai Ivanovich, author of the doctrine of vitamins: biography

Lunin Nikolai Ivanovich, author of the doctrine of vitamins: biography

Every person knows about the benefits of vitamins. However, few people know who owns the discovery of the beneficial properties of these substances indispensable for the body. Who identified vitamins and what is the role of such organic compounds in human life?

What is sterilization? Purpose, methods, description of the procedure

What is sterilization? Purpose, methods, description of the procedure

Mostly this term is heard by pet owners who care about the fate of their pets. But in general, medical sterilization is the same for all living beings. This is an operation during which the complete destruction of microorganisms occurs with the help of special items. In simple terms, sterilization refers to the process of cleaning and decontaminating an instrument for the purpose of further action

Exercise therapy for a pelvic fracture: what exercises should be done?

Exercise therapy for a pelvic fracture: what exercises should be done?

Exercise therapy for pelvic fractures is an important part of treatment. It is necessary not only to immobilize damaged bones, but also to improve breathing, as well as maintain muscle tone. Without gymnastics, complications from various organs can occur, and the rehabilitation period after an injury is much more difficult. Therefore, therapeutic exercises begin to be carried out from the first days of therapy

Laboratory diagnostics is a unique way of research. Methods and features

Laboratory diagnostics is a unique way of research. Methods and features

Clinical laboratory diagnostics is one of the most informative and reliable ways to obtain information about the state of he alth of the body. With its help, it is possible to identify any pathologies at an early stage and take timely measures to eliminate them

Proctologist is a doctor who solves delicate problems

Proctologist is a doctor who solves delicate problems

It's no secret that a person who has problems does not always share them with others. Sometimes it's tactless, and sometimes it's embarrassing. The latter refers usually to delicate he alth problems. In particular, this applies to going to a doctor such as a proctologist. This is a rather unpleasant and intimate trip, so this is not spread. In this article we will talk about who a proctologist is, and what are his functions

Hydrotherapy - what is it Types, indications, contraindications and methods of treatment

Hydrotherapy - what is it Types, indications, contraindications and methods of treatment

Hydrotherapy is one of the most popular treatments for patients. Also, such procedures can be carried out for cosmetic purposes. Here will be described the most famous, as well as innovative methods of hydrotherapy

Why the veins on the legs itch: possible causes, necessary examinations, diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures

Why the veins on the legs itch: possible causes, necessary examinations, diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures

Quite often people have such a problem as itching in the veins. There can be quite a few reasons for this. The article will describe in detail why the veins on the legs itch, as well as how to get rid of it and what preventive measures should be taken to prevent itching

Torsion of the hydatid in a child

Torsion of the hydatid in a child

Hydatid torsion is a fairly serious disease that occurs at any age, but most often affects children. Testicular torsion leads to the fact that blood circulation is disturbed, therefore, surgical intervention is often necessary to solve this problem

How to give first aid for snake and insect bites?

How to give first aid for snake and insect bites?

Every person must know how to provide first aid for snake and insect bites, because the right actions will help save a human life. Here are detailed instructions on how to behave in such situations

Nevus of the sebaceous glands: description, appearance with photo, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Nevus of the sebaceous glands: description, appearance with photo, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Nevus of the sebaceous glands is a neoplasm that often appears in newborns. In most cases, it is not dangerous, but it is extremely important to monitor it so that the situation does not worsen. The main points of this neoplasm will be described here

How many minutes to do inhalation for children and adults at home

How many minutes to do inhalation for children and adults at home

Inhalations are an excellent medical procedure, thanks to which a sick person immediately feels an improvement. It is extremely important to know how many minutes to do inhalation so that it has the most beneficial effect, and also it does not harm the human body

Craniotomy is Concept, definition, indications for and consequences

Craniotomy is Concept, definition, indications for and consequences

Craniotomy - in fact, trepanation of the skull. Translated from Latin, "tomia" - dissection, "cranio" - cranium. Craniotomy is a twofold term. It means in neurosurgery trepanation of the cranial vault for operations. Craniotomy in obstetrics means the destruction of the fetal skull during embryotomy

Arthroplasty is Types, preparation, operation

Arthroplasty is Types, preparation, operation

Arthroplasty is a surgical operation to replace a joint with an artificial prosthesis. In fact, this is the last chance to return to normal life, almost 250 thousand patients a year throughout Russia. Basically, these are people of middle and old age, whose joints are affected by some kind of disease that causes unbearable suffering and deprives a person of the ability to walk

ENMG examination - what is it?

ENMG examination - what is it?

ENMG - what is it? This is the abbreviated name for the method of diagnostic examination of the nervous system of the body - electroneuromyography. ENMG examination allows you to find out the condition of the muscles and peripheral nerves

Knee joint: structure in detail

Knee joint: structure in detail

The knee joint, the structure of which should be well known to every person involved in sports, is the largest in the human body. It is formed by three bones. The structure of the human knee joint is due to its location

Effective and inexpensive analogue of "Bepanthen"

Effective and inexpensive analogue of "Bepanthen"

Is there an analogue of "Bepanthen"? To answer this question, you need to analyze the properties and therapeutic use of this drug. It may turn out that an analogue of "Bepanten" can be found. And not even one

Diabetic foot: symptoms and classification

Diabetic foot: symptoms and classification

Diabetic foot, the symptoms of which we will describe in this article, is a syndrome that is caused by high blood sugar levels. With lesions of the pancreas, this level is so high that it begins to have a toxic effect on tissues and organs

Hemodialysis - what is this procedure?

Hemodialysis - what is this procedure?

Hemodialysis is used to cleanse the blood of nitrogenous compounds and electrolytes in cases where the kidneys cannot cope with their work. What is the procedure? It is carried out with the help of an "artificial kidney" - a special apparatus consisting of three components. Let's take a closer look at the essence of this process

Can you get HIV from a manicure? Rapid test for HIV. Disinfection of manicure instruments

Can you get HIV from a manicure? Rapid test for HIV. Disinfection of manicure instruments

Many people go to beauty salons where a variety of procedures can improve their appearance. Today, not only girls, but also men do manicures from specialists. However, the master is not always highly qualified. Many do not even think about whether it is possible to become infected with HIV during a manicure. You can find the answer to this question in our article

What kind of massages are there? Types of therapeutic and anti-cellulite massage

What kind of massages are there? Types of therapeutic and anti-cellulite massage

Thanks to massage, you can get rid of many he alth problems. However, many underestimate its benefits. A massage performed by an experienced specialist will get rid of headaches, fatigue, muscle cramps or cellulite. Already after the first session, positive changes can be observed. Thanks to our article, you can find out what massages are

Muscles - what is it? The importance of muscles in the human body

Muscles - what is it? The importance of muscles in the human body

An important role in the body and its normal functioning is played by muscles. What it is, you can find out from our article. Muscles are organs of the body that are made up of muscle tissue. They contract under the influence of nerve impulses

Addresses of the best chiropractors in Tula

Addresses of the best chiropractors in Tula

How to find a good chiropractor in Tula? This question is asked by all residents of the city, who are tired of muscle pains, or other internal problems of the body and who no longer want to spend money and he alth on treatment with medicines and classical massage alone. The following list of the best manuals in the city will help you choose a good specialist

"Dolphin" - a medical center in Chelyabinsk: description, address, reviews

"Dolphin" - a medical center in Chelyabinsk: description, address, reviews

Medical center in Chelyabinsk "Dolphin" offers a wide range of services. The clinic has high-quality and modern equipment, which allows you to quickly conduct an examination. The institution is available to register for pregnancy, as well as visit many doctors

Russian Cancer Research Center named after N. N. Blokhin. Cancer Center: address, doctors, reviews

Russian Cancer Research Center named after N. N. Blokhin. Cancer Center: address, doctors, reviews

Increasingly, in everyday life, people began to face a terrible medical verdict - diagnosed with cancer. And if a few decades earlier it could mean only one thing - death, today the majority of cancer patients gain hope for recovery. New oncology centers are opening in all European countries, ready to accept people with various degrees of this disease for treatment. There are such centers in Russia. One of the most famous is the oncological center named after Nikolai Blokhi

Vascular surgeon in Volgograd: list, selection, rating of the best, clinics, medical centers and hospitals of the city, quality of treatment and patient reviews

Vascular surgeon in Volgograd: list, selection, rating of the best, clinics, medical centers and hospitals of the city, quality of treatment and patient reviews

Who might be interested in a good vascular surgeon in Volgograd? Problems with veins and arteries, injuries, varicose veins, consequences of oncological diseases and many other diseases and their consequences are decided by these doctors. But how not to make a mistake with the choice of a specialist? List of the ten best vascular surgeons in Volgograd - later in this article

Sanatorium "Royka" in the Green City: description, services and reviews

Sanatorium "Royka" in the Green City: description, services and reviews

Sanatorium "Royka" in the Green City is located fifteen kilometers from Nizhny Novgorod. The institution is located on the territory of a coniferous forest, and this explains its characteristic microclimate. Green spaces create excellent conditions that improve the condition of patients

Why and how to smear heels with iodine? Iodine mesh: what helps, application rules

Why and how to smear heels with iodine? Iodine mesh: what helps, application rules

Iodine solution is one of the most affordable and widely used antiseptics. It has the ability to penetrate through the pores into the subcutaneous tissues and have a positive effect on the body. Many people and even doctors recommend smearing heels with iodine. They claim that in this way it is possible to significantly improve the state of he alth

How to determine how much the head weighs without separating it from the body. Head size in tables

How to determine how much the head weighs without separating it from the body. Head size in tables

People often ask strange questions just out of curiosity. One of these is how much does a person's head weigh? This question becomes especially interesting from the fact that it cannot just be taken and weighed without separating it from the body. This is impossible, since the neck holds the bulk, and the weight will be far from real

"He alth Clinic": reviews, addresses, services, qualifications of doctors

"He alth Clinic": reviews, addresses, services, qualifications of doctors

High qualification of doctors is the main priority of the medical center. Already at the first visit, you will be able to receive qualified medical care, conduct the necessary research. The medical center is equipped with the latest generation of medical equipment, which allows to carry out any kind of diagnostic examinations, including computed tomography, mammography, fluoroscopy, ultrasound examinations

Urologist in Kursk: choice, list, rating of the best, appointment time, opening hours, quality of treatment and patient reviews

Urologist in Kursk: choice, list, rating of the best, appointment time, opening hours, quality of treatment and patient reviews

When looking for a good specialist in the field of urology, you need to know information about the experience of the doctor and his level of qualification. Also, data on the professional and human qualities of a doctor, which are often mentioned in patient reviews, will not interfere. To facilitate the task of finding a specialist, the list of the best urologists in Kursk, presented in the article below, will help

The best gynecologists in Perm. Gynecological clinics in Perm: addresses

The best gynecologists in Perm. Gynecological clinics in Perm: addresses

How to choose a good gynecologist? Information about the qualifications and experience of a specialist in this field of medicine will help answer this question. To reduce the search time for a competent doctor, it is better to use the list of Perm gynecologists presented in the article

Children's orthopedist in Yekaterinburg: list, selection, rating of the best. Clinics, medical centers and hospitals of the city. Quality of treatment and patient feedback

Children's orthopedist in Yekaterinburg: list, selection, rating of the best. Clinics, medical centers and hospitals of the city. Quality of treatment and patient feedback

Orthopedics is one of the most important branches in medicine. How to find out which of the specialists in this field will be good? Information obtained on the Internet will help answer this question, which includes the qualifications of the doctor, his experience and the number of positive reviews from patients. You can get acquainted with the list of the best children's orthopedists in Yekaterinburg in this article

Cytoarchitectonics of the cerebral cortex: definition and features

Cytoarchitectonics of the cerebral cortex: definition and features

The cerebral cortex is the most complex structure of the human brain. It has a wide range of functions, including the planning and initiation of motor activity, the perception and awareness of sensory information, learning, memory, conceptual thinking, awareness of emotions, and much more. The performance of all these functions is due to the unique multilayer arrangement of neurons. Cytoarchitectonics of the cerebral cortex is their cellular organization