A person needs to know what a body scan is. This is required for a complete examination of the state of vital systems. Various techniques help to reduce the time to search for the source of the ailment. A timely detected deviation of he alth eliminates the risk of acquiring chronic fatal diseases.
Full body examination
The medical center can explain what a body scan is. The experience of previous cases of illness made it possible to determine the main deviations of he alth leading to dangerous conditions. The leading role is occupied by problems with blood vessels and the risk of acquiring oncology.

Early warning of diseases has prompted doctors to recommend to patients a complete diagnosis of the condition of the following departments:
- Brain - identified inflammatory foci can reduce the risk of strokes, tumor formation. An analysis of the state of the vessels inside the skull is being carried out.
- Analysis of the cervical region - the carotid artery affects the functioning of the brain and other parts of the head.
- Heart muscle - a heart attack occurs in practically he althy people, according to external signs, diseases developasymptomatic.
- Analysis of a lung tissue image helps to exclude parasitic consequences. This is how tumors caused by echinococcal infection are detected. The image clearly shows scar tissue.
- Abdominal and hip imaging provides information to combat inflammation in the genitourinary system and digestive tract.
For vessels, the main risk of developing inflammatory processes is the calcification of the walls, which causes blockage of blood flow. Doctors can predict the diagnosis with a high degree of probability for 5 years ahead.
Types of surveys
Before carrying out procedures on devices, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the question of what scanning is. With previously identified cases of fatal diseases, doctors came to the conclusion that there are no he althy people over 30 years old. Every person has chronic inflammatory processes. They are related to the problems of modern life: the stress of the working day, environmental pollution, poor quality food with a huge number of preservatives.

At a medical consultation, which is required to be held with the patient before visiting the clinic, they explain what a scan is and what results are achieved with early diagnosis. Allocate the main laboratory methods:
- analysis of magnetic resonance imaging;
- CT scan of the body;
- sonography.
Scanning can be performed to obtain data on the condition of the skin, the exclusion of the development of cancer cells. If certain types of diseases are suspected, additional studies are prescribed, such as skin biopsy, biomaterial analysis, ECG, ergometry.
Skull examination
Head scan reveals things that cannot be seen or felt. Indications for examination are:
- deterioration of general well-being;
- recurrent headache;
- nausea;
- dizziness.

Examination of the brain is carried out by magnetic resonance imaging. Vessels are examined by duplex scanning. Powerful magnetic fields penetrate through gray cells, which makes the skull completely transparent. Examination is mandatory in case of mechanical damage to the bone parts of the head.
Upper examination
Duplex scanning of the vessels of the neck shows deviations in the nutrition of the brain. After all, it is through the blood arteries that nutrients and oxygen particles pass to the gray cells. The image is taken using penetrating ultrasonic waves.

Upper divisions are examined in the following ways:
- Duplex scanning is a common method for diagnosing vessels and blood flow through them. Diagnosis is made on the captured image in black and white.
- Dopplerography is a classic way to study the state of the vessels of the neck, otherwise it is called "blind Doppler". The analysis of blood flow is difficult, which is excluded during duplex examination. Short methodabbreviated USDG.
- Triplex scanning - the coloration of the captured image is entered, the type of blood flow and direction are diagnosed.
The head vessels are scanned in the same way. Violation of the structure of the walls, the formation of blockages leads to pathologies of the brain. Tumors are detected at the stage of origin, which can be cured without surgery.
Examination of the circulatory system
Duplex vein scanning is required for people with a hereditary predisposition of the body to the formation of varicose veins. Diagnosis of the state of the vessels is carried out by the above methods. Early examination helps prevent thrombosis, purify the circulatory system and avoid subsequent surgery to remove blocked channels in the legs.

Diagnosis is carried out with unclear causes of swollen limbs. Thrombosis is detected in the picture, the cause of their occurrence is identified. Doctors choose duplex scanning because of the ability to obtain complete information about the venous valves and the stage of the disease.
Preparation for procedures
General rules before visiting the clinic are inherent in each method. These include the exclusion of alcoholic and tobacco products a day before the procedures. Most scanning methods are performed on an empty stomach, the information is clarified before visiting the clinic.
During the day it is recommended to spend the evening in a calm atmosphere, in the fresh air. Dusty rooms, visiting the bathhouse, going out into nature are prohibited. Better to replaceheart rate stimulants with juices and compotes. These include coffee, tea, energy drinks.
Patients choose a he althy life by being examined in advance for complications. The general malaise of the body is not formed as a result of fatigue after a hard day's work. A he althy body recovers quickly, residual symptoms indicate the progression of the pathology.