Resistance is an ambiguous term

Resistance is an ambiguous term
Resistance is an ambiguous term

Resistance is resistance to something. At the same time, such a property can turn out to be both quite useful and leading to disruption of the functioning of the entire human body. It is for this reason that it is necessary to explain to what exactly there is resistance. This is very important, as resistance to bacteria and the influence of one's own hormones naturally affects he alth differently.

resistance is
resistance is

Resistance to certain microbes

This kind of resilience seems to be very useful. At the same time, full-fledged resistance is not always observed in a person. This is due to the fact that with a decrease in the body's defenses, the ability to suppress the growth and development of not only harmful, but also conditionally pathogenic microflora also decreases. The result is a disease. Tuberculosis is a good example. A person has a relative resistance to it. This causes the absence of clinical manifestations and the non-development of the corresponding disease in conditions where the body's immunity is at a sufficiently high level. At the same time, it is not always capable of completely destroying the Mycobacterium tuberculosis that has fallen. As a result, this microorganism, ifhe survived, gets excellent opportunities for growth and reproduction when human immunity begins to decline. Ultimately, if immunity continues to be at a low level long enough, it is quite possible to develop full-fledged tuberculosis.

RBC resistance
RBC resistance

Antibiotic resistance is a modern problem

It is worth noting that not only humans are resistant to certain foreign substances. Microorganisms also often have good resistance. At the same time, it is formed in them by natural selection. The fact is that in the treatment of infectious diseases, not all pathogens often die. This is especially true for those cases when a person was treated with antibiotics not for 5-7 days, as prescribed by the doctor, but only 2-3 days. Until the moment when the clinical manifestations disappeared during the treatment. Undoubtedly, such a person is likely to recover, but the surviving microorganisms may become resistant to the antibiotics with which they were treated. So resistance is not always beneficial for the body. In some cases, this is a factor that must be taken into account during the treatment of patients.

Antibiotic resistance
Antibiotic resistance

RBC resistance

This property allows red blood cells to survive in conditions of changes in the chemical composition of the blood. The fact is that the normal level of NaCl in the blood plasma is 0.9%. The level of change in erythrocyte resistance can often serve as a diagnostica sign of certain pathological processes occurring in the body. With its help, it is possible to establish the fact of the presence of certain diseases.

As you can see, resistance is a very, very versatile term. It can often mean concepts that both bring great benefits and harm human he alth.
