No matter how sad it may sound, but it is very difficult to find a good specialist in the field of medicine today. And many people attribute this problem directly to the rise of corruption. You can talk about this for a long time, weighing all the pros and cons of paid services. But one thing is certain: in Russia there are still doctors who are ready to fight for the he alth and life of a person disinterestedly, while receiving a penny salary. “Who, if not me,” such doctors say.
Don't rely on the opinion of one doctor. Try to hear the latter,” is perhaps one of the best pieces of advice people have. And this article tells about the personal life and career of the author of this quote - Grigory Efimovich Roitberg. This is a famous Russian and Soviet scientist, cardiologist. It deservedly can be called the organizer of he alth care. This is a successful entrepreneur who has received many prizes and awards for the achievements that he managed to make in his life.
Biography of Grigory Efimovich Roitberg - childhood and youth
The future scientist was born on August 20, 1951 in the city of Soroca, Moldavian SSR. Father, Efim Petrovich, workedlivestock specialist, and his mother, Klara Moiseevna (nee Aizenshtadt), was a nurse. He also had a sister, Raisa.
In all interviews, he talks very warmly about his family. Roitberg Grigory Efimovich calls his parents very strong people who have always achieved their goals. Klara Moiseevna and Efim Petrovich created an incredibly warm and cozy homely atmosphere around their little son, despite the fact that times were difficult, after the war they could barely make ends meet. However, Grigory Efimovich remembers that the holidays were still in the family, and quite often. The family was large, so they celebrated birthdays, then weddings, then the birth of children. And it so happened that at least 70 people gathered at the table every time. Here is such a big and friendly family.
Education and early career

Grigory Efimovich Roitberg now admits that he did not want to be a doctor in his childhood. Together with the certificate, he received a gold medal. During his school years, he was repeatedly the winner of the Olympiads, so he could easily enter the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. The father dissuaded: “Are you going to become a teacher? Look how poor they are! Look what your physics teacher is wearing.”
Grigory Efimovich had no choice but to enter a medical institute. He was enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine and Biology. I wanted to be a biochemist. But even here the father intervened, who, for certain reasons, advised me to enter the medical business, and then transfer to where he himself wanted. And so it was done. But when GregoryEfimovich began to study clinical disciplines, then he realized that he wanted to continue doing just that.
After graduating from basic education, Roitberg got into residency with the legendary (as he himself says) Pavel Evgenievich Lukomsky. Those couple of years during which he studied with the academician, Grigory Efimovich calls the greatest school. Pavel Evgenievich had a great influence on his development as a doctor. Then Grigory Efimovich Roitberg worked in an ordinary city hospital in Moscow as a general practitioner (from 1976 to 1981). Then he defended his Ph. D. thesis, after which in 1981 he became the head of the Department of Cardiology and Associate Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy of the Dental Institute.
Simultaneously with the conduct of medical practice, Grigory Efimovich read a lot, a lot. He was better educated than his colleagues. Then it even seemed to him that he could cure absolutely any disease.
Creating the best clinic in Russia

JSC "Medicina" is a multidisciplinary private clinic. It was discovered by Roitberg in 1990. Eight years later, Grigory Efimovich opened the first department of family medicine in Russia at the Russian State Medical University on the basis of his clinic.
Today OJSC "Medicina" is deservedly recognized as the best private medical institution in the country. It is also the first in Russia to receive international JCI accreditation. By the way, this is awarded exclusively to medical institutions of the highest reliability. The clinic must comply with international standards inpatient care plan, which is written in five volumes. Everything is here, from the correct hand washing technique to places where you can put a catheter. There are only 840 JCI-accredited institutions in the world, most of which are located in America, and a few less in Europe and Singapore, Israel. In Russia, there are only two.
The structure of the clinic includes three clinical, two diagnostic and dental departments, as well as a hospital, a pharmacy and an oncology center "Sofia". There is a department of pediatrics, cosmetology and restorative medicine. Within the walls of the medical institution, a lot of various services are provided, and various modern research methods are used to diagnose diseases. To understand how big the clinic works, let's take a closer look at it.
- MRI;
- CT;
- ultrasound;
- ECG;
- REG;
- mammography;
- dopplerography, etc.
- gastroenterology;
- allergology;
- trichology;
- dermatovenereology;
- cardiology;
- oncology;
- otolaryngology;
- mammology;
- nephrology;
- ECO;
- neurology;
- ophthalmology;
- immunology, etc.
Inpatient care:
- anesthesiology and resuscitation;
- gynecology;
- neurosurgery;
- otolaryngology;
- cardiology;
- urology;
- thoracic surgery, etc.
- dermatovenereology;
- plastic surgery;
- clinical cosmetology.
Rehabilitation Medicine:
- reflexology;
- exercise therapy;
- spa;
- massage;
- neurorehabilitation;
- cardiac rehabilitation;
- physiotherapy;
- manual therapy.
Grigory Roitberg's clinic "Medicine" is located at the address: Moscow, 2nd Tverskoy-Yamskoy, 10. Mayakovskaya metro station. The clinic is open daily according to the following schedule:
- Monday-Friday – 08:00-21:00;
- Saturday – 09:00-19:00;
- Sunday – 09:00-15:00.
"Medicine" has its own official website, which contains all the information necessary for patients. There are also telephone numbers for communication, including for citizens who speak English. You can call an ambulance around the clock.
Organization of the Medical Brotherhood Charitable Foundation

The medical scientist also created a fund that helps Russian doctors. The essence of its existence lies in the fact that doctors are also people who tend to get sick, who sometimes need support at different stages of life, for various reasons. Roitberg says that he really wants to help young people develop and become highly qualified professionals. And it is important for him to take part in the formation of future doctors, since the he alth of absolutely all citizens of our country directly depends on this.
Authorship G. E. Roitberg
Coronary angiography and echocardiography were introduced into clinical practice in the USSR not without the participation of Grigory Efimovich - he, as they say, stood at the origins of such an important event. He also studied the internal state of blood vessels in myocardial pathologies and metabolic syndrome. The following books were written by his hand:
- 1987 – “Contractile function and myocardial ischemia.”
- 1999 – “Laboratory and instrumental diagnostics of diseases of internal organs.”
- 2005 – “Internal Diseases. Respiratory system.”
- 2007 – “Internal Diseases. Cardiovascular system”, “Internal diseases. Digestive system”, editor of the collection “Metabolic syndrome”.
- First and third editions (1997 and 2006, respectively) of the textbook "Fundamentals of semiotics of diseases of internal organs."
Awards and achievements

The main achievements of Roitberg were mentioned above, namely the organization of the Department of Family Medicine, the introduction of echocardiography and coronary angiography into the clinical medicine of the USSR, the study of myocardial diseases and their effect on the vascular endothelium, the writing of a huge number of articles, as well as a series of monographs and teaching aids. As for the awards, the most significant are the Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation and the award of the Government of the Russian Federation, which is awarded for success achieved in a particular field of activity.
All ranks
Roitberg Grigory Efimovich – cardiologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. He is the head of the Department of Family Medicine of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov. As already known, he is the president of the multidisciplinary private clinic JSC "Medicina". He achieved these titles during the period from 1990 to 1998. In 2011 he became an active member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He is a member of the Bureau of the Presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress.
Interesting facts

Grigory Efimovich is "friends" with technology. He believes that it is not always necessary to go to the patient on your own or call him to the clinic - sometimes you can contact via Skype. If a person has any questions or complaints, then it is often possible to correct the treatment by means of an absentee “examination”. But, of course, this is far from always feasible.
Grigory Efimovich collects figurines of medical subjects. Today, he has several hundred such items in his collection.
The brainchild of Roitberg, the clinic "Medicina", not only successfully passed the JCI accreditation, but was also awarded five stars from the no less prestigious European EFQM system. Of course, the doctor is proud of such an achievement.
Somehow there was news in the press that Grigory Efimovich Roitberg met with the Pope. However, the doctor declined to comment on this.

It's no surprise that Meditsina is considered one of the best clinics in Russia. Today, Grigory Efimovich is 67 years old, but he continues to develop to becomebetter himself and improve the medical institution he opened.
"Don't try to change the world. Change yourself and the world around you will change." During his many years of experience, Grigory Efimovich faced a variety of diagnoses. He still says that making a correct diagnosis is something that comes as an insight. And it is impossible to explain exactly how this happens. So, in the near future he is going to publish another book, which will describe the diagnoses. Those that are actually much simpler than they might seem at first glance. So, for example, one girl almost had a kidney transplant due to problems with urination. And the reason was only that she practically did not drink water, as she was convinced that they were getting fat from it. And there are a lot of such examples.
On the Russian Forbes list

Being a talented doctor and a successful entrepreneur, in 2014 he got on the pages of the magazine. Namely, Forbes. Roitberg Grigory Efimovich took 197th place. Then his standing was estimated at 450 million US dollars.
Many famous people hide their families from prying eyes. Perhaps this is correct. Very little is known about the Roitberg family. He has a son, whose name is Pavel Grigorievich. He was born in 1977 in Moscow. He is the CEO of CJSC Digital Worlds, a writer, candidate of economic sciences. But nothing is known about Grigory Efimovich Roitberg's wife.