Today, few people in our country pay proper attention to their he alth. Some just don’t have enough time for themselves, and some just don’t have the desire. Fluorography is one of the most important research methods, since it allows early detection of many serious diseases of the respiratory system, one of which is tuberculosis. However, during the examination, patients are exposed to X-ray radiation, which is harmful to he alth. Therefore, it is very important to know how often you need to undergo fluorography. Let's look into this issue in more detail and find out how important it is to undergo an examination and how often this should be done.
The role of research in modern medicine

Before we talk about how often x-rays are taken, let's first understand the general issues. Many people do not pay due attention to this examination, which can result in very serious consequences. According to medical statistics, every third person is a carrier of the causative agent of tuberculosis. With quality nutrition and a he althy lifestyle, the body suppresses it. However, with an immune failure and due to a number of other adverse factors, conditions suitable for the development of the disease can be created. The main danger is that in the early stages it is asymptomatic. In this case, a person will infect everyone around him, since the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, and he is also able to survive for a long period of time even in harsh environmental conditions.
Therefore, the question of how often it is necessary to undergo fluorography is very important. With timely diagnosis and the beginning of treatment, it can be quickly defeated without any serious he alth consequences. After all, it's no secret that the success of therapy for any disease depends on timely diagnosis.
Importance of timely examination

How often do x-rays take place? Further on this question will be given a detailed answer, but first let's find out whether this type of research is really so important. Most people go to the hospital only after they have some kind of he alth problem. As for the planned preventive examination, many do not pass it. They explain their unwillingness by the lack of free time and other unreasonable reasons. At the same time, no one realizes the full danger posed by tuberculosis. ATin its advanced form, it is difficult to treat, and can also cause death. Therefore, the expediency of passing it is quite high.
What does the law say?
So what do you need to know about this? According to the order of the Ministry of He alth of the Russian Federation under the number 1011, which entered into force on December 6, 2012, each citizen must undergo a series of mandatory laboratory tests, including FGT. This was done in order to prevent the development of the epidemic. But, how often do they undergo fluorography according to the law? The procedure must be carried out at least once every 2 years. At the same time, a separate order may apply to each educational institution or enterprise, on the basis of which students or workers will have to undergo an examination within the established time frame. If working conditions are associated with increased harmfulness, then FHT may be necessary every 12 or even 6 months.
Can I refuse a test?
This aspect should be given special attention. So, we already know how often it is necessary to undergo fluorography. But many people wonder if there is any legal way to avoid it. Despite the order of the Ministry of He alth, no one has the right to force a person to undergo FHT. In addition, they have the right to refuse the procedure:
- persons with disabilities;
- people living in a region with poor environmental conditions.
However, it is not worth not to undergo an examination without really good reasons. Tuberculosis is verya serious disease that is spreading rapidly and can lead to the development of an epidemic not only in the city, but in the whole region.
Indications for FHT

Let's take a closer look at this aspect. It was described above how often fluorography is performed. According to the law, every person must be tested for tuberculosis at least once every two years. In some cases, FGT is mandatory.
Main indications for the appointment of the procedure:
- teenagers aged 15+;
- adults;
- to all members of a family that has a pregnant woman or a woman who has recently given birth;
- HIV-positive;
- with pneumonia;
- tuberculosis;
- pleurisy;
- various diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- lung cancer;
- drug addiction.
In any of the above cases, the examination is mandatory. It allows you to assess the he alth status of patients in order to identify concomitant diseases and draw up the most appropriate therapy program. How often can I undergo fluorography? It all depends on the specific problem. In some cases, screening may be necessary every six months.
FGT contraindications

It is advisable to familiarize yourself with this aspect in the very first place. This method of hospital research is not always acceptable. It is categorically contraindicated infollowing cases:
- children under the age of 15;
- women who are pregnant or breastfeeding;
- critically ill people who, due to certain he alth problems, cannot physically hold their breath;
- disabled people unable to stand on their own.
Separately, it is worth saying a few words about the elderly. Many are interested in how often pensioners undergo fluorography. The same rules apply to them as for adults. Therefore, FHT can be performed once a year in the absence of any serious pathologies that require more frequent examination.
Possible he alth complications
Every person is interested in the question of how often they can undergo fluorography, because they are afraid of x-ray exposure. There is nothing shameful, as, in fact, there is nothing terrible in this. The thing is that the dose of radioactive radiation exerted on the human body is much less than that which people receive every day from the environment. Therefore, if during the study the picture does not work the first time and you will be assigned a second procedure, then nothing bad will happen. There will be no serious he alth effects.
How valid are test results?

How often do you need to undergo fluorography? It all depends on the patient's he alth problems, as well as the type of his activity. In most cases, the results of the study are valid 1year. This is due to the fact that the development of tuberculosis occurs on average in 6-12 months. However, help may be needed in one of the following cases:
- when applying to a higher educational institution;
- at employment;
- before upcoming surgery;
- during conscription.
In addition, the FGT result is also required to visit public swimming pools and sports complexes.
In what cases is the certificate valid for 6 months?
The current legislation identifies a separate category of persons and professions, whose representatives must undergo a mandatory medical examination more often than other citizens. These include:
- teachers;
- medics;
- military personnel;
- kindergarten teachers;
- maternity hospital workers;
- ex-prisoners;
- people at increased risk;
- settlers;
- from troubled families;
- homeless;
- people with severe respiratory pathologies.
This is because their working conditions are associated with an increased risk of contracting tuberculosis and developing lung cancer. Therefore, they should take their he alth more seriously and be examined more often for any disease.
How the study is progressing

Above, it was described in detail how often fluorography is performed. Now let's take a look at its mainfeatures. Unlike other modern types of laboratory research, FHT does not require prior preparation. A person simply comes to the hospital, enters the office, undresses to the waist, leans his chest against the screen of the device and holds his breath for a while. The procedure lasts only a few seconds, and the results of the study will be ready the next day. In some cases, when there is no time to wait, for example, if an emergency operation is necessary, you can pick up a picture with a conclusion after 30 minutes.
How to neutralize the negative effects of X-rays?
If you are afraid that radiation will cause any serious complications, you can play it safe. So, for example, after passing the next FHT, you should drink any of the following medications:
- "Polifepan".
- "Calcium magnesium plus zinc".
- "Activated carbon".
- Dietary supplements containing calcium and iodine.
In addition to medications, there are a number of food products that neutralize any kind of radiation, including radioactive. These include:
- grape juice;
- honey;
- red wine;
- seaweed;
- quail eggs;
- rice;
- whole milk;
- sea fish;
- fresh fruits;
- vegetable oil;
- dried fruits.
These foods are high in vitamins and essential minerals and are recommendedconsume daily. This is especially true for people with immunodeficiency and various serious diseases.

This article described in detail how often citizens of Russia should undergo fluorography. The legislation sets a period of 2 years, however, doctors recommend being examined every 12 months. How exactly to act, everyone must decide for himself. But it is worth remembering that tuberculosis is a serious disease that, in its advanced form, is not only difficult to treat, but can also lead to various very serious complications and even death. Therefore, if you value your he alth, then you should periodically undergo fluorography. Moreover, this hospital study is free of charge, and it is also not as scary and dangerous as many people think.