Gymnastics for the hip joint: exercises, features and recommendations

Gymnastics for the hip joint: exercises, features and recommendations
Gymnastics for the hip joint: exercises, features and recommendations

Due to various injuries, congenital pathologies or degenerative-dystrophic changes in bone tissue, a person's freedom of movement is reduced. It becomes increasingly difficult for him to perform the simplest actions. Especially many inconveniences are caused by pathologies of the hip joint. Any movement, even sitting, causes pain to a person. Many patients are forced to constantly take painkillers, but the situation is still aggravated. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to restore the ability of a person to move without pain. The main method to achieve this is gymnastics for the hip joint. But in order for it to benefit, and not harm even more, it is necessary to deal with it under the guidance of a specialist.

Properties of special exercises

Gymnastics is necessary for any pathological processes in the hip joint. Without this, the disease willprogress, muscles and ligaments atrophy, and the destruction of cartilage tissue will accelerate. After all, pain causes a person to limit mobility, which leads to a slowdown in blood circulation and metabolism, and a decrease in muscle tone. And correctly performed exercises perform the following functions:

  • improve blood circulation and tissue nutrition;
  • strengthen the ligaments that hold the joint together;
  • relieve muscle spasms, improve their performance;
  • prevent the development of complications, osteoporosis and contractures;
  • restore patient confidence in movement.
  • gymnastics with coxarthrosis of the hip joint
    gymnastics with coxarthrosis of the hip joint

When physical therapy is needed

The hip joint is the largest and most complex in the human body. It consists of the head of the femur, which is connected to the pelvis by articular cartilage, many muscles and ligaments. The movement and cushioning properties of the joint are provided by cartilage and special synovial fluid. Under certain conditions, destructive processes begin in the joint itself or its surrounding tissues. This leads to pain and limited mobility. Coxarthrosis, arthritis, osteoporosis, bursitis and other diseases develop. They can appear due to injuries, age-related changes, increased load, metabolic disorders. Only special healing gymnastics of the hip joints will help stop the destruction.

gymnastics for the hip joint
gymnastics for the hip joint

Contraindications for exercise therapy

Despite the fact that gymnastics is forof the hip joint is the most effective way to get rid of many pathologies, it can not be performed by everyone. Any exercise therapy is contraindicated in such cases:

  • high blood pressure;
  • for blood diseases;
  • patients with severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • if there is a hernia;
  • for infectious diseases, fever;
  • if chronic diseases have worsened;
  • during the acute period of hip disease, in the presence of pain.
  • gymnastics for hip dysplasia
    gymnastics for hip dysplasia

Basic rules of class

For hip exercises to be truly beneficial, they must be done correctly. Only compliance with all the rules will help restore joint function and improve the patient's condition.

  • You can do it only after the exacerbation subsides, in the absence of pain. It is especially important to avoid pain in coxarthrosis or osteoporosis, otherwise it can lead to injury.
  • Classes must be regular. To improve blood circulation and nutrition of all tissues of the joint, it must be subjected to special loads daily, and in some cases several times a day.
  • You can only do the exercises recommended by the doctor. After all, the types and intensity of the load differ depending on the characteristics of the disease and the condition of the tissues of the joint.
  • The load can be increased gradually. Only in some cases allowedexpand the range of motion and add weight. But basically, increasing the load occurs by increasing the number of repetitions and adding new exercises.
  • Breathing during exercise should be free. You can not delay it or bring it to its strong acceleration. After each exercise, breathing must be restored by taking a couple of deep breaths and exhalations.
  • All movements are performed slowly, without jerks and effort.
  • Each exercise is first repeated 3-5 times. After the condition improves, the number of repetitions should reach 10-15.

What loads are good for joints

With various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, it is recommended to move more. Large loads and professional sports are excluded, jumping, lifting weights are prohibited. But a little physical activity for the joints is only beneficial. Doctors recommend, in addition to performing a special complex of exercise therapy during the recovery period after injuries, operations and when exacerbations of degenerative processes subside, swim more, do yoga, walk.

therapeutic exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint
therapeutic exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint

How not to practice

There are especially many restrictions in performing exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint. In this case, as well as in many other pathologies, it is impossible:

  • squat;
  • jump;
  • perform exercises associated with active flexion-extension of the joint, rotational movements;
  • apply force to the joint;
  • bring to pain;
  • walk a lot;
  • ride a bike.
  • healing gymnastics of the hip joints
    healing gymnastics of the hip joints

Recovery from surgeries and injuries

Especial attention should be paid to classes with physical injuries of the hip joint. After various injuries and surgical interventions, it recovers for a very long time. Rehabilitation measures should be comprehensive. And the main place among them is occupied by gymnastics. It is wrong to think that after an injury, you can only practice when you are allowed to get up. Such prolonged immobility will lead to atrophy of the ligaments and muscles and the destruction of cartilage. Therefore, after the pain subsides, you need to start performing simple exercises: turns and rotations of the feet, muscle tension in the thighs, movement of a he althy limb.

Of the surgical interventions, the most common is hip arthroplasty. Gymnastics is obligatory after it. It is necessary to move the foot and he althy leg, strain the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. After a while, it is recommended to slowly move the leg along the bed to the side, bend it at the knee. Then you are allowed to get up, walk on crutches, raise your legs up and to the sides from a prone position.

Basic exercises

Specialists have developed several complexes that are performed for various pathologies of the joints. All exercises are assigned to the patient individually after examination and determination of the condition of the tissues. The number of repetitions, duration of classes and types of loads may also vary. Gymnastics forhip joint exercises may include:

  • from a position lying on your stomach, raise alternately straight or bent legs at the knees, straining the muscles of the thighs and buttocks;
  • lying on your side with the lower leg bent, you need to lift the upper straight leg with a small amplitude;
  • sitting on a chair, bringing and spreading knees;
  • sitting on the floor, slowly lean forward, stretching the muscles of the hips and back;
  • lying on your stomach alternately bend and pull your leg to your chest;
  • lying on your back, bend your knees and put them shoulder-width apart, leaning on your feet and shoulders, lift your pelvis up;
  • sitting on the floor, move forward on the buttocks, actively working with arms bent at the elbows;
  • sitting on a chair, lean forward strongly, trying to reach your toes;
  • stand on a small footrest and swing the other foot back and forth.
  • hip arthroplasty gymnastics
    hip arthroplasty gymnastics

Gymnastics for coxarthrosis of the hip joint

One of the most severe pathologies of the musculoskeletal system is the progressive destruction of the joint. It is called coxarthrosis and causes great suffering when moving. The gradual destruction of cartilage leads to a complete loss of mobility. Therefore, therapeutic exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint is the main method of treatment. It not only helps relieve pain, accelerates blood circulation and tissue nutrition. Properly performed exercises strengthen the muscles and ligaments that hold the joint together, which slows it down.destruction.

But dystrophic processes in the cartilaginous tissue lead to the fact that all exercises must be performed smoothly, with a small amplitude. Intense flexion and extension in the joint is contraindicated, as they can aggravate its destruction. Therefore, it is recommended to practice under the supervision of a specialist. It is especially important that gymnastics be performed correctly and carefully with coxarthrosis of the hip joints of the 2nd degree. It should be aimed at relaxing the muscles, stretching them, strengthening the ligaments, and the joint itself should participate in the loads as little as possible. Most of the exercises are performed from the supine or stomach position, so as not to increase the load on the joint. It is necessary to ensure that the movement in no case leads to pain.

hip exercises for children
hip exercises for children

Gymnastics for hip dysplasia

Congenital underdevelopment of the joint occurs quite often after complicated childbirth or pathologies during pregnancy. It is necessary to treat dysplasia in the first year of life, when the baby does not walk. The main methods are gymnastics and massage. They need to be carried out 2-3 times a day regularly. All movements are performed slowly and smoothly, they should not cause discomfort to the baby. Gymnastics of the hip joints for children may include the following exercises:

  • when the baby is lying on his back, take him by the knees, gently spread the legs, rotate them;
  • take the child by the ankle joints and alternately bend and unbend his legs;
  • raise the baby's legs to hishead;
  • when the child lies on his stomach, bend his legs, bringing heels to the buttocks.

Various pathologies of the hip joints are effectively treated with the help of gymnastics. But in order not to hurt yourself even more, you need to follow the rules for doing the exercises.
