Often, in diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, a person is tormented by spastic coughing attacks. To stop them, doctors recommend inhalation therapy using non-hormonal medications, for example, with Berodual.
The therapeutic effect of the therapy is as follows. Due to the expansion of the small bronchi, sputum discharge improves, and dry cough attacks are reduced. However, these medications can only be used as directed by a doctor. In the article below, we will study in detail the rules for inhalation with Berodual and saline, the proportions of these funds that are allowed to be used at any age.
Pharmacological action of "Berodual"
The main action is the rapid relief of spasm of the trachea and bronchial tree. As a result, the supply of oxygen to tissues improves, the risk of carbon dioxide accumulation decreases. Using the drug in accordance with the recommendations of a physician can reduce the duration and number of coughing fits.
In the composition of the medication,which belongs to the group of bronchodilators, includes two active ingredients:
- Ipratropium bromide - providing a local effect, neutralizes the reflex constriction of the bronchial tree, reduces the degree of irritation of the vagus nerve, blocks the cough reflex. As a result, the production of mucous secretion is reduced.
- Fenoterol hydrobromide - blocks the release of inflammatory mediators, stimulates beta-2-adrenergic receptors, which are responsible for the tone of bronchial muscles, and also enhances the protective function of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system.

Due to the combined action of the above substances, inhalation with Berodual and saline in the proportions prescribed by the doctor has the following therapeutic effect:
- lung lumens and bronchial vessels dilate;
- respiratory function is restored;
- reduced pulmonary edema, reduced sputum;
- spasm passes;
- tension of the pulmonary muscles is relieved.
"Berodual" in children's practice
Children are susceptible to diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and coughing is not uncommon for them. Pediatricians recommend inhalation with this medication for:
- emphysema;
- bronchospasm;
- pneumonia;
- laryngitis;
- obstructive syndrome;
- bronchial asthma;
- bronchitis;
- laryngotracheitis.
Inhalations with Berodual and saline in the proportions recommended by the doctor lead to the followingeffect:
- the walls of blood vessels relax;
- relieves bronchospasm;
- breathing improves;
- secret allocation increases.
The effect of the drug occurs fifteen minutes after ingestion and lasts up to six hours. It is forbidden to use such a tool in the following pathological conditions:
- tachyarrhythmia;
- diabetes mellitus;
- failure of thyroid function;
- heart disease;
- angle-closure glaucoma;
- myocardial infarction;
- hypertension.
The duration of treatment with a non-hormonal agent is on average five days. The pediatrician, depending on the age, selects the dosage for the children. Inhalations with "Berodual" and saline are carried out using a special device - a nebulizer.
The amount of medicine prescribed by the doctor is brought to the required volume (3-4 milliliters) with saline. The resulting mixture is not subject to storage and should be used immediately after preparation. The frequency of inhalations per day depends on the condition of the small patient, and in severe cases it can reach up to four. In the normal course of the disease, two inhalations per day are sufficient.
Some features of inhalation in children
Procedures are considered an effective form of exposure to inflammation occurring in the respiratory system. In addition to observing certain proportions of saline and "Berodual" for inhalation to a child, it is important to correctly perform all the manipulations:
- The components for the drug mixture are heated to a temperaturebody.
- Prepare the solution immediately before inhalation. Unused leftovers are thrown away.
- Deep and irregular breathing provokes a strong spasm, so you need to inhale the vapors calmly.
- The amount of "Berodual" should correspond to the age of the child.
Incorrectly selected dosage can cause the development of adverse effects that appear:
- dizzy;
- nausea, vomiting;
- diarrhea;
- allergic rashes;
- failure of metabolic processes;
- dryness or swelling of the mouth;
- increased cough;
- throat irritation.

Inhalation is carried out for 5-7 minutes, exceeding the allowable time is fraught with negative consequences for the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Acceptable dosages of Berodual for children
The medicine is approved for use from the age of six. The action of the drug begins approximately fifteen minutes after its administration. To alleviate the condition of a small patient, parents need to know how to correctly inhale with Berodual for children, and how to dilute with saline. To carry out the manipulation, it is necessary to prepare a mixture that consists of the drug (the dosage depends on age) and saline:
- The use of the drug for babies under six years of age is allowed only if the benefit of the drug exceeds the risk of developing negative reactions, and in addition, its weight is not less than 22 kg. For two kilograms of a child's weight they takeone drop of the solution and dissolve it in two milliliters of saline. The maximum allowed dose is ten drops. No more than three inhalations are carried out per day.
- From six to twelve years old - ten drops of Berodual are added to three milliliters of saline. In severe or acute attacks, the dose of the drug can be increased to forty drops.
- Twelve to seventeen years - ten drops per three milliliters of saline. The maximum allowable dose for stopping dangerous attacks is 80 drops.

The use of a drug for long-term therapy requires adjustment of a single dose, which will also depend on the age category.
Inhalation with Berodual and saline for children
The pharmaceutical market offers a fairly wide range of drugs used for the treatment of bronchopulmonary pathologies. In recent years, the drug "Berodual" in various dosage forms has received the greatest popularity among pediatric doctors. Among the advantages are:
- The speed of the onset of the therapeutic effect. The first signs of improvement are observed fifteen minutes after inhalation. Duration of action up to six hours.
- Used in both complex and monotherapy.
- Relieves asthma attacks and coughing in obstructive bronchitis. Relieves bronchospasm, relaxes the walls of blood vessels, promotes the excretion of secretions.
- Does not adversely affect other processes occurring in the respiratorysystem.
The ratio of "Berodual" and physiological solution for inhalation depends on the age of a small individual, as well as the severity of the disease.
The use of inhaled saline and its benefits
The inhalation method of drug administration delivers active substances to the lesion in a matter of minutes. For example, for the treatment of respiratory ailments, Berodual is especially popular for inhalation with saline. The dosage of the drug depends on several factors - the age and severity of the patient's condition.
The advantage of the inhalation route of administration is the possibility of use in any age category. A solvent is required to prepare a treatment solution or mixture. Most often, they use the usual physiological, i.e. natural, solution.

In pharmacies, it is presented under the name "Sodium chloride" 0.9%. Moreover, it is allowed to use it independently. When using this solution for inhalation in individuals, including pregnant and lactating women, no adverse events occur. Mucosal cells, thanks to the moisturizing effect of saline, recover faster from damage caused by the inflammatory process.
How to breed "Berodual" with saline for inhalation?
Saline solution is a solvent used for inhalation. It moisturizes the respiratory tract of the individual, and sputum comes off more easily. "Berodual" is diluted in a solvent in the ratioone to one. Compliance with proportions is very important, because otherwise there is a high risk of adverse events.

Most often, inhalation with Berodual and saline is prescribed in the proportion:
- For adults - the required number of drops in accordance with the instructions, and the amount of saline is added so that the volume of the finished mixture does not exceed 4 ml. For example, if you need to take 1 ml of Berodual, then 3 ml of saline is added.
- Children from six to twelve years old - 0.5 ml and sodium chloride 2.5 ml, with severe pathology - in a ratio of 1:2.
Inhalation route of drug administration in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases
Inhalations with "Berodual" and saline for adults and children is a modern way to treat inflammatory pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system. The effect of such a procedure occurs on average fifteen minutes after inhalation, and lasts up to six hours. "Berodual" is especially effective for patients suffering from dry cough, which is accompanied by shortness of breath or bronchial asthma. Due to the inhalation of vapors, medicinal substances actively penetrate into the respiratory tract, improving the outflow of mucus and gas exchange. Once in the body of the drug:
- Prevents bronchospastic reaction, relieves bronchospasm, eliminates attacks of dry cough.
- Expands the bronchi, moisturizes the mucosa, as a result, sputum liquefies and better leaves.

Timely inhalation canprevent suffocation. When conducting it, it is important to remember that the drug is diluted only in saline, which requires up to 4 ml. The procedure lasts until the prepared mixture is finished. The dosage is selected by the physician depending on the severity of the condition. The proportions for inhalation with Berodual and saline for adults are as follows:
- in very severe cases - 80 drops of the drug;
- for severe bronchospasm - 20 to 50 drops;
- for acute or moderate bronchospasm - 10 drops.
The course of treatment is from five to ten days, and the maximum manipulation time is seven minutes.
Sharing "Berodual" and "Lazolvan"
In combination, these two medications are usually recommended for patients suffering from diseases of the respiratory organs (emphysema, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, cough of unclear etiology), as well as people with hypersensitivity to the components of "Lazolvan". This remedy, being a mucolytic, promotes liquefaction and accelerated sputum excretion, and Berodual removes bronchospasm. Both agents work quickly and their effect is long-lasting after inhalation. The proportions of Berodual, Lazolvan and saline are as follows:
- "Berodual". Its amount depends on the severity of the attack. Start therapy with minimal doses and, if necessary, increase them. For patients from six to twelve years old - from 10 to 40 drops; over twelve years old, adults, including the elderly - from 20 to 50 drops. The amount of medicine recommended by the doctor is adjusted tovolume 3-4 milliliters of sodium chloride.
- "Lazolvan". Dosage up to six years - up to 2 ml, after six and adults - up to 3 ml. The physiological saline is added the same part, i.e. the proportion is 1:1.
- When used together, the prescribed doses of drugs are poured into a measuring container and adjusted with saline to a volume equal to 3 ml.
If dosages are not observed, instead of benefiting he alth, harm will be done.
Dual drug combination therapy
In some cases, the doctor recommends inhalation with Berodual, Ambrobene and saline. The proportions of drugs (in ml) can be as follows:
- 0, 5 - Beroduala;
- 2 - "Ambrobene";
- 2 - physiological saline.

This combined therapy is effective for acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, as well as diseases accompanied by the excretion of viscous sputum. Initially, the doctor may prescribe the inhalation of Berodual fumes with a physiostor. Then "Ambrobene" is added to this composition, which improves the rheological properties of sputum, reduces its viscosity. Inhalations are carried out with calm breathing to eliminate coughing fits.
Instead of a conclusion
Inhalations with "Berodual" and saline, the proportions of which the doctor selects depending on each case, are actively used in the therapy of the respiratory system. The difference between "Berodual" and other medicines is that it relieves bronchospasm, stimulates secretion, relaxesvascular walls, facilitates breathing and at the same time does not adversely affect other processes in the patient's respiratory system.