Every person who has held a knife in their hands at least once in their life knows what a cut is. In fact, it is not just a small wound that heals quickly enough. Modern medicine has developed a whole classification of cuts, each of which can lead to very unpleasant or even dangerous consequences. So before you learn about the correct treatment of various cuts, you need to find out what they are.
Types of cuts

Most often, when handling a knife, a person injures a finger. Cut or pricked - it's still unpleasant. What are the types of wounds?
1) Stab. They can be obtained by using an awl or a very thin knife. A characteristic feature of this damage is not only the small diameter of the wound, but also a significant depth.
2) Narrow. You can get them with glass cuts. It is very important in such a situation to carefully inspect the damaged surface to find small glass fragments, if any. After all, then they can deliver verybig trouble.
3) Wounds with torn edges. They are formed when struck with a blunt object. The skin in this case bursts under strong pressure. This type of wound heals for a long time, as it is difficult to splice torn edges. Often such wounds have to be sutured.
Deep cut finger

Many think that this wound is the most common. But, in addition to discomfort, a finger cut in this way can lead to big problems in the functioning of the damaged part of the body. For example, if a person begins to feel numbness of a limb after a certain period of time after a cut, you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, such numbness may be evidence of damage to the nerve that is responsible for sensitivity. What to do if you cut your finger so badly? It is urgent to stitch it if you do not want to permanently lose sensitivity. Another sign that there may be serious problems is too much bleeding, which can open up after an artery is damaged. Another sign of damage is when the blood comes out in jolts.
Most often women in the kitchen deal with a knife. If a woman cut her finger badly, what should be done to stop the bleeding? It is necessary to immediately bandage the finger a little above the cut. A tight bandage is suitable for this. After bandaging, you need to raise your hand up. This will slightly reduce the amount of blood entering the limb. After a while, the bleeding should stop.
Jagged cut

In thatwhen the edges of the wound diverge, medical attention is needed. A finger cut this badly will take a long time to heal. In this case, there is an almost one hundred percent probability of the formation of an ugly wide scar. It is necessary to take into account the fact that beautiful hands are the hallmark of every woman. Therefore, such consequences are completely unnecessary. Another extremely unpleasant, he alth-threatening consequence of such damage is infection in an open wound. How to determine its presence? If after some time, when the finger should already stop hurting, the pain, on the contrary, intensified, and the skin around the wound turned red and burns, then the infection is present. And if you cut your finger badly, what should I do to heal faster and not have an infection? It must be said right away that it is not necessary to use all known traditional medicine, as well as to remove inflammation and pus on your own. It is better to immediately consult a doctor who can properly clean the wound from the resulting pus, and also prescribe a healing agent containing antibiotics.
Myths about finger cuts

You might think that such myths simply do not exist. But it's not. For example, what to do if you cut your finger? A person will first of all lick the wound or stick the damaged part under a stream of cold water. Familiar? And this is not recommended. Indeed, despite the depth of the cut, a person's fingers simply do not have such a large number of blood vessels that there would be too much blood loss. But a person, putting his finger under a stream of water, hopes very mucheffectively and quickly stop the bleeding. In fact, it creates wonderful conditions for an infection to get into the wound, since there can be a large number of various microbes in the water supply, which are not very beneficial for he alth. The same can be said about those who lick their fingers. The cut organ does not need to be treated with saliva, since in humans it contains a huge number of microbes. Sterile saliva only in dogs. Therefore, if a woman severely cut her finger, what should I do? Raise your hand up and go for peroxide and cotton wool. It is not recommended to lubricate an open wound with antiseptic ointments, as they block the access of oxygen to damaged skin, which can delay healing for a long time. Did you severely cut your finger with a knife? How to stop the bleeding? Certainly not iodine, as it leads to the death of epidermal cells that are close to the wound. After all, iodine burns the skin. Therefore, it should only be applied around the cut.
What to do with a deep cut on the finger

The first thing to remember is don't panic. First you need to stop the bleeding. The ideal remedy for this is hydrogen peroxide. If the cut is very deep, use as little peroxide as possible, as too many air bubbles can clog small blood vessels. After heavy bleeding has stopped, it is advisable to treat the skin around the wound with iodine. The main thing is not to overdo it. After giving first aid, a tight bandage should be applied to the finger. But not on the wound itself.
After processing a deep cut, it is necessary tomonitor your condition for several days. If the first signs of inflammation appear, you need to seek medical help.
Folk treatments for a cut finger

If there is confidence that arteries and nerves were not affected by the cut, then folk methods can be used to speed up the healing process. For example, aloe leaves are very good at killing germs. The most effective way to use them is with lotions. They can be done the next day after the cut, when the wound is already a little dry. The procedure itself is carried out in this way: a piece of gauze or cotton is taken, on which aloe juice is applied. All this is applied to the wound for 10 minutes. After that, a regular bandage is applied.
You can prepare an ointment. 80 grams of bee honey is mixed with 20 grams of fish oil and the same amount of xeroform. All this is mixed and applied to the wound.
It would seem that an ordinary finger cut is nothing, a wound that does not require much attention. But in reality, it's not like that at all. Here's how lucky. If the cut turned out to be deep, then the consequences may not be the best. So don't rely on luck. Everything must be done to avoid infection and serious consequences.