Deactivation - what is it? How, by what means and methods is the decontamination of mercury or radiation carried out?

Deactivation - what is it? How, by what means and methods is the decontamination of mercury or radiation carried out?
Deactivation - what is it? How, by what means and methods is the decontamination of mercury or radiation carried out?

Radioactive substances are decay products of certain chemical elements. They not only have a harmful effect on the human body, but also leave their mark on the atmosphere for many years. A striking example of radioactive decay is the explosion of a nuclear power plant in Chernobyl. Despite the remoteness of the incident, the environment around this city is still suffering. Due to exposure to radioactive particles, children are born with developmental anomalies, many people become infected with radiation sickness. In order to avoid terrible consequences, it is necessary to carry out decontamination. It can be produced in all environments (in air, in water), on the surfaces of objects, on the human body, etc.

Deactivation - what is it?

From the Latin language, the word is translated as "inaction." And yet, it remains unclear to many, decontamination is what it is. The term is used in many areas, however, it is directly related to radioactive substances. So what does this word mean? Decontamination is the process of removing radioactive material from something. Harmful particles can settle anywhere. Usually theyfall on the surface of water, trees, houses, on the skin, etc. The main place of accumulation of radiation is the air, through which molecules are transferred to everything else. Based on this, decontamination is the disinfection of the environment. In addition to radioactive substances, chemical elements harmful to he alth, such as mercury, can also be classified as air pollutants.

Decontamination methods

decontamination it
decontamination it

There are various ways to carry out the disinfection process.

The first method involves the mechanical removal of harmful substances. It is more simple and affordable. Mechanical decontamination is carried out using improvised means, most often at home. Thanks to this method, radioactive particles can be removed from the surfaces of household items, walls, windows, floors, vehicles, etc. Although this method is used more often, it is not always safe to use. Mechanical decontamination should be carried out with extreme caution, while spending as little time as possible. This is due to the fact that a person comes into direct contact with harmful substances that are dangerous not only when they come into contact with the skin, but even in the air that is filled with them.

The second method is physico-chemical decontamination. It is carried out in the same way as in the first case, but has a slight difference. During its implementation, special solutions are used to quickly and efficiently remove harmful particles.

What is required for decontamination?

whatsuch decontamination
whatsuch decontamination

To carry out the disinfection of the environment, you need special equipment. Decontamination agents are selected depending on its type. With the mechanical method, items necessary for cleaning the house are used to remove harmful particles. You can clean the surface of furniture, floors and walls with a vacuum cleaner, rags, a broom, various brushes and sponges. Running water is used to remove harmful substances from clothing. When carrying out physical and chemical decontamination, powders, table s alt, oxalic or sulfuric acid, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and other disinfecting solutions are used. It should be remembered that, no matter what harmful substance has entered the environment, it must be decontaminated in special clothing. On the hands should be strong rubber gloves, on the face - a gas mask or respirator. In the absence of this, it is necessary to wear a gauze bandage consisting of several layers. Over the clothes you need to throw a special jumpsuit or robe. Rubber boots will also come in handy.

What is radioactive decontamination?

The most common harmful particles are the decay products of chemical elements. They have a detrimental effect on the body due to the fact that they have the ability to emit radioactive radiation. These substances are able to exist in the atmosphere for many years, while their damaging effect persists. Timely and high-quality decontamination of radiation is necessary in order to avoid radiation sickness. It must be remembered that to ensure a complete cleaning in a shortthe deadline will not succeed, therefore, first of all, it is required to evacuate people who are in the danger zone. When a significant part of the environment is irradiated, a specialized team is sent to the affected area to carry out decontamination. It is possible to clean objects that have been contaminated with radioactive particles in any way, but to improve the quality, it is recommended to use both mechanical and physical disinfection. To remove them from the air, ventilation through windows, doors, ventilation, installation of special filters is required.

Water disinfection

means of decontamination
means of decontamination

Hit of harmful agents on a liquid surface can occur primary or secondary. If the water was initially contaminated, then the distribution of radioactive substances in it is uneven, so it is necessary to determine their level in several places. Secondary entry of harmful agents occurs from the air, in this case, harmful agents are on the entire surface. Water decontamination is carried out by sedimentation, distillation, filtration and coagulation. The first method is the simplest, but allows you to remove only insoluble substances. When coagulating with clay, phosphates or soda ash, subsequent settling will be more productive. Significant purification can be achieved by filtering water with sand, gravel or soil. The highest quality method is distillation, which is carried out through an ion exchange resin. This method allows you to completely purify the water from harmful particles.


water decontamination
water decontamination

Many chemicals have harmful properties. Mercury is one of the common contaminating agents, as it is present in almost every home. It is used in medical devices such as a thermometer or blood pressure monitor (currently rare). If an object containing mercury breaks, the harmful particles must be immediately collected and removed. It should be remembered that sweeping or washing it off with a rag is prohibited, as it will be crushed into smaller balls. Decontamination of mercury requires collecting it with a brush on white paper, and then placing it in an airtight container. The surface on which the substance was, must be washed with a solution of potassium permanganate and hydrochloric acid. After that, the room is ventilated. It's best to call decontamination specialists.

mercury decontamination
mercury decontamination

How to remove harmful substances from the skin?

Everyone should have an idea of what skin decontamination is and how to carry it out. If toxic substances get into open areas (hands, face), disinfection should be carried out no later than 6 hours later. For this, running water under high pressure, soap, a hard washcloth or brush is used. Do not use alcohol solutions, as they will only aggravate the situation. Hair and mucous membranes of the mouth must be rinsed with a solution of citric acid. Rinse eyes from the inner corner to the outer.

What is the danger of untimely decontamination?

radiation decontamination
radiation decontamination

When harmfulsubstances on any objects of the environment, they must be urgently disinfected. The absence or delay of deactivation leads to serious consequences for the body. Radioactive particles cause such a condition as radiation sickness, a complete cure for which is still impossible. In addition, harmful substances can affect the he alth of offspring. Evaporation of mercury is also toxic to the body, it leads to damage to all organs and systems. For these reasons, timely decontamination is essential.
