Drug "Longidaza". The analogue of the remedy is the medicine "Lidaza"

Drug "Longidaza". The analogue of the remedy is the medicine "Lidaza"
Drug "Longidaza". The analogue of the remedy is the medicine "Lidaza"

Inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system of a woman may appear due to infections, hypothermia, and a frivolous attitude to one's he alth. Frequent inflammatory processes lead to the fact that the immune system begins to fight the disease. As a result, adhesions appear, with the help of which the diseased organ seems to be hiding from the whole organism. A woman should take inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system as seriously as possible, since her ability to become pregnant and bear a he althy child depends on this. Under no circumstances should treatment be delayed. It must be timely and efficient. Without wasting time, consult a gynecologist who will select the appropriate drugs based on the results of the tests.

longidaza analog
longidaza analog

What do they recommend?

For the treatment of inflammatory and adhesive processes in the organs of the reproductive system of women, candles "Longidaza" were created. The drug is also available in the form of injections. You can use Longidaza suppositories both intravaginally and rectally. The duration of the course of treatmentdetermined by the doctor. Based on the fact that the cost of the drug is relatively high, many are looking for analogues for Longidaza. The use of such a medication as Lidaza will be cheaper. What is this tool? What is a good analogue of the drug "Longidaza 3000"? More on that later.

analogue of Longidaza 3000
analogue of Longidaza 3000

General drug information

Hyaluronidase and azoximer bromide are the active substances of Longidase. It is rather difficult to find an analogue of the drug with the same active ingredients, since it does not exist. There are only a few drugs that are similar in their action. These include the drug "Ronidase" and an analogue of injections "Longidase" - the drug "Lidase" for injection. The last resort is quite popular. It is often recommended instead of the drug Longidaza. The analogue - the drug "Lidase" - cannot be a complete substitute for the indicated medication, because it contains only one common component - hyaluronidase.

Mechanism of action

The drug "Lidase" - an analogue of "Longidase 3000 IU" - is an enzyme preparation and is used for external use. Hyaluronidase is isolated from the testes of cattle. Its action is to break down hyaluronic acid - the main cause of adhesions. In addition, this component has a cementing property. Hyaluronidase helps soften scars, reduces the viscosity of hyaluronic acid, and reduces swelling. Like "Longidaza"an analogue of the drug "Lidaza" is produced in the form of a lyophilized powder for injections.

analogue of Longidaza injections
analogue of Longidaza injections

Indications for use

The drug "Lidase" is recommended for patients to resolve various types of scars (traumatic, burn, postoperative), heal ulcers, in case of osteoarthritis, hematomas, complex diseases of the lumbar discs, chronic tendovaginitis, as well as infarction, pulmonary tuberculosis, rhinitis, bronchitis and other inflammations of the respiratory tract, hydrocephalus. The drug is widely used in ophthalmology for the treatment of keratitis.


The drug "Lidase" is forbidden to be taken by pregnant and lactating women and in cases of individual intolerance to the drug. The medication is contraindicated in patients with malignant tumors and infectious inflammations. It is not recommended to do inhalation with a remedy for pulmonary tuberculosis and bleeding from the lungs. Like the drug "Longidase", the analogue of the drug - the drug "Lidase" is incompatible with estrogen-containing medicines. Clinical data on the use of this tool in children is not enough, so its use in pediatrics is not recommended. In addition, it must be taken into account that the drug "Lidase" enhances the effect of anesthetics.

longidase analogues are cheaper
longidase analogues are cheaper

How to use

When using the drug in the form of injections, the medicine is injected under the scars. To do this, the powder is diluted in1 ml solution of isotonic sodium chloride or novocaine. The procedure is repeated daily or after 1 day. The course lasts 6-15 days. In the case of retinopathy, 0.5 ml of the drug is injected subcutaneously into the temple area (the powder is dissolved in 20 ml of novocaine or sodium chloride solution). Electrophoresis with the drug "Lidase" is used for rheumatoid arthritis. To do this, the medicine is dissolved in 30 ml of water and 4-5 drops of hydrochloric acid solution are added. The procedure lasts 20-30 minutes. The course includes up to 15 procedures. For inhalation, the drug is dissolved in 5 ml of sodium chloride (isotonic solution) and carried out 20-25 times.

Side effects

The drug "Lidase" can cause allergic reactions, chills, migraine, dizziness, fever, weakness. Injections can cause itching, redness, swelling, and heat at the injection site. In case of an overdose, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, pressure drops, allergic reactions are possible. To eliminate these side effects, you should take antihistamines, glucocorticosteroids and epinephrine.
