Clinic "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye: reviews, address

Clinic "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye: reviews, address
Clinic "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye: reviews, address

Private clinic "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye was established in 2001 on the basis of the medical unit of one of the leading enterprises producing aircraft engines. Today it is the best medical facility in the city, equipped with modern equipment. Employees of the Motor Sich plant and other enterprises receive treatment and preventive care there. Since 2003, the clinic has been accredited four times and today has the highest category. About 400 specialists work here, including 66 doctors, two of whom are candidates of medical sciences, and 48 people are doctors of the highest and first categories.

motor sich clinic in zaporozhye address
motor sich clinic in zaporozhye address

Clinic structure

The nine-storey building in which the Motor Sich clinic is located in Zaporozhye meets the European level. Located in the building:

  • outpatient department;
  • surgical department, including six operating rooms;
  • hospital;
  • dental and prosthetic department;
  • he alth and wellness center for children and adults;
  • consultative and diagnostic service.

In the surgical department, about 30 operations of various levels of complexity are performed daily.

Clinic "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye
Clinic "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye

Modern technologies make it possible to perform organ-sparing operations and improve the quality of life of patients. The hospital includes departments of therapy, neurology and neurorehabilitation, urology, gynecology, traumatology and orthopedics, ophthalmology, and minimally invasive proctology. In Zaporozhye, the address of the clinic "Motor Sich": Bryullova street, 6.


The outpatient department is designed to serve 800 patients during a shift. Patients are received by doctors of 23 speci alties, including a therapist, surgeon, cardiologist, proctologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, traumatologist, otolaryngologist and a number of other specialists. The structure of the polyclinic includes 13 feldsher he alth posts located in the workshops of the enterprise, a vaccination center, endoscopic and treatment rooms, a diagnostic center and an emergency room.

Clinic "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye gynecology reviews
Clinic "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye gynecology reviews

The consultative and diagnostic service has modern equipment that allows X-rays, ultrasound, dopplerography of cerebral vessels, ECG Holter monitoring, computer spirography and other types of diagnostics. The provision of emergency assistance to employees of the Motor Sich enterprise in Zaporozhye by the clinic consists in ensuring the departurespecialists at home to perform injections, dressings, relieve intoxication syndromes, take tests, conduct ultrasound and ECG, transport patients to the hospital.

Dental Services

The clinic has a department of dentistry, in which patients undergo prevention and treatment of oral diseases, caries, cleaning and whitening of teeth, eliminate defects in the dentition with the help of orthodontics and all types of prosthetics. An ultrasonic scaler is used to remove plaque and calculus, which allows you to eliminate supragingival and subgingival deposits with simultaneous teeth whitening by 1-2 tones. Caries treatment is carried out with modern filling photopolymers, which allow restoring a completely destroyed tooth using a titanium pin or fiberglass.

Clinic "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye reviews
Clinic "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye reviews

Dental prosthetics allows you to recreate the destroyed crown of a single tooth with a veneer or metal-ceramic crown. In case of loss of several teeth, restoration of the dental arch is carried out with bridges made of high-quality materials that allow you to get a good aesthetic effect.

Inpatient department

The inpatient clinic "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye is designed for 300 beds. Its structure includes two therapy departments with 35 beds each, as well as a hospital department, which can treat 30 patients at the same time. In addition to therapeutic departments, the hospital has urological, neurological, gynecological, ophthalmological,otolaryngology department, as well as the department of orthopedics and traumatology. Up to eight thousand patients are treated in the hospital annually.

In addition to traditional treatment, laser therapy, lymphatic drainage, magnetotherapy, ultrasound, herbal medicines, water and heat therapy are used in the hospital.

Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology

In the structure of the clinic "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye there is a trauma department with 20 beds. It is the base for the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of the local medical university. Two physicians working in the department have a Ph. D. Together with the staff of the department, they are implementing innovative technologies for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Clinic "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye address
Clinic "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye address

The department treats diseases of the joints and bone tissues with medical and surgical methods. The use of arthroscopic equipment with a slight damage to the articular tissues allows you to perform therapeutic manipulations through small point incisions. To eliminate the pathologies of large joints, arthroplasty is performed. Particular success has been achieved in the replacement of knee joints, for which endoprostheses manufactured by the company are used.

Women's he alth care

There are 40 beds in the gynecology department of the Motor Sich clinic in Zaporozhye. For the treatment of patients, conservative and surgical methods are used. One of the main types of diagnostics and surgical treatment is laparoscopy,performed using endoscopic equipment - Karl Storz microhysteroscope. Laparoscopy saves patients from incisions in the abdominal wall and allows operations to be performed with the preservation of reproductive organs and minimal blood loss, which reduces the duration of hospital treatment.

Clinic "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye gynecology
Clinic "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye gynecology

In the study and treatment of the uterine cavity, hysteroscopy is used, in which manipulations are carried out under the visual control of a doctor. In Zaporizhia, reviews of the gynecology of the Motor Sich clinic indicate that hysteroscopy is successfully used for biopsy and resection of the endometrium, removal of the fetus during medical abortion, extraction of the intrauterine device, and in many other cases. Removal of various neoplasms of the endometrium is carried out on the radio wave apparatus "Surgitron".

He alth-improving complex of the clinic

The clinic has a pediatric he alth center, which treats children in the age group from 3 months to 14 years old, suffering from ENT diseases or disorders in the musculoskeletal system (flat feet, poor posture, scoliosis), malformations of the digestive and bronchopulmonary systems, as well as the syndrome of vegetovascular dystonia. The specialists of the center have developed a number of wellness programs to improve the general condition of children and adolescents.

Private clinic "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye
Private clinic "Motor Sich" in Zaporozhye

The he alth-improving complex has a physiotherapy room where sessions are heldmagnetotherapy, darsonvalization, amplipulse therapy. The center has a massage room, a sauna, a swimming pool and a gym for classes with children with pathologies in the musculoskeletal system. For the treatment of otolaryngological diseases, a s alt inhaler, phonophoresis, and laser therapy are used.

International recognition of the clinic "Motor Sich"

Thanks to modern methods used to treat employees of the largest aviation enterprise in Ukraine, the Motor Sich clinic in Zaporozhye was awarded the European certificate "Best Medical Practitioner". In addition to all the existing awards, the clinic received another one - the medal "Rose of Paracelsus". It is awarded to medical institutions that have created conditions for the provision of qualified care to patients.

Obtaining a European certificate gave the clinic doctors the right to seek advice from the best medical experts of European medical institutions, to take part in international scientific conferences. In November 2017, a symposium was held on the basis of the Trauma Department with the participation of leading orthopedic traumatologists from Austria, dedicated to complex cases of knee joint treatment.

In Zaporozhye, the reviews about the Motor Sich clinic are evidence that this medical facility is the best in the city.
