Increased pulse: the reason for its occurrence

Increased pulse: the reason for its occurrence
Increased pulse: the reason for its occurrence

The heart - the leading organ of the circulatory system - works smoothly for the benefit of the human body throughout life. Therefore, the slightest malfunction in his work should cause concern. Among these alarming failures is a rapid pulse. The cause of such a malfunction should be determined as soon as possible by a cardiologist. Self-medication is unacceptable. But it would be useful to have information about what a rapid pulse and pressure means, jumping or suddenly changing for no apparent reason. This will help you stay calm in case of he alth problems.

rapid heart rate cause
rapid heart rate cause

Rapid pulse. Reason from the patient's point of view

The period of relaxation (diastole) of the heart muscle is naturally replaced by tension (systole). If the rhythm is normal, then the body has time to fully relax and recover. If the frequency of contractions for no apparent reason (running, walking) is increased and is more than 90 beats per minute, then this can be called "tachycardia".

increased heart rate and blood pressure
increased heart rate and blood pressure

This is the name of the rapid rhythm that can be registered using an ECG. The patient himself may feel that his heart is beating anxiously, and cite anxiety, mood swings, stress, and problems at work as the cause. This makes some sense, but what does mainstream science say about this?

Anxiety symptom

Excitable, temperamental and emotional people are indeed more likely to get a rapid heart rate. The cause of this symptom may seem insignificant to others - it is self-flagellation, excessive worries about one's appearance, depressive states of various origins.

what to take with a fast heart rate
what to take with a fast heart rate

Often middle-aged women suffer from this. Sometimes this is true, and a psychologist's consultation, a measured lifestyle can remove a rapid pulse. The cause must first be ruled out by a specialist cardiologist. After the ECG is done and analyzed, you can get a referral to a neurologist and a psychotherapist.

Many reasons

Only a specialist can distinguish pathological tachycardia from a normal reaction to stress, excitement, experiences. If the pulse quickens at rest, this may be due to disruptions in the endocrine system, serious nervous disorders, and certain types of poisoning. The most dangerous syndrome that can be indicated by pulse disorders is heart failure. In old age, it can develop imperceptibly. Menopause in women also has an adverse effect on the cardiovascularvascular system.

What to take with a rapid heart rate?

In addition to taking sedatives (natural, like hawthorn and motherwort, or synthetic, like Valocordin), you need to master the methods of controlling pressure and pulse - deep breathing, yoga. With an attack of tachycardia, you need to calm down as much as possible, lie down, close your eyes. Antiarrhythmics are also used - medicines "Flecainide", "Adenosine", "Verapamil". But they must be prescribed by a cardiologist. Drugs like Phenobarbital and Diazepam will be prescribed by a neurologist.
