Urologist in Lipetsk: list, selection, rating of the best, clinics, medical centers and hospitals of the city, place and time of admission, quality of treatment and patient reviews

Urologist in Lipetsk: list, selection, rating of the best, clinics, medical centers and hospitals of the city, place and time of admission, quality of treatment and patient reviews
Urologist in Lipetsk: list, selection, rating of the best, clinics, medical centers and hospitals of the city, place and time of admission, quality of treatment and patient reviews

How to choose the right urologist in Lipetsk? Diseases of the kidneys, urinary or reproductive system - all these are the reasons for contacting such a doctor. The sphere is delicate and fragile enough not to risk trusting an unverified specialist. The list of the best urologists in Lipetsk presented in this article will help you make the right choice.

Larin V. V

Opens the list of the best urologists in Lipetsk Valery Vasilyevich Larin, MD, doctor of the highest category with a significant 30 years of experience. The rating of this specialist is 9, 45 out of 10. Valeriy Vasilyevich has received a lot of grateful comments. Patients do not even mention high professionalism - with such data it is natural, but they separately note the simplicity of conversation, patience and friendly attitude, without arrogance, as well as sincere love for the profession.


You can make an appointment with Dr. Larin at the Regional Clinical Hospital on Moskovskaya Street,6a. The hospital works around the clock, so you need to find out Valery Vasilyevich's working hours at the reception.

Kataeva T. Yu

Tatyana Kataeva
Tatyana Kataeva

Tatyana Yuryevna Kataeva is a urologist and andrologist of the highest qualification level, who has been leading her successful practice for 37 years. The rating of the specialist is 8, 78 out of 10. In more than 20 positive reviews, Tatyana Yuryevna is sincerely and warmly thanked for the successful, effective treatment and sincere attitude.

Here is a list of places where urologist Kataeva works:

  • Medical center "Be He althy" on Pobedy Avenue, 29a (8:00-20:00).
  • He alth of the Nation Medical Center at 61, Oktyabrskaya Street (8:00-21:00).
  • Clinic "Medi 48" at Pobedy Avenue, 92 (8:30-19:30).
  • "Family Medicine Center" on Moskovskaya street, 63a (8:00-20:00).
  • Polyclinic No. 2 on Petra Smorodina Street, 13 (7:30-19:00).

Matytsin V. A

Urologist of the highest category, as well as an andrologist and specialist in kidney ultrasound is Vladimir Aleksandrovich Matytsin, Ph. D. with 15 years of professional experience and a rating of 7, 9 out of 10. More than 20 positive comments were written by patients of Vladimir Aleksandrovich. He is praised for his accuracy during examination, prompt collection of anamnesis and lack of slowness in treatment - in other words, the doctor immediately "takes the bull by the horns" and does not let go until the patient is he althy.

In Lipetsk, urologist Matytsin sees the following institutions:

  • Medical Center "He alth of the Nation" onOktyabrskaya street, 61 (8:00-21:00).
  • Clinic "Qigong" on Cosmonauts Street, 47 (8:00-20:00).
  • Ambulance Hospital No. 1 on Kosmonavtov Street, 39 (24 hours).

Pastukhov A. V

Alexey Pastukhov
Alexey Pastukhov

Despite his relative youth, and the urologist and andrologist Aleksey Vladimirovich Pastukhov has only been in the profession for 8 years, this doctor is already one of the best in the city and has a rating of 7.85 out of 10. In numerous good comments, patients write that youth helps Alexei Vladimirovich very much in his work. Keeping up with the times, he is fluent in all the latest methods of diagnosis and treatment, significantly speeding up the recovery process.

Urologist Pastukhov waits for his patients on weekdays from 17:00 to 18:30 at the Nadezhda medical center on Teperika Street, 5.

Makatsaria L. S

Adult and pediatric urologist of the highest category, as well as surgeon Lukyan Sergeevich Makatsaria gave his beloved profession 40 years of his life, having received the title of Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation and an excellent he alth worker during this time. His rating is 7, 78 out of 10. In the reviews, Lukyan Sergeevich is thanked for both successful operations and competent therapeutic treatment. Separately, they note the sincerity of the doctor, his sense of humor, responsiveness and care not only during, but also after the treatment.

At the address: Pushkin Street, 7, in the second children's polyclinic of Lipetsk, urologist Makatsaria waits for his patients from 9:00 to 15:00 every day except Sunday.

G. F. Vorobyov

Gennady Vorobyov
Gennady Vorobyov

Urologist and surgeon Gennady Fedorovich Vorobyov has the highest medical category, 28 years of experience and a rating of 7, 5 out of 10. Gennady Fedorovich is called very humane, competent and focused only on the result in the comments of Gennady Fedorovich his grateful patients. They like that the doctor never prescribes or says too much - everything is to the point, quickly and efficiently.

In Lipetsk, urologist Vorobyov works at polyclinic No. 7 on Generala Merkulov Street, 34, from 8:00 to 19:00.

Panov P. A

Urologist Pavel Aleksandrovich Panov has brilliant data: a doctor of the highest qualification level, candidate of medical sciences, has worked in the profession for 24 years and has earned a rating of 7 out of 10. In addition to gratitude for successful treatment, patients write that Pavel Aleksandrovich is a doctor with great feeling responsibility, does all the work thoughtfully and seriously, not giving up even before the difficulties.

In Lipetsk, urologist Panov's appointment is here:

  • Clinic "Andromeda" on Kuznechnaya street, 10a (8:00-20:00).
  • Medical center "Impulse" on Tereshkova street, 25a (8:00-20:00).
  • Ambulance Hospital No. 1 on Kosmonavtov Street, 39 (24 hours).

Fursov E. I

Evgeny Fursov
Evgeny Fursov

25 has been successfully practicing urologist and andrologist of the highest category Evgeny Ivanovich Fursov for 25 years, whose rating is 6, 9 out of 10. Most often, in reviews of the work of Evgeny Ivanovich, patients mention the confidence that he inspires even during the initial consultation. Literacy, intelligence and severity of this doctorhelp him from time to time to justify the trust.

Where can I make an appointment with Dr. Fursov?

  • Hospital No. 4 at 24 Communist Street (7:30-19:00).
  • Ambulance Hospital No. 1 on Kosmonavtov Street, 39 (24 hours).
  • Medera Medical Center on 69 Gagarin Street (9:00-19:00).

Puzyrev A. A

More than 25 positive reviews about the urologist of Lipetsk Andrey Anatolyevich Puzyrev were written by his patients. This specialist of the highest category has been working by profession for 36 years and has a rating of 6.88 out of 10. In the work of Andrei Anatolyevich, they note severity, even severity - patients write that they are sincerely afraid not to fulfill his appointment. But on the other hand, such an approach brings tangible results already at the first stages of treatment, and therefore a strict approach to work can be easily forgiven.

The urologist Puzyrev works at the Medical On Group medical center on Krasnozavodskaya street, 7. Reception hours are from 8:00 to 20:00.

Drygin A. I

Alexander Drygin
Alexander Drygin

The list of the best urologists in Lipetsk is completed by Alexander Ivanovich Drygin, a doctor of the first category, who is also a surgeon. The experience of Alexander Ivanovich is 20 years, and the rating is 6, 75 out of 10. There are not so many reviews about the work of this doctor, but all of them are written with gratitude - the treatment of Alexander Ivanovich gave not only a quick effect, but also fixed positive indicators for a long time.

Here is a list of places where you can seek help from the urologist Drygin:

  • Medical Center "Medical On Group" on Krasnozavodskaya street, 7(8:00-20:00).
  • Medical center "Dobromed" on Lenin street, 27 (8:00-20:00).
  • Medicpress Medical Center on 133 Gagarin Street (9:00-17:00).
  • "Family Medicine Center" on Moskovskaya street, 63a (8:00-20:00).

Medical Centers

If none of the above doctors came up for any reason, you can try to find a specialist yourself. A list of all medical institutions in Lipetsk that provide the highest quality urological services will help in this:

  • "Hope".
  • "Medical On Group".
  • "Be he althy".
  • "Andromeda".
  • Medical center "Andromeda"
    Medical center "Andromeda"
  • "Family clinic".
  • "Family".
  • "Medera".
  • Medexpress.
  • Vitroclinic.
  • "Dobromed".
  • "He alth ABC".
  • "Ultramed".
  • "Copper 48".
  • "Slavity".
  • "Family Medicine Center"
  • Family Medicine Center
    Family Medicine Center
  • "Falcon Honey".
  • "Qigong".
  • "The he alth of the nation".
  • "Free Falcon".
  • "Impulse".
  • "SklifLab".
  • "Hemotest".
  • "Family doctor".
  • Regional clinical hospital.
  • Hospital No. 4.
  • Regional Children's Hospital.
  • Emergency Hospitalhelp 1.
  • Regional Perinatal Center.
  • Regional polyclinic.
  • Regional children's clinic.
  • Polyclinic No. 2.
  • Children's Clinic 2.
  • Polyclinic No. 3.
  • Polyclinic No. 4.
  • Polyclinic No. 5.
  • Polyclinic No. 7.
  • TB dispensary.
  • Kozhvendispanser.

This article clearly makes it clear that there are good urologists in the city of Lipetsk. Choosing a specialist wisely and paying attention not only to professional data, but also to reviews, it will not be difficult to find the right doctor.
