Medicine 2024, October

Drug "Longidaza". The analogue of the remedy is the medicine "Lidaza"

Drug "Longidaza". The analogue of the remedy is the medicine "Lidaza"

For the treatment of inflammatory and adhesive processes in the organs of the reproductive system of women, candles "Longidaza" were created. The drug is also available in the form of injections. You can use Longidaza suppositories both intravaginally and rectally. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor

What is preventive medicine?

What is preventive medicine?

Preventive medicine is quite promising. In Russia, this technique is not yet popular either among doctors or among the townsfolk. However, European specialists have been actively developing this direction for several years

Transesophageal echocardiography: what is it?

Transesophageal echocardiography: what is it?

One of the modern methods of examining the heart is transesophageal echocardiography. This imaging method is performed for suspected diseases such as dissecting aortic aneurysm, left ventricular thrombosis. Also, the study is often performed during heart surgery

Heel massage: massage lines, acupuncture points, massage technique, effectiveness and positive effect on the body

Heel massage: massage lines, acupuncture points, massage technique, effectiveness and positive effect on the body

He alth is one of the main values given to man. Often itching, burning and fatigue appear in the legs for no reason. Get rid of discomfort will help massage the heels and feet completely. The procedures take a little time, and their implementation is available even at home

Do-it-yourself inhaler: options and rules for use

Do-it-yourself inhaler: options and rules for use

For a quick cure for colds, a procedure such as inhalation at home is excellent. To do this, you should purchase a ready-made device or create an inhaler with your own hands

Tuberculin test: meaning, method and interpretation of results

Tuberculin test: meaning, method and interpretation of results

Tuberculin test is the main method for diagnosing the intensity of immunity against Koch's bacillus, that is, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is carried out annually, and based on its results, children are selected for re-vaccination with BCG

Types of sensitivity: classification and description. Types of sensory disorders

Types of sensitivity: classification and description. Types of sensory disorders

What is sensitivity? Classifications: general and complex, general and special, according to the location of receptors, phylogenetic criteria. Types of skin sensitivity. Varieties of sensitivity thresholds. What are sensory disorders? Their classification by type

Cortisol - what is it?

Cortisol - what is it?

Not every person knows what processes in the body cause excess cortisol, what kind of substance it is, and how it is formed in the body. However, the effect of this hormone on all organs and systems of the body is enormous

Sternocleidomastoid muscle: the main role in the human body

Sternocleidomastoid muscle: the main role in the human body

The sternocleidomastoid muscle is one of the most important parts of the human musculature. Not only the appearance of the neck and face, but also the full functionality of the brain depends on her condition

Is it possible to use fat burners for women: reviews on their use

Is it possible to use fat burners for women: reviews on their use

The question of whether it is possible to use fat burners for women, reviews on the use of which are controversial, is one of the central ones in the field of improving the body of girls through weight loss

How to calculate weight from height for an ordinary person

How to calculate weight from height for an ordinary person

Many people would like to know how to calculate weight from height. However, despite the apparent initial simplicity, this is not so easy to do. Conventional popular formulas give only an average result

Exercise for the back of the thighs in the gym

Exercise for the back of the thighs in the gym

Every girl strives to become attractive, emphasizing her strengths and eliminating her shortcomings. However, not everyone knows how useful exercises for the back of the thighs are in the fight for the beauty of the legs

Increased pulse: the reason for its occurrence

Increased pulse: the reason for its occurrence

The heart - the leading organ of the circulatory system - works smoothly for the benefit of the human body throughout life. Therefore, the slightest malfunction in his work should cause concern. Among these alarming failures is a rapid pulse. The cause of such a malfunction should be determined as soon as possible by a cardiologist

How to slow down the heartbeat - features, methods and recommendations

How to slow down the heartbeat - features, methods and recommendations

This article will discuss the reasons for the increase and decrease in heart rate, as well as how exactly at home you can calm the pulse without taking medication. Preventive measures are also considered

A neurotransmitter is: definition, functions and features

A neurotransmitter is: definition, functions and features

A neurotransmitter is a substance without which human existence would not be possible. There are several neurotransmitters in the body, each of which performs its own role

Where is the human stomach? The location of the human stomach

Where is the human stomach? The location of the human stomach

Most of us know where the human stomach is, as it is one of the main organs

Estradiol increased or decreased. The reasons

Estradiol increased or decreased. The reasons

The article talks about estradiol, indicates the value of this hormone, as well as etiological factors that can affect its level in the body

Prolactin: norm by age and causes of deviations. What is prolactin responsible for?

Prolactin: norm by age and causes of deviations. What is prolactin responsible for?

Prolactin is an important hormone for both women and men. It is involved in a large number of processes in our body, but first of all it is necessary for childbearing and feeding. Consider in the article the causes of deviations from the norms and find out what prolactin is responsible for

EEG rhythms, electroencephalogram decoding

EEG rhythms, electroencephalogram decoding

Although the electroencephalogram is not the most modern and sensitive method for diagnosing brain diseases, its absolute safety and availability ensure its widespread use in medical practice. And the use of EEG in the diagnosis of diseases accompanied by convulsive seizures completely displaces all other examination methods in terms of efficiency

What is a Shants collar

What is a Shants collar

Schanz's collar is a wide "collar" made of soft fabric, encircling the neck and fastening at the back with Velcro. You need to buy it in special orthopedic stores. Consultations of experienced staff will help you choose the device that is right for you

Epidermis - what is it? The structure of the epidermis

Epidermis - what is it? The structure of the epidermis

The structure of the skin and epidermis, layered structure. Functions of the epidermis and their features. Pathology of the epidermis and melanocytes. The main features of the epidermis, cosmetic nuances

Pelvic bone, anatomy and he alth maintenance

Pelvic bone, anatomy and he alth maintenance

Hip joints experience enormous stress, especially if a person is overweight. Therefore, it is important to know how to provide maximum protection for the hip joint and maintain its mobility for many years

Elevator anus muscle: structure and function

Elevator anus muscle: structure and function

The pelvic diaphragm consists of the levator ani muscles (right and left respectively), the coccygeal muscles (also right and left), the external anal sphincter, and the fascia. The levator ani muscle is a paired triangular apparatus of the iliac, coccygeal and pubic muscles. In combination with connective fibers creates a funnel-shaped plate of muscles that descend to the anus

Male testicle: anatomy

Male testicle: anatomy

In ancient times, when a man swore an oath that he would never lie, he touched his testicles. If he had both testicles, then this proved his masculinity. Quite a few are interested in what the anatomy of the testicle is. Let's explore this issue in this article

Resistance is an ambiguous term

Resistance is an ambiguous term

Resistance is a term with many meanings. Most often it can be found in medicine

How and how to treat a cut finger

How and how to treat a cut finger

Every person who has held a knife in their hands at least once in their life knows what a cut is. In fact, a cut is not just a small wound that heals fairly quickly. Modern medicine has developed a whole classification of cuts, each of which can lead to very unpleasant or even dangerous consequences

Optimal pelvis size, pregnancy and childbirth

Optimal pelvis size, pregnancy and childbirth

Wide hips have been considered a sign of fertility in women for centuries - a sign of a potentially good woman in labor. Can modern medicine confirm that the size of the pelvis actually plays an important role in successful motherhood? In this case, we are not talking about delusions or superstitions, but about folk wisdom

Biomechanism of labor with different types of presentation

Biomechanism of labor with different types of presentation

The biomechanism of childbirth is a whole set of various movements that a fetus makes through the birth canal. These movements are directly related to the structure of the female pelvis. They consist in flexion / extension of the baby's head, rotation around the axis, lateral inclination of the fetal head and pendulum movements aimed at advancing along the birth canal

Moles grow: what is the reason and which doctor to contact

Moles grow: what is the reason and which doctor to contact

Small spots on the skin of each person usually do not cause much trouble. But what to do when moles grow, change their color and shape? Which doctor should I contact and what are the reasons for the growth and video changes in nevi?

Use of platelet-rich plasma. Where is platelet-rich plasma used and why?

Use of platelet-rich plasma. Where is platelet-rich plasma used and why?

One of the newest non-surgical treatments is platelet-rich plasma injections. They are intended for the treatment of various injuries and a number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Plasmolifting: reviews, description of the procedure and effectiveness. Plasmolifting of joints

Plasmolifting: reviews, description of the procedure and effectiveness. Plasmolifting of joints

Currently, there are many methods of treatment of diseases of the joints. Plasmolifting is a modern method, the effectiveness of which has been proven. Soon after the procedure, pain is relieved and the degree of joint mobility improves. In addition, the natural processes of cartilage tissue regeneration are launched

Agnosia is Visual agnosia

Agnosia is Visual agnosia

In today's article we will talk about such an unpleasant phenomenon as agnosia. Consider what is visual, auditory and tactile of its varieties. In addition, we will dwell on its diagnosis, treatment and, of course, prevention

Device for measuring blood sugar. How to choose a glucometer: doctor's advice

Device for measuring blood sugar. How to choose a glucometer: doctor's advice

In this article, we will look at what a blood sugar meter is. Let's dwell on the principles of its work. We will find out what strips for a glucometer are for, and we will analyze in detail the technical characteristics of some glucometers

Amblyopia - what is it? Amblyopia in children: degrees and treatment

Amblyopia - what is it? Amblyopia in children: degrees and treatment

What is amblyopia? Diagnosis and extent of the disease. Treatment of pathology in children. What is the danger of amblyopia in the future? Prevention and treatment at home. Read about it in our article

What is Visceral Chiropractic? Visceral chiropractic in old Russian medicine

What is Visceral Chiropractic? Visceral chiropractic in old Russian medicine

Coming from ancient times, the old Russian visceral chiropractic is now widely used. This happened thanks to the hard work of A.T. Ogulov. His contribution to the development of abdominal massage techniques is invaluable. What is this procedure, how does it affect the he alth and emotional state of a person?

Belgorod Regional Hospital of St. Joasaph

Belgorod Regional Hospital of St. Joasaph

The article brought to your attention will tell about the Belgorod regional hospital of St. Joasaph. This regional state budgetary he althcare institution is a modern medical center where you can find a highly qualified specialist of absolutely any profile

Double eyelids are the dream of many Asians

Double eyelids are the dream of many Asians

When talking about the beauty of the eyes, we usually describe their color and size. Everything is more complicated for the owners of Asian appearance. A double eyelid is the dream of the vast majority of people who do not have a skin fold on the moving part of the eyelid. What does this feature of the structure of muscles and skin look like and can it be corrected?

How is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine treated. Osteochondrosis of the cervical region: treatment at home

How is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine treated. Osteochondrosis of the cervical region: treatment at home

Pain comes when you don't expect it. Even the most confident person in such cases can be confused and scared. The cause of the pain syndrome is often osteochondrosis. How is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine treated at home and how effective will the treatment be? Learn more

Definition of "quarantine": essence and history

Definition of "quarantine": essence and history

The definition of "quarantine" has probably been heard by everyone. We often face the introduction of quarantine on the territories of educational, medical or other government institutions. What is quarantine and what is the history of its appearance?

Peritoneal dialysis: indications and procedure technique

Peritoneal dialysis: indications and procedure technique

In peritoneal dialysis, the dialyzer is the abdominal cavity. The blood carried through its vessels is dialyzed by a catheter inserted through the straight abdominal wall. The membrane of the procedure is the intestinal mucosa, which covers all organs and systems. As a result, peritoneal dialysis proceeds in much the same way as in an artificial dialyzer