How to wear compression stockings for varicose veins: instructions, medical advice

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How to wear compression stockings for varicose veins: instructions, medical advice
How to wear compression stockings for varicose veins: instructions, medical advice

Video: How to wear compression stockings for varicose veins: instructions, medical advice

Video: How to wear compression stockings for varicose veins: instructions, medical advice
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One of the most common serious problems affecting both women and men is varicose veins. It is known that about 60% of the population suffers from this disease. It takes a lot of effort and time to cope with vascular disease. Phlebologists usually prescribe medications. In addition, you can wear compression stockings for varicose veins and do useful exercises.

how to wear stockings correctly
how to wear stockings correctly

Impact of medical underwear

Underwear used to treat vascular disease improves well-being and gives strength to the body. Stockings have the following effects:

  • slows down the process of clotting;
  • there is no further change in the shape of the veins;
  • improves microcirculation of blood and lymph;
  • prevent injuries and sprains;
  • tissues are saturatedoxygen;
  • prevents puffiness.

Compression hosiery is a necessary tool in the treatment of vascular diseases and the prevention of their subsequent development. It is necessary to put on underwear in the morning, and you need to wear it throughout the day. Do not forget that the exploitation of the hosiery does not completely eliminate the disease, but is an auxiliary tool. As for how to wear compression stockings for varicose veins, you should definitely consult a phlebologist.

Instances in which the use of compression garments is prohibited

Before you start using a medical device, you should familiarize yourself with a number of contraindications. Only a qualified specialist, having determined the degree of the disease, can say whether it is necessary to wear compression stockings for varicose veins, give recommendations aimed at the need for their use. The use of elastic underwear is not allowed in cases such as:

  1. Atherosclerosis. Stockings help to completely block the vein.
  2. Obliterating endarteritis. This disease provokes a narrowing of the lumen of the artery.
  3. Allergic reaction. Caution should be taken with compression underwear for a person with excessively sensitive skin, since the components that make up the stockings can cause allergic reactions. Fortunately, this is rare enough.
  4. Skin lesions and rashes. In addition, therapeutic knitwear is not used for bedsores, diseases of the dermis and wounds.
  5. Cardiopulmonary failure. Elastic stockingsexacerbate the situation, because in this case, the blood flow is disturbed even in a calm state.
  6. Diabetes. In this disease, blood vessels are damaged. Therefore, the use of knitwear is contraindicated.
  7. how to wear with varicose veins
    how to wear with varicose veins

Criteria for selecting compression stockings

Before you buy the necessary underwear, you should figure out which stockings are suitable for each specific situation. Medical knitwear has a gradation that determines the degree of compression:

  1. 0 and 1 class. This underwear is considered preventive. It is not used as a medicinal product. Recommended for people with sedentary jobs and pregnant women.
  2. 2 class. The reason for using this type of product is a genetic tendency to vascular disease and swelling of the lower extremities. Can I wear compression stockings for varicose veins? This in this case will be determined by the doctor.
  3. 3 class. Underwear is used during hospitalization after surgery. The duration of use is determined by the doctor.

Elastic underwear should be chosen in the appropriate size, only in this case it will provide the desired effect.

Benefits of compression stockings

Compression stockings are the most popular non-drug treatment for varicose veins. Their advantage lies in the fact that they are able to close the leg behind and above the knee - in places where vascular problems most often appear.

Compression stockings help not only fight varicose veins, but also stop further developmentillness. The main reason for the thinning of the venous wall is the loss of vascular elasticity due to increased blood pressure. As a result, they stretch, unable to withstand the load. After that, knots with stagnant blood appear.

stockings and varicose veins
stockings and varicose veins

The main property of compression stockings is a squeezing effect, in which the vessels are toned, which further prevents them from expanding. There is an imitation of a natural process, as the pressure is distributed over the entire surface. The maximum load is directed to the lower legs, so the compression is greatest there.

The purpose of medical stockings is to ease the work of the veins. For the patient, the degree of pressure exerted on the vessels depends on the level of development of the pathology. The higher it is, the stronger the compression should be.

Recommendations for the use of medical stockings

How many hours to wear compression stockings for varicose veins? It all depends on the characteristics of the human body.

It is recommended to wear it immediately after waking up, while still lying down. At this time, blood flow is not obstructed in the lower extremities.

You should use the product carefully, as it will not bring full benefit if it is damaged. How long to wear compression stockings for varicose veins?

Rules of putting on

Remember how to wear compression stockings for varicose veins. Medical knitwear should be evenly distributed over the legs so that the necessary pressure is applied to all areas. Due to the fact that the composition of the linen includes the material elastane, wearcompression stockings are not easy. It is recommended to wear knitwear as follows:

  1. First you need to turn the laundry inside out.
  2. Then you should put it on the foot, evenly distributing it.
  3. Next, the stocking is pulled up to the ankle, while the area below is getting better.
  4. It is necessary to pull the inverted part up the leg. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the fabric.
  5. Then you need to consistently put on the product to the end, straightening the folds.

Make sure that the stocking does not twist, wrinkle, or slip off the leg during the process.

how to wear
how to wear

Using compression stockings after surgery

During surgery, there is always a risk of blood clots or inflammation of the veins. In order to avoid stress and impaired blood outflow in the leg area, it is necessary to have knowledge of how to wear compression stockings for varicose veins after surgery. Usually, elastic underwear is put on immediately before the surgical intervention itself, and removed on the recommendation of a doctor. In some situations, this is done after a few days, in others - after months.

how to wear stockings for varicose veins
how to wear stockings for varicose veins

The need for stockings for compression during pregnancy and childbirth

During pregnancy and childbirth, the load on the veins increases significantly. It happens that the insolvency of the veins has already been determined earlier, but during the period of bearing the baby, the situation worsened. In this case, it is recommended to constantly wear a medical device during pregnancy.knitted underwear. In this regard, it is necessary to have an idea of how to properly wear compression stockings for varicose veins during a woman's special condition.

Specialized models called anti-embolic models are used for childbirth. They have a slimming property, exert uniform pressure in the leg area, and have different levels of compression. In another way, this type of compression stockings is called hospital, because it is also used for the treatment and prevention of vascular disease in bedridden patients.

white stockings
white stockings

Expectant mothers who do not have problems with blood vessels are advised to wear preventive underwear. And if varicose veins are already present, then compression stockings should be bought medical. They must be prescribed by a doctor.

How long to wear medical stockings?

Compression stockings for varicose veins are needed to achieve lasting results of treatment. How much to wear them? Always and daily. With varicose veins, it is recommended to use stockings for at least ten hours a day. But for the effective effect, it is better to wear underwear for a full day and take it off only before going to bed. In this case, the use of compression stockings will bring the greatest benefit.

However, experts advise beginners to first get used to medical knitwear gradually, starting with two hours of use per day. Preventive elastic underwear is indispensable if a person has to stand or sit all day while working, which has an extremely negative effect on the he alth of the veins.

While traveling by car or inon an airplane, medical knitwear will help prevent the appearance of blood clots, which can form even in a person with he althy blood vessels, if he is constantly on the road. Products are especially effective when worn during training or walking. Muscle loading and movement increase the tonic effect of underwear.

How to choose compression stockings?

For the treatment and prevention of vascular disorders, this element of linen is necessary. Properly selected product can effectively deal with varicose veins. What material can compression stockings be made from? They include microfiber, elastane, cotton and synthetic fibers. The choice depends on the purpose of the stockings and the advice of a specialist.

colorful stockings
colorful stockings

It is very important to choose the right size. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the body. Correct measurement of volumes will help to accurately determine the required size of linen in accordance with the tabular data indicated on the package.

Products are produced in different colors, with or without decorative trim. If desired, you can choose an option that will be in harmony with the clothes, if the stockings are visible. But more often they buy skin-colored products, they can be worn in any situation.

With the right choice of compression underwear, a person should not suffer from discomfort during operation. This is a guarantee that the treatment and prevention of protrusion and nodular varicose veins are effective.
