How to choose a good dermatologist in Cheboksary? There are many specialists in the city who are able to diagnose and treat skin diseases - among them there are paid and free, young and highly experienced. But choosing the best dermatologist in Cheboksary is most correct not by qualification, but by rating and feedback from patients.
Gimaliyeva G. G

Opens the list of the best dermatologists in Cheboksary Geliya Garefetdinovna Gimalieva, specialist of the highest category, head of the department at the dispensary, who has worked in the profession for 15 years. The rating of this doctor is 8.62 out of 10. In numerous positive reviews (and there are simply no negative reviews about the work of Helia Garefetdinovna on the Web), patients write about the ability to find the source of the problem the first time (in dermatology, this is not so easy!), Effectively eliminate external manifestations, and then painstaking individual treatment to get rid of the root cause forever.
The place of work of the dermatologist Gimalieva is a dermatology dispensary on Pirogova Street, 6, which can be reachedfollowing routes:
- Buses 1, 15, 18, 23, 26.
- Trolleybuses No. 3, 4, 7, 12, 21.
- Route taxis 31, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 59, 63.
Stop "Afanasiev Street".

Sherkhalova N. P
Among the good Cheboksary dermatologists from private medical institutions, patients most often single out Natalia Petrovna Sherkhalova, a very experienced specialist with a significant 40-year experience, the highest professional category, a rating of 8.5 out of 10 and the title "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation". In the reviews, Natalia Petrovna is described as a very wise, benevolent woman who works with enthusiasm and a smile.
You can seek help from a dermatologist Sherkhalova at the Medexpress medical center on Yarmarochnaya Street, 1. To get there, you should go to the Rossiya Hotel stop using the following transport numbers:
- Buses No. 1, 3.
- Trolleybuses No. 5, 8, 9, 19.
- Route taxis No. 31, 40, 45, 54.
Balbasheva M. V

Dermatologist and venereologist of the second qualification category with a rating of 8.45 out of 10 is Marina Vitalievna Balbasheva, who has been working in this field of medicine for 19 years. Leaving comments, almost all patients among the positive qualities of Marina Vitalievna mentioned efficiency, the ability to speak and prescribe strictly on the case, as well as tolerance in dealing with people.
In Cheboksary, dermatologist Balbasheva is waiting for her patients at Polyclinic No. 2 on 50 Years of October Street,21, which can be reached by buses No. 5, 8, 9 and 19. You need to get off at the stop called "Cheboksary Aggregate Plant".
Shekhter E. N
Dermatologist and venereologist of the highest category Elena Nikolaevna Shekhter has been working in the profession for almost half a century (namely, 44 years), earning a rating of 8 out of 10 during this time. In the reviews, Elena Nikolaevna's patients write that her experience speaks for itself - at a glance, she correctly determines the root of the problem, which is then confirmed verbatim by tests, always offers an effective and individual treatment.
Dermatologist Shekhter conducts his practice at the Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS at 32A Lenina Avenue. The stop you need to get to is "Central Market". Transport List:
- Buses 1, 3, 8, 12, 14, 16.
- Trolleybuses No. 11, 14, 19, 20.
- Route taxis 30, 32, 33, 40, 43, 45, 46, 47, 55, 60.
Vertius N. N
There are not so many reviews about the dermatologist in Cheboksary, Nadezhda Nikolaevna Vertiy, but they are all positive, detailed and grateful. The experience of this specialist is also impressive - 41 years, the category is the highest, and the rating is 7. 48 points out of 10. In the reviews, Nadezhda Nikolaevna is highly praised for her kind attitude, the ability to work hard and selflessly for the benefit of the patient.
Dermatologist Vertiy is always happy to receive his clients at the Central City Hospital at 47 Lenina Avenue, which can be reached by the following routes:
- Buses 1, 5, 7, 8, 12, 15, 23.
- Trolleybuses No. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 20.
- Route taxis No. 32, 35, 44, 50, 55.
Required stop: "Nikolaeva Street".
Vinogradova T. G

Tatyana Grigorievna Vinogradova is a dermatologist and venereologist of the first medical category, whose experience is 22 years, and the rating is 7.05 out of 10. Describing the positive qualities of Tatyana Grigorievna in their reviews, patients mention delicacy, care during the examination, sensitivity and tact. They write that the doctor considers any problem of the client important and proceeds with full responsibility to deep treatment.
You can make an appointment with Vinogradova's dermatologist at polyclinic No. 1 on Gagarin Street, 53. To get to it, you should go to the Spartak Stadium stop by buses number 5, 8, 9 or 19.
Nikolaeva G. M

Dermatologist and cosmetologist with respectable 30 years of experience is Galina Mikhailovna Nikolaeva. The doctor's rating is 6.71 out of 10. Judging by the comments, Galina Mikhailovna's clients really like her enthusiasm and serious approach to any business with which they come to her. She always thinks through the treatment to the smallest detail, carefully studying not only the tests, but also the medical history, general medical history and even the daily routine of each individual patient.
The place of work of Dr. Nikolaeva in Cheboksary is the private clinic of dermatology and cosmetology "Aesthetics", located on Gorky Avenue, 30/1. Publictransport to get here:
- Buses No. 15, 18, 21.
- Trolleybuses No. 1, 3, 14, 17, 22.
- Route taxis 32, 35, 41, 49, 52, 54, 61, 63, 332.
You need to get to the stop "Elger Street".
Osipova A. V

Definitely deserves attention in the list of the best dermatologist and venereologist of the first qualification category Anna Viktorovna Osipova, who has worked for the benefit of the profession for more than 20 years and has earned a rating of 6.67 out of 10. In addition, Anna Viktorovna is the head of the City Polyclinic No. 1.
Dermatologist Osipova conducts an appointment at Clinical Hospital No. 1 on Traktorostroiteley Avenue, 46, stop "Hospital Complex", suitable transport:
- Trolleybuses No. 1, 8, 12.
- Route taxis No. 12, 32, 35, 41, 57, 61.
Portnova I. N
One of the best among adult and pediatric dermatologists in Cheboksary is Irina Nikolaevna Portnova, a doctor of the first qualification level with a significant 30-year experience and a rating of 6.5 out of 10. In the comments, Irina Nikolaevna's work with children is praised especially often - they write that on her examination, even the smallest and most capricious kids calm down, relax, dutifully allow themselves to be examined, which contributes to the accuracy of the diagnosis and, accordingly, further appointments.
Dr. Portnova's place of work is the second city hospital and the children's polyclinic belonging to it on Gagarin Street, 51-53. To get there, you should take buses number 5, 8, 9 or 19to the stop "Spartak Stadium".
Razina I. V

The list of the best dermatologists in Cheboksary is completed by a rather young specialist Inga Vladimirovna Razina, a doctor of the second qualification level with 7 years of experience and a rating of 5.98 out of 10. The reviews say that Inga Vladimirovna always keeps up with the times - at her disposal state-of-the-art equipment for diagnostics and procedures, she is always researching new ways of treatment and strives to speed up and facilitate the process of therapy for patients.
You can seek help from a dermatologist Razina at the City-Med medical center on Ardalion Ignatiev Street, 9. By public transport, go to the Lebedeva Street stop:
- Buses No. 1, 12, 21.
- Trolleybuses No. 3, 12, 14, 17, 21.
- Route taxis 32, 34, 35, 40, 41, 42, 52, 54, 55, 59, 63.