Metallic taste can occur for a variety of reasons. It could be a symptom of a serious illness, a side effect of certain medications, or a signal that it's time to reevaluate your diet.
Be that as it may, the question "If the taste of iron in the mouth is a sign of what?" occurs in people who are faced with this phenomenon, for quite understandable reasons. Therefore, now it is worth discussing this topic in detail.
Excess metal in the body
This is one of the most obvious reasons why the phenomenon in question can occur. Although, in fact, there are even several of them:
- The presence of a piercing. If a person wears iron jewelry on his lips or tongue, then it is quite possible that his taste of metal is justified by their constant presence in the mucous cavity.
- Braces or dentures. The same as with piercings. The taste willespecially bright if these products are made of dissimilar metals.
It is worth mentioning that this phenomenon has a name - galvanic syndrome. From the fact that the mucous membrane interacts with dissimilar metals, current impulses arise in the mouth. And this cannot be ignored - this condition must be treated.
Intoxication or poisoning with heavy metals is also often the cause of the taste of iron in the mouth. This can happen even if a person simply spends some time in an atmosphere with a high content of copper (and even more so mercury or arsenic). But then he will still be bothered by nausea and headache. By the way, toxic fumes can be encountered in factories, chemical warehouses, or even in freshly painted rooms.

Gastrointestinal problems
They can also give you a taste of iron in your mouth. What this sensation is a sign of is hard to say. But the fact that with diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, the level of acidity changes is a fact. Metallic taste usually indicates the following pathologies:
- Pathology of the gallbladder. They are also accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium, bitterness in the mouth and heartburn.
- Gastritis with low acidity. Other signs: alternating constipation and diarrhea, discomfort after eating, heartburn, and bad-smelling belching.
- Ulcer of the 12 duodenal ulcer or gastric mucosa. There are also stool disorders, vomiting, heartburn, plaque on the tongue and severe pain in the epigastrium.
Cure every diseasespecifically. It is prescribed by a doctor after a detailed diagnosis. But in any case, the main task is to establish secretory function, normalize the intestinal microflora, eliminate inflammation and destroy pathogens that only poison the body.

Liver disease
They can also cause iron taste in the mouth. A sign of what this symptom is to say is as difficult as in the case of the gastrointestinal tract. Why? Because the liver, in principle, cannot hurt. And the appearance of a metallic taste in the vast majority of cases is the only symptom indicating problems. And there are many options:
- Hepatic vascular injury.
- Hepatitis.
- Focal lesions (abscess, let's say).
- Congenital malformations.
- Hepatoses.
- Parasitic diseases.
- Fibrosis or cirrhosis.
- Intrahepatic bile duct lesions.
In addition to the taste of metal, a person is worried about nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, change in eating habits, sudden weight loss.
Treatment is also individual, but usually doctors prescribe hepatoprotectors and restoratives. The goal of therapy is to protect the liver, restore bile flow, have an antioxidant effect, lower cholesterol and improve immunity.

Biliary tract problems
If a person notices the taste of iron in his mouth in the morning, then most likely he hasbegan to develop cholecystitis, cholangitis or dyskinesia. Any of these conditions is fraught with impaired bile production.
This is a serious problem, because this secret is the most important component of the digestive process. Without bile, it is impossible to break down fats, activate enzymes and stimulate small intestine motility.
In addition to the metallic taste, there are other symptoms. The main alarm signal is pain in the right side of the abdomen. They can be either spastic or weak. If the pathology has developed, then the discomfort will increase with a deep breath. Why? Because at this moment the diaphragm moves, which causes the internal organs to move.
Drug therapy is a must. And she's pretty specific. In case of hypertensive dyskinesia, for example, antispasmodics are prescribed ("Himecromon", "Mebeverin", "Papaverin"), as well as anticholinergics ("Gastrocepin"). And in acute cholecystitis, strong painkillers (Baralgin, Buscopan) are prescribed in combination with antibiotics (Ampioks, Gentamicin, Erythromycin).
In general, the specific treatment depends on the individual case. In addition to complex drug therapy, it will be necessary to follow a diet. Its goal is to maximize the sparing of the gastrointestinal tract. It is important to establish an outflow of bile without overloading the gastrointestinal tract.
Oral diseases
Often ailments of this nature are the cause of the taste of iron in the mouth. The most common diseases are:
- Glossy.
- Stomatitis.
- Gingivitis.
- Periodontitis.
With thesediseases, the gums still begin to bleed. Other symptoms include increased salivation, foreign body sensation in the mouth, change in taste preferences, burning and redness of the tongue, and toothache.
As a rule, the cause of diseases of the oral cavity is some kind of infection. Treatment is prescribed only after determining the pathogen. Because a number of drugs that are effective against some parasitic bacteria will be powerless against others.

Endocrine diseases
When talking about why the taste of iron can appear in the mouth, this reason should also be mentioned. Diabetes mellitus is the most common endocrine disorder that can cause this symptom.
Unfortunately, a metallic taste is especially common in a pre-coma state. In parallel, the presence of acetone is observed in the urine, and the patient is overcome by stupor, mental disorders and even hallucinations.
The only thing that can save them is an urgent injection of insulin. After the restoration of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, the metallic taste with other symptoms will also disappear.
Diabetes is indicated by a number of signs. They can be identified in the following list:
- Weakness.
- Drowsy and constant yawning.
- Unquenchable thirst and frequent urination.
- Dry mouth.
- Slow healing of cuts and wounds.
- Itching of the skin and genitals.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Vision problems.
- High heart rate.
- Sharpweight loss.
- Short breathing, often with an acetone smell.
The treatment of diabetes is very complex. But, in short, it is aimed at compensating carbohydrate metabolism, normalizing body weight, as well as preventing and eliminating complications.
It should be noted that other ailments accompanied by hypofunction, dysfunction or hyperfunction of the endocrine glands may also be accompanied by an unpleasant metallic taste.

Hormonal disorders
For this reason, the taste of iron in the mouth most often appears in women. Hormonal imbalance is observed in the following cases:
- Menstruation.
- Pregnancy.
- Menopause.
- Breastfeeding period.
Hormonal failure can lead to a variety of diseases. Immunity is usually weakened, and the body begins to lack vitamins and nutrients. Especially iron.
Oddly enough, but the lack of this element causes its taste in the mouth. If there is not enough iron in the body, anemia can develop. This is a serious disease, and it must be actively treated. Usually, doctors prescribe an additional intake of trace elements and vitamins, a special diet, as well as symptomatic therapy for those pathologies that provoked the development of anemia.
Using birth control
This is a particularly common cause of the taste of iron in the mouth in women. The fact is that contraceptives consist of hormones (but of artificial origin), which affect not only the generalwoman's condition, but also directly to the receptors. Therefore, many girls who take birth control pills change their taste preferences.
This is an individual reaction of the body. Judging by the reviews, it is not always possible to immediately find contraceptives that would ideally suit a particular girl. That is why you need to do this together with a specialist. After conducting tests and identifying the individual characteristics of the patient's body, it will be possible to choose the most suitable contraceptive with the highest probability.

Unhe althy diet
Another common cause of the taste of iron in the mouth in men and women. If a person consumes spicy and smoked foods, constantly eats only fried foods, and also ignores vegetables and fruits, it is time for him to reconsider his diet. Having diversified his menu with he althy food, in just 10 days he will notice that the unpleasant aftertaste has disappeared.
It is also not recommended to lean on mineral drinks, which contain iron ions. A similar effect is given by the use of untreated raw water. Therefore, it is forbidden to drink from the tap - there is a risk of bringing into your body not only rust deposits, which usually accumulate on water pipes, but also parasitic bacteria.
Vitamin deficiency
Perhaps a person suffers from it if he has a taste of iron in his mouth. A sign of what this sensation may be has been described above, and it is worth noting that a lack of vitamins is a rather harmless condition. Anyway its easycorrect.
If you feel a metallic taste, you need to diversify your diet with foods containing B vitamins (especially folic acid). Here is what is recommended to eat:
- Fish.
- Beef liver.
- Chicken.
- Dairy and eggs.
- Beans.
- Soy milk.
- Oats.
- Seeds and nuts.
- Spinach.
- Bananas.
- Green.
- Asparagus.
- Corn.
- Avocado.
You can also take additional pharmacy vitamin complexes, but it is better to discuss their expediency with your doctor.

Other reasons
The taste of iron in the mouth in men and women is often provoked by other conditions. Reasons not listed above can be listed as follows:
- Lead poisoning. This substance can enter the body by inhalation of fumes, dust or soot. Even ordinary gasoline can become a source.
- Taking certain medications. A metallic taste may appear after the use of amoxicillin, trichopolum, histamine, etc.
- Bad habits. Alcohol and smoking do not bring benefits in principle. And the fact that taste sensations are distorted by excessive use of nicotine and alcohol is natural.
In general, unequivocally answer the question "What does the taste of iron in the mouth mean?" difficult. Everything is very individual.
But it's one thing if a person encountered it situationally - for example, after drinking unpurified water. But when this taste is constantly present,you need to see a doctor, and as soon as possible. There is a risk of developing a serious illness, and therefore treatment cannot be delayed.