A phthisiatrician is a doctor who treats tuberculosis. Since it is not so easy to recover from this disease, doctors have to use a large number of drugs in order to give a person a chance to return to a normal lifestyle.

What is the difficulty of the profession?
A phthisiatrician is a specialist who constantly encounters one of the most dangerous infections. Such a doctor has to take care of the means of protection against Mycoplasma tuberculosis on a daily basis, as well as about his immunity. The fact is that with insufficient attention to these two issues, the phthisiatrician significantly increases the risk of falling ill with the disease with which he is constantly struggling. Moreover, the treatment of doctors from this infection is usually more difficult than for ordinary people, since during their professional activities they have a huge number of contacts with those patients who had Mycobacterium tuberculosis in their bodies, which is resistant to most antibacterial agents.
It is worth noting that the causative agent of tuberculosis every year is an increasing problem for humanity. The fact is that he, like many othersMicroorganisms over time can acquire resistance to those drugs that were used to destroy it. Moreover, the resistance of mycobacteria, in view of the complexity of the schemes for its suppression, gets quickly enough. This is due to the fact that most patients do not adhere to 100% of the course of treatment that was prescribed by the doctor, and the antibiotics administered are simply not enough to completely destroy Mycobacterium tuberculosis. As a result, the TB doctor faces enormous challenges, especially when the disease recurs.

Professions of the profession
Despite all the shortcomings, a phthisiatrician is a specialist who makes good money. The fact is that constant contact with infected patients is the basis for paying such doctors additional monetary rewards as compensation for the harmfulness and danger that they have to face daily.

Phthisiatrician: what treats?
As noted earlier, this doctor is engaged in ridding people of tuberculosis. At the same time, it is worthwhile to correctly understand that Mycobacterium tuberculosis can affect not only the lungs, but also many other organs, as well as bones. It is somewhat easier to cure non-pulmonary forms of this disease, since you do not have to worry about the possibility of spreading the infection. The fact is that the easiest way to spread Mycobacterium tuberculosis is airborne.
Besides this, a phthisiatrician is a doctor who consults with people whowho other specialists have identified symptoms that speak in favor of the development of tuberculosis in him.
Naturally, people of this speci alty are also engaged in prevention. They are developing visual aids, as well as various other materials, that explain exactly how TB infection occurs and what contributes to it the most.
It should also be noted that not only adults can be treated by a TB doctor. A pediatric specialist of this profile is also in high demand. The fact is that babies are also sometimes infected with tuberculosis. In addition, they need to constantly monitor the results of the effectiveness of vaccination against mycobacteria.