How to slow down the heartbeat - features, methods and recommendations

How to slow down the heartbeat - features, methods and recommendations
How to slow down the heartbeat - features, methods and recommendations

Just imagine - every minute the heart muscle is able to distill up to 30 liters of blood throughout the body, and this is only with a normal and even heartbeat. The human heart is an organ that works daily without interruption so that people can continue their activities, so it is quite understandable why for many people it fails so quickly. That is why people who have a strong pulse rate, especially if it exceeds a hundred beats per minute, are so often subject to various heart diseases. Therefore, it is important for every person to know how to slow down the heartbeat at home using not only drugs, but also other methods.

Tachycardia and bradycardia


Cardiovascular diseases have long been considered one of the most dangerous for human life and he alth. In today's age of eternal stress and carelessness about one's own he alth, the heart becomes such a vulnerable organ that chronic diseases have become a completely natural phenomenon. Concepts such as tachycardia have already become firmly established in the everyday life of people,whose pulse begins to go off scale beyond normal numbers. This is why heart-slowing drugs are so popular these days.

In a normal state, it is normal for a he althy person to have a pulse of 60 to 90 beats per minute. With such a rhythm, the heart wears out slowly, and therefore the risk of disease is minimal. In turn, a slow heartbeat is called bradycardia.

The concept of tachycardia

Image of tachycardia
Image of tachycardia

Increased heart rate often occurs for a variety of unpleasant reasons, such as severe stress, physical activity and many others. When the pulse begins to exceed the mark of 90 beats, the heart muscle begins to work in emergency mode, and therefore wears out quickly. All this leads to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. This kind of overvoltage is very dangerous, as it leads to serious problems, especially for the elderly, who are already worn out.

Knowing how to slow down your heartbeat at home is important for everyone, even if they are in good he alth. In order for the measures taken to have an effect, it should be understood for what reasons the pulse rises and falls.

Causes of tachycardia

heart monitor
heart monitor

There are many reasons why a person has tachycardia. It is very important to distinguish which of them are pathological, and therefore require serious treatment, in contrast to the standard reaction to various stimuli.

It is normal for the heart rate to rise due toactive physical work, brief stress or heavy use of caffeine or other energy drinks. However, in all other situations, it can be said that the cause of the disease is a pathology that requires the intervention of doctors.

Tachycardia can be caused by various heart diseases - these include myocardial disease, deformation of the heart muscle or arterial hypertension. Heart defects or other birth defects can also cause an elevated heart rate. However, doctors consider vegetative-vascular dystonia to be the most common cause.

In addition to these diseases, there are a huge number of other causes, often not even related to the heart itself.

The concept of bradycardia

As soon as the pulse crosses the lower mark of 60 beats per minute, then no one has a question about how to slow down the heartbeat, since it is already minimal. However, bradycardia may not always mean a disease, since physically developed people, especially high-level professional athletes, often have a heart rate of about 45 beats. A slow heart rate is also natural for sleepers - a heart rate of around 50 is perfectly natural for a person gaining strength for a new day.

Be aware that the average person should be concerned if the heart rate is low, as this can often mean the presence of various diseases.

Causes of slow heartbeat

Besides the perfectly natural reasons for a low heart rate, it is quite common to identify he alth problems based on this symptom. slow heartbeatin a child and an adult can mean the presence of a number of diseases:

  • infectious diseases like typhoid or hepatitis;
  • severe injuries or pathological diseases affecting the brain and affecting the vasomotor center located in it;
  • with circulatory disorders of the heart, as well as other heart diseases like angina pectoris;
  • ulcers affecting the duodenum or stomach;
  • thyroid disease;
  • strong pain or thermal shock to the body;
  • long-term permanent neuroses;
  • chest injuries can lead to bradycardia up to cardiac arrest;
  • body intoxication with nicotine or lead;
  • weakening of the body due to prolonged fasting or lack of nutrients from food.

Also, the cause is often the intake of certain medications and the usual aging of the body. That is why it is important to listen to the prescription of a doctor who tells what to do with a slow heartbeat in order to avoid possible complications.

Breathing exercises

Deep breathing
Deep breathing

With a very high pulse, the question immediately arises of how to slow down the heartbeat. In this case, simple breathing has proven itself well. However, it must be very deep. At first, this way of breathing will be very uncomfortable, but with time and practice it is quite easy to notice that slow breathing also gradually reduces the pulse rate. Just take a deep breath for seconds5, then hold your breath for the same time period, and then exhale slowly and measuredly. Try to exhale so that all the air leaves the lungs before taking a new breath.

Valsalva test

When the question arises of how to slow down the heartbeat during excitement, it is best to try the Valsalva maneuver. A similar method is directly related to the nerve that is responsible for controlling the pulse. It is better known as the vagus nerve. To perform the procedure, you simply take a very deep breath, and then tighten your abdominal muscles in such a way as if you were pushing while sitting on the toilet. Hold this position for about 5 seconds, then relax the whole body. If necessary, this procedure can be repeated several times until the heartbeat stabilizes.

Carotid test

Artery massage
Artery massage

In the region of the throat, directly next to the vagus nerve, there is a very important artery - the carotid. If you massage the throat in the area where this artery is located, then after such stimulation the nerve will also begin to work, and therefore the pulse will also drop sharply.

Cold wash

The flow of cold water directly into the face of almost any person causes a "diving reflex". At such a moment, not only the heartbeat, but the whole body begins to slow down automatically. You should continue to wash with cool water until it becomes noticeable that the pulse has dropped sufficiently.

Herbal teas

Besides pills that slow downheartbeat, herbal teas proved to be highly effective in combating tachycardia. Now in pharmacies it is enough just to buy a good ready-made collection, which is designed specifically to solve the existing problem.

If you do not want to purchase a finished product, then you can make it yourself at home. To do this, you need to mix a tablespoon of the following ingredients: motherwort, crushed hawthorn and rose hips, as well as a whole teaspoon of quality green tea. Pour them into a thermos, then pour half a liter of boiling water. Infuse the decoction for 30 minutes, then strain. Tea should be taken at least 2 times a day for 3 weeks.


Assortment of tablets
Assortment of tablets

As a rule, pills that calm the heartbeat are taken by patients who know their diagnosis - tachycardia, and therefore are obliged to stop the attack that has appeared in a timely manner. To do this, the first-aid kit should contain the following drugs:

1. Sedatives allow you to suppress the pulse rate as early as 20 minutes after use. After taking it, it is best to open the windows and lie down on the bed to avoid the possibility of passing out.

2. Preparations for the heart - Corvalol, Valocordin and Valoserdin. All these medicines should be diluted in accordance with the instructions - 20-40 drops of medication with 6 tablespoons of water. The resulting mixture should be drunk in one gulp. Phenobarbital and other herbal ingredients help to lower the heart rate.

Besidesthese drugs, in a severe situation, tranquilizers, antipsychotics and ion channel blockers should be available. Also, depending on the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe other means to quickly suppress tachycardia.

Prevention of tachycardia to reduce heart rate

Ways to calm down
Ways to calm down

If you use preventive measures, then gradually you can completely forget about the increased heart rate. To do this, follow the instructions below:

1. Do sport. Before you start exercising, it is best to consult with your doctor about the optimal types of training. It is best to focus on interval exercises.

2. Full sleep - any sleep disturbance often provokes an increase in heart rate of at least 10 beats per minute.

3. Take fish oil. Even one capsule a day for at least a couple of weeks can lower your heart rate.

4. Change your diet. Start gradually introducing foods that are good for the heart into your daily diet. These include sardines, salmon, green vegetables, whole grains, bananas, avocados, and a variety of nuts.

5. Learn to meditate or relax well. Be sure to take your own pulse as your inner focus.
