The pelvic diaphragm consists of the muscles that lift the anus, the right and left coccygeal muscles, the anus valve, and the connective sheaths. All of them form a single structure that has certain functions.

Elevator anus
It is a paired triangular apparatus of the iliac, coccygeal and pubic muscles. Combined with connective fibers, it creates a funnel-shaped plate of muscles that descend towards the anus.
The coccygeal-pubic part comes from the front of the tendinous arch of the muscle that lifts the anus. It looks like a compacted area of \u200b\u200bclosing connective tissue. In addition, it refers to the fasciae, which cover the main muscle that lifts the anus. From the inside, the coccygeal-pubic area comes from the upper medial part of the closing opening. The search should befrom within the branches of the osseous apparatus of the pubis. Then it descends to the coccyx and is fixed at the anal and sacral ligaments, as well as the front of the rectum. From the curvature between the anus and the genitals, the coccyx-pubic muscles are attached behind and located under the muscles of the coccyx and rectum. In front adjacent to the channel of urine emission.

The muscle that lifts the prostate gland is part of the pubococcygeus. In the male sex, it is adjacent to the prostate. It is thanks to her that this organ can slightly rise up and be squeezed during contraction. In women, these connections form the tufts of the pubis and vagina.
The rectopubic muscle goes above and below the branches of the pubis. It connects to the opposite side of the anterior rectum, wraps around the prostate or vulva, and is then woven into the muscles of the intestine. The main function of the puborectalis muscle is to contract. Compression of both coccygeal-pubic muscles brings the opposite walls of the intestine closer to each other. This narrows the distal portion of the intestine into a narrow cross-section. That is, it lifts it forward and up together with the pelvic floor. In females, this muscle is also responsible for contracting the vagina.
The iliococcygeal muscle comes from the semicircle of the tendons and behind the coccygeal-pubic area. Located behind, below and to the side. Attaches to the coccyx below the coccygeal-pubic processes. Together with its opposite part, the coccygeal-iliac fibers form a tendon that runs through the top of the coccyx and rectum. Outside frames on the sidesedge of the lower spine. Behind, it adheres to the fibers of the coccyx and covers it from above. The main function is to raise the floor of the pelvis, making it stronger, but without depriving it of relative mobility.

Many are interested in the name of the muscle that raises the anus. However, there is no other term. In Latin, it sounds like m. levator ani.
Coccyx muscle
Looks like a triangular plate, which is located inside the ligaments of the buttock and sacrum. It originates from the spine of the buttock, gradually expanding. It is attached to the sides of the bottom of the vertebrae of both the coccyx and the sacrum. The front is adjacent to the back of the muscle responsible for raising the anus. Together they form a common layer of muscle.
Anal valve
Frames a segment of the anus of the rectum, located further than the middle of the pelvic diaphragm. The upper muscles are attached to the fibers that lift the anus.
Has three parts:
- Subcutaneous. Contains the finest muscle fibers. Attaches directly to the skin of the anus.
- Surface. Consists of strong arcuate joints.
- Deep. Contains large arcuate bundles that frame the anal canal.
More powerful muscle rings are located inside. Outside, it looks sharp at the end from the upper part of the coccyx and the skin. They go from the sides of the anus of the intestine. In front and outside, it is also pointed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tendons, the spongy-bulbous region and the coverbetween the genitals and the anus. The main function is to reduce the anus from the sides.

Comorbid disorders
There is such a thing as "levator ani syndrome". It is expressed by spasmodic pain syndrome of the rectum. The reasons for this state of affairs are still unknown. Treatment includes pain medication, physical therapy, and sitz baths.