In the article, we will consider what a certificate from a therapist about the state of he alth is. A sample will be provided.
In order to enroll in any institution or just go to work, a person must first go through a medical commission and receive a document on their he alth status. This is an extremely important component that cannot be dispensed with.

Document Format
A certificate from a therapist about the state of he alth has a certain form. In fact, there are even several of them. In this article, we will look at the most common type, which is modeled after "086 / y". This document is printed on a special form. Help contains detailed information about the current state of human he alth. It is fixed both by the signature of the doctor and the seal of the medical institution.
Sample he alth certificate from a general practitioner will be providedbelow.
The period during which this paper is valid is six months.
Who needs it?
In what cases can such a medical document be useful to citizens? Most often, this form is required as part of employment (it can be replaced by the “302n” sample). In addition, it may be asked during admission to a technical school, as well as as part of an application for enrollment in a university. These are the most common situations in which you need a he alth certificate for a particular person. But how can you get it? And what does it contain?

About the content of the medical document
It is not hard to guess that this paper reflects the actual state of he alth of the patient in question. More precisely, the following information is written in it: the name of the citizen along with the place and city of his birth, information about examinations by various specialists, about chronic and past diseases, data on tests, and the like. Also, in such a document on the state of he alth, the head physician of the medical institution is signed with a conclusion. Here you can also find the seal of the respective clinic. A sample he alth certificate from a therapist will help you understand if it is properly formatted.
Where can I apply for such paper?
Where can I request a medical certificate? It is unlikely that this question will be answered unambiguously. And this is quite normal. The point is that citizens can request the format "086 / y" in any statepolyclinic, in a medical budgetary organization with an outpatient department, as well as in a private multidisciplinary center or laboratory. Where exactly to go? Each person must answer this question for himself. In the event that you do not want to pay for the examination, then you will have to go to state clinics. Otherwise, it is recommended to give preference to private organizations.

Specialist Doctors
In general, the process of obtaining a document on the state of your he alth can be divided into two large components:
- examination by medical specialists;
- passing the required tests.
So, let's start from the first stage. In order to get a certificate, you need to go to an appointment with a neurologist, cardiologist, ophthalmologist. In addition, you will have to go to the otolaryngologist, surgeon, endocrinologist and, of course, to the therapist. As a rule, this is quite enough. In some situations, the patient may be referred to additional doctors. But, as a rule, this does not happen in practice.
Tests for reference
As already noted, the patient will also have to pass a number of tests. Without them, a he alth certificate will simply not be issued. Mandatory studies include a blood test, urine test, an electrocardiogram and a fluorogram. Nothing else is required. As in the case of doctors, the list of tests can be supplemented depending on the result of the research. Narrow specialists are sent to them on an individual basis.

How much can a GP he alth certificate cost? There is no exact answer. Everything directly depends on many different factors. For example, from the region in which the citizen lives. It is possible not to pay for passing the commission of the established format, or to give approximately two thousand rubles. In private clinics, the cost of such paper can vary from two to five thousand rubles. More precise information should be clarified in a specific organization. Of course, in a state institution, this document is issued free of charge, but it takes longer to receive it.
Order of receipt
It is worth saying a few words about how to get a certificate from a therapist about a state of he alth. It is enough to follow a certain algorithm of actions. It looks like this.
- Documents are being collected that are necessary to sign up for a medical examination.
- Testing.
- The specialists listed above are visited.
- At the end, they sign up directly with the therapist to receive a final opinion about their state of he alth.
- The certificate is stamped on the certificate in the head physician's office.
It's actually easier than it looks. Especially if you turn to private medical centers for help.

Sample Medical Statement of He alth
This paper indicates the name of the medical unit that issued the document. Besides that, thereinformation about the patient who underwent the examination and a conclusion about his state of he alth are reported. In addition, the diseases they have suffered can be indicated. The date of receipt of the certificate is mandatory.
Thus, all the important information regarding the receipt of this document has been given above. As noted earlier, a medical certificate from a therapist about the state of he alth can in some cases be replaced by the form "302n". But in fact, we are talking about the same medical documentation, since both the first and second options report on the state of he alth of the citizen to whom the certificate is issued. It also confirms the absence of any contraindications for the person to undergo training or work in the direction he has chosen.
The advantage of this document is that in public institutions this certificate can be obtained free of charge. But if the deadlines are running out and there is no time to run around the medical offices for a long time, then you can always use the services of a commercial clinic.