Do you know the phrase "dural sack"? Probably not. People tend to be interested in something only if it concerns them. But it's probably better to know about some things in advance than later, in which case, encounter a lot of unfamiliar expressions.

Dural sac and all about it
First of all, you need to say how knowing this term will help you. The dural sac is, first of all, an organ of any human body. And we must know what we are made of, what is called. A very common disease today is a hernia. And it is directly related to this, not yet very clear phrase.
The dural sac is a closed hermetic sac that is formed by the dura mater. It contains the human spinal cord. It is a well-known fact that the spinal cord, as such, has no pain receptors at all. However, if the dural sac is deformed, the person begins to experience severe pain. Why? Because the brain responds to this pathology, to be more precise, some parts of the cortex.

Duralsac and disc herniation
Surely people suffering from this disease know firsthand everything about the terms and designations associated with it. Let's summarize everything in simple words again. What is the spinal canal? This is a collection of holes. The spinal canal has several walls. The dorsal is formed with the help of yellow ligaments and arches (vertebral). The lateral one is limited to the surfaces of the legs of the arcs. The anterior wall is built from the posterior surfaces of the vertebrae. In fact, all this is easy to understand if you look at special photos, for example, in textbooks used by students of medical colleges and universities.
Association of the dural sac with disease
At about the level of the waist, a special spinal nerve runs parallel to the dural sac. Then the first begins to change its direction, bending around the vertebrae. The sac of the meninges (and this is the dural sac) is attached to the spinal canal. If there is at least a slight deformation of the bag, the person periodically feels pain. It could be osteochondrosis or a hernia.

How to treat a herniated disc?
There are countless articles and even books on this subject. We will highlight some of the main points of treatment. So, modern medicine strives to fight this disease without surgical intervention. At home, doctors advise to systematically perform certain physical exercises. Some people benefit from relaxing s alt baths. to standardbath requires 0.5 kg of sea s alt. The water temperature must be at least thirty-seven degrees. The human body and muscles relax, the body rests. You also need to watch your weight. Excess body weight causes curvature of the spine. Avoid stressful situations and worries! As you know, happy people survive illnesses more easily!