How often can you measure pressure with an electronic tonometer: time period, common mistakes and advice from doctors

How often can you measure pressure with an electronic tonometer: time period, common mistakes and advice from doctors
How often can you measure pressure with an electronic tonometer: time period, common mistakes and advice from doctors

Electronic blood pressure monitors are more susceptible, so more often mechanical ones show incorrect results. To minimize the error, it is necessary to adhere to the requirements of the tonometry technique with an electronic tonometer. These conditions must be observed, because otherwise the doctor may, on the basis of incorrect data, make an incorrect diagnosis and prescribe ineffective treatment. How are measurements taken and how many times do you need to measure the pressure with an electronic tonometer? More on this later in the article.

how to measure blood pressure with an electronic sphygmomanometer
how to measure blood pressure with an electronic sphygmomanometer

How to measure properly?

To ensure correct blood pressure measurements, the following guidelines must be followed:

  1. Before exploring, if possible, you need to relax and sit calmly inwithin five minutes. If urgent assistance is required, then this item can be neglected.
  2. Indicators may be overestimated if a person has been drinking coffee or smoking in the last two hours before the study. You should give up bad habits for a short time, as the readings may be incorrect.
  3. To measure the pressure of a person, you need to sit on a chair with a back. The back should be relaxed, legs down, not crossed or tense. Any violation can lead to serious errors, especially in the case of an electronic blood pressure monitor.
  4. The shoulder must be freed from clothing. It is necessary that she does not squeeze him.
  5. The hand must be laid on a table or stand so that it is closed at the elbow and at the same time completely relaxed.
  6. On the electronic blood pressure monitor, you need to check that there is no damage, kinks or creases in the hose.
  7. The cuff should be unbuttoned and placed over the upper arm 2 cm above the bend of the elbow.
  8. You need to use the button to turn on the device and wait for the automatic air supply and exhaust. Nothing can be done during this time.
  9. Wait until the numbers appear on the scoreboard and evaluate the results, then turn off the device and remove the cuff.
how often can you measure pressure electronically
how often can you measure pressure electronically

Interval between treatments

The question of how often you can measure pressure with an electronic tonometer is very relevant. Medical professionals unanimously believe that the frequency of monitoring depends on certain factors. In great shape people cantake measurements from time to time, but those who suffer from cardiac diseases should approach the procedure responsibly and more often monitor blood pressure. In the elderly, frequent measurements are contraindicated. This is due to the extreme fragility of the vessels. To determine how often you can measure pressure with an electronic tonometer, you need to evaluate the following factors:

  • general well-being of a person;
  • age;
  • presence of concomitant diseases;
  • features of previous diseases;
  • a kind of tonometer.
how often can you measure blood pressure with an electronic sphygmomanometer
how often can you measure blood pressure with an electronic sphygmomanometer

All people without exception should control blood pressure indicators, only the frequency of measurements in each case can differ significantly. For example, it is enough for a he althy person to take measurements once every few months. And for those who suffer from cardiac ailments, the pressure should be measured daily.

Measuring frequency in cardiovascular disease

With vascular and cardiac disorders, it is required to measure pressure systematically. This is necessary to avoid the development of serious complications. Thanks to daily observation and recording of indications, the doctor will always be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment, the accuracy of the chosen dosages and the risk of complications.

Hypertensive patients are often interested in how often they can measure pressure with an electronic tonometer. With a similar diagnosis, doctors recommend measuring an average of three times a day:

  • in the morning - at least an hour must pass after waking up;
  • daytime - an hour after eating;
  • in the evening - an hour after dinner.

The most numerous times you can measure the pressure with an electronic tonometer, as soon as such nuances appear:

  • there are strong drops in blood pressure;
  • taking new drugs;
  • dosage adjustment;
  • a vivid manifestation of VVD.

You should also adjust the number of measurements depending on the degree of hypertension. If a person has signs of a hypertensive crisis, then measurements are taken every 20-30 minutes.

how often can you measure blood pressure with a tonometer
how often can you measure blood pressure with a tonometer

When is constant BP control important?

How many times you can measure the pressure with an electronic tonometer, you can discuss with your doctor. If a person has pathological processes, then measurements are recommended to be carried out at a constant frequency. This applies to people with the following diseases and conditions:

  • hypotonic and hypertensive patients;
  • smokers;
  • diabetics;
  • people over 50;
  • during childbearing;
  • with alcohol abuse;
  • people who, by the nature of their activities, bear excessive responsibility;
  • those who painfully perceive all kinds of tense and exciting situations;
  • people with formulated sleep disorders and lack of proper rest.

In the presence of the conditions listed above, the doctor shouldinform the person how often he should measure pressure with an electronic tonometer in order to correctly interpret the picture of the condition.

Is it harmful to take blood pressure measurements often? Is there a risk?

Many patients at the doctor's appointment are interested in whether it is harmful to frequently measure pressure with an electronic tonometer. And also how often is it better to do it. Experts say that frequent measurement of blood pressure does not cause physical harm to a person, but can provoke a neurosis of obsessive pressure measurement. This mental disorder is difficult to treat, so it is not recommended to use the device without the need.

how often can be measured with an electronic tonometer
how often can be measured with an electronic tonometer

Experts have the following opinion on the question of how many times to measure pressure with an electronic tonometer:

  • with consistently good he alth at home, blood pressure should be monitored no more than twice a day;
  • Measurements should not be taken when the body is at its peak of activity.

If during the day a person often measures blood pressure with an electronic tonometer, is it harmful? The question is rhetorical. This, first of all, indicates the presence of a psychological problem and can confuse not only the patient, but also the doctor.

How many times in a row can you take measurements? Doctors' advice

Doctors have a certain opinion about how many times to measure blood pressure with an electronic tonometer in a row. Experts recommend measuring the pressure three times in a row in a sitting or standing position with an interval of several minutes. Beforeby repeated measurement, it is necessary to carry out flexion and extension of the limbs in order to restore blood flow.

In most cases, the first measurement is characterized by overestimated parameters. This is done as a result of the fact that when the vessels are squeezed by the cuff at the reflex level, an increase in the tone of the blood fluid occurs. Averages are considered the most optimal and correct.

Common mistakes

Before you often measure the pressure with an electronic tonometer, you need to think about the fact that this will only aggravate the situation even more and lead to a misinterpretation of the situation. Among other things, people systematically make primitive mistakes that distort the results. The most common mistakes made during measurement are:

  • measurement in physical or psycho-emotional arousal;
  • tension or position on the weight of the arm on which the cuff is worn;
  • cuff worn over clothes;
  • shoulder not free from clothing;
  • erroneous position of the cuff or hoses;
  • device turned on before cuff application;
  • tension or conversation during measurements;
  • failure to observe a pause between some measurements on one arm.
  • how often can blood pressure be measured with an electronic sphygmomanometer
    how often can blood pressure be measured with an electronic sphygmomanometer

If there are doubts about the reliability of the measurement results with an electronic tonometer, then a control measurement with a mechanical device should be carried out.

Practical Tips

To make the picture true,you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • When measuring blood pressure systematically, the performance of each examination should be recorded, indicating the date, time and magnitude of the indicators;
  • periodically carry out a control measurement using a mechanical tonometer;
  • if the readings of the electronic and mechanical tonometers differ, then the data of the latter are considered true;
  • during one session it is better to measure the pressure several times on both hands.

The above tips will help you later correctly assess the condition and choose the most effective treatment.

how often to measure blood pressure with an electronic sphygmomanometer
how often to measure blood pressure with an electronic sphygmomanometer


Now we know how often you can measure the pressure with an electronic tonometer. In certain cases, the need for frequent measurements is explained by medical indicators. If a person has no deviations in he alth, he feels fine, blood pressure should be measured occasionally. In patients suffering from vascular and cardiac diseases, measurements should be taken several times a day. At the same time, it is also not recommended to use the tonometer too often. This can provoke the development of psychological deviations in he alth, which will subsequently be difficult to cope with. If dependence on this device begins to be observed, then you need to seek qualified help.
