Medicine 2024, October

Anti-decubitus mattress: description, specifications, benefits and reviews

Anti-decubitus mattress: description, specifications, benefits and reviews

Anti-decubitus mattress: purpose and types. Pros and cons of medical devices. What to look for when choosing mattresses. Operating rules

What are adenoids? Symptoms and treatment options

What are adenoids? Symptoms and treatment options

The reasons that make the baby naughty and cry can be very different. Therefore, every parent should know what adenoids are

Anatomy of the hip joint: structure, muscles, ligaments

Anatomy of the hip joint: structure, muscles, ligaments

Our body is a unique creation of nature, and therefore it is necessary to treat it with due attention. Important in this regard is the anatomy of the hip joint, since it is this part that mainly suffers

Contraceptives: what is it? The use of contraceptives

Contraceptives: what is it? The use of contraceptives

For a long time, humanity has been trying to find ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies. A few decades ago, barrier methods of contraception had an advantage. Now there are a lot of tools that help protect against conception

Atropine poisoning: symptoms, causes and treatment features

Atropine poisoning: symptoms, causes and treatment features

In modern medicine, there are many drugs based on plants. Some of them are harmless, while a few drops of others can be fatal. Atropine also belongs to the second group. What it is? How can you get poisoned by atropine? And what is the method of treatment of atropine intoxication? The answers to all these questions are described below in the article

Restoration of the liver: diet, folk remedies, drugs

Restoration of the liver: diet, folk remedies, drugs

Restoration of the liver is an extremely important procedure that is vital for everyone who is faced with a disease of this organ. The liver is called the most important biochemical laboratory of our body. Symptoms of disruption of its work should cause anxiety and concern

Palpation of the kidneys and bladder: a technique for

Palpation of the kidneys and bladder: a technique for

To determine the type of pathology of the kidneys and bladder, a variety of examination methods are used, which include palpation of the kidneys, percussion and examination. Each type of diagnostics has its own characteristics and provides a certain set of information

Heart transplantation in Russia and worldwide

Heart transplantation in Russia and worldwide

Because of the frequent rejection in our country until the eighties of the last century, heart transplantation was practically not carried out. But after the invention in 1980 of the drug "Cyclosporin", which prevents rejection of a transplanted organ, heart transplantation became widely used in domestic medicine

Is a head transplant possible? Scientific developments, experiments

Is a head transplant possible? Scientific developments, experiments

Head transplant - is it possible? Most likely, you will be surprised, but experiments in this direction have been carried out since the beginning of the 20th century. The first human body transplant is due soon

FAS syndrome: what is it, signs, diagnosis

FAS syndrome: what is it, signs, diagnosis

What is FAS syndrome in children? The cause of this condition is the mother's alcoholism. Regular consumption of alcohol during pregnancy increases the risk of developing FAS by 20%. The most negative effect is the use of high-strength alcohol during the period of gestation. It can cause pathology even if the woman did not drink at all before pregnancy

Blepharoplasty in Moscow: features of the procedure and reviews

Blepharoplasty in Moscow: features of the procedure and reviews

Gone are the days when the services of plastic surgeons were available only to we althy people. And in recent years, blepharoplasty is gaining popularity. There are many clinics in Moscow offering this service, but not all of them perform it with the same quality

How to accelerate metabolism (activate). Features of metabolism

How to accelerate metabolism (activate). Features of metabolism

Many people have probably heard that one person eats as much as he wants and does not get fat, while another gains weight without eating too much. This is not surprising: it's all about metabolism and its speed. In the article, we will analyze the concept in more detail and find out how to "accelerate" metabolism

Mantoux reaction: contraindications. Are there any contraindications to the Mantoux test?

Mantoux reaction: contraindications. Are there any contraindications to the Mantoux test?

One of the earliest vaccines given to children is the TB vaccine. After it, the Mantoux reaction is carried out annually. She may have contraindications, despite the contrary statement of inexperienced physicians

Semen analysis: when is it indicated?

Semen analysis: when is it indicated?

Sperm analysis is a fairly common diagnostic technique. Most often it is used to check the reproductive functions of the male body, but its results can also indicate a number of diseases of the genitourinary system. The procedure is quite simple and is carried out in many modern clinics

Encephalitic tick bite: consequences for humans, treatment

Encephalitic tick bite: consequences for humans, treatment

Ticks are small insects that suck blood. They belong to the order of arachnids. The forest mites are the most dangerous. Beware of their bites should be due to the transmission of the infection that they carry

Classification of shock, definition of the concept

Classification of shock, definition of the concept

Classification of shock, that is, the reaction of the body to the super-strong impact of any factors, is needed to determine the degree of violation of the vital functions of the body and to carry out the correct resuscitation measures. What can provoke shock, does it always lead to death, what are the symptoms and treatment methods for different types of shock?

Intestinal biopsy: preparation, indications and contraindications. What does a bowel biopsy show?

Intestinal biopsy: preparation, indications and contraindications. What does a bowel biopsy show?

Digestive problems can appear equally in an adult and a child. In most cases, the treatment of bowel diseases is time-consuming and can be quite complex, depending on the diagnosis. It is for the diagnosis that a biopsy may be required. This procedure is one of the diagnostic methods, therefore, it should not cause any fear or concern

Androgens - what is it? All about their effect on the body

Androgens - what is it? All about their effect on the body

Androgens - what is it? It is worth noting that this is the common name for a whole group of so-called steroid hormones, which are produced by the gonads (in women - the ovaries, in men - the testicles) and the adrenal cortex

Chorion biopsy: the essence and features of this examination

Chorion biopsy: the essence and features of this examination

The article describes the biopsy of the chorion, the significance of this examination method for the detection of chromosomal and genetic pathologies, also indicates the features and types of this manipulation

Antioxidant - what is it?

Antioxidant - what is it?

Today you can hear a lot about the antioxidant. What does this mean and what is it eaten with? Translated from Latin, this word stands for: "anti" - against, "oxys" - sour, that is, in the literal sense - "antioxidant". What are the he alth benefits here?

Do you know what a biocenosis is?

Do you know what a biocenosis is?

In the usual sense, biocenosis is a set of homogeneous organisms of a certain environment. For the human body, its change leads to disruption of the balanced work of all organs. For example, in women, this imbalance leads to the development of vaginal dysbiosis. Is it necessary to treat biocenosis? What exactly is he?

Photodermatitis: treatment of pathology, symptoms. Feedback on treatment methods

Photodermatitis: treatment of pathology, symptoms. Feedback on treatment methods

Today we will tell you about what constitutes such a deviation as photodermatitis. Treatment of this disease with drugs and folk remedies will also be described in this article

Autistic is not a sentence

Autistic is not a sentence

What do we know about autism? The average person knows practically nothing. But these people live among us. So what is an autist?

Parathyroid hormone is elevated: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Parathyroid hormone is elevated: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is a hormone produced by the parathyroid glands, located either in the thyroid gland itself or on its back wall. There are mainly four parathyroid glands in the human body, but sometimes there are more of them

Rough fingertips: reasons. Fingertips become hard - what to do

Rough fingertips: reasons. Fingertips become hard - what to do

Periodically, any person on the planet has certain skin cosmetic defects. Most of them are not serious, but nevertheless they need some measures. Peeling of the fingertips is a common occurrence. Let's take a closer look at why they can be dry and rough, as well as how to deal with this cosmetic defect

The norm of ESR in children. What should be the values?

The norm of ESR in children. What should be the values?

The article gives the concept of ESR, describes how this analysis is done, indicates the norms of ESR in children and adults. It also briefly explains what a clinical blood test is

How to relieve nervous, emotional, muscular tension? How to relieve tension pain?

How to relieve nervous, emotional, muscular tension? How to relieve tension pain?

How to relieve stress caused by various circumstances? Depending on the nature of the tension - nervous, emotional, muscular - the further scheme of getting rid of it depends

Retrograde urography: patient preparation, procedure technique, indications and contraindications

Retrograde urography: patient preparation, procedure technique, indications and contraindications

With the development of radiology, a lot of methods for diagnosing kidney diseases have arisen. In the middle of the 20th century, thanks to science, radiographic methods were introduced that allow you to reliably examine the structure of the genitourinary system. Almost every city now has laboratories that allow such examinations to be carried out

Oocyte vitrification: what is it?

Oocyte vitrification: what is it?

Oocyte vitrification has become the latest advancement in the IVF process. It means the instantaneous freezing of female germ cells, which do not have time to lose their viability. Also, thanks to vitrification, oocytes can be stored for a very long time (months and years)

How to lower blood sugar - every diabetic thinks

How to lower blood sugar - every diabetic thinks

First of all, you need to review your diet and eliminate foods with a high content of carbohydrates from it. These are all sweets: chocolate, jam, sweet waters, wines and liqueurs

The aorta is The aorta of the heart. Aortic seal

The aorta is The aorta of the heart. Aortic seal

The aorta is the largest vessel in the human body. Any damage to it is extremely dangerous to he alth

Why are intercurrent diseases dangerous: types and complexity of diagnosis

Why are intercurrent diseases dangerous: types and complexity of diagnosis

Intercurrent diseases develop on their own and can affect existing inflammation. Treatment of such ailments should be carried out immediately

Pancreatoduodenal resection: treatment and complications

Pancreatoduodenal resection: treatment and complications

Today, pancreatic cancer is a common type of cancer. In most cases, the prognosis is rather bad. During the examination, doctors detect the presence of secondary metastases that affect he althy tissues of other organs

Swollen face: how to remove the swelling from the face?

Swollen face: how to remove the swelling from the face?

A swelling on the face for every person is a big nuisance, which sometimes spoils not only mood, but also life. After all, such a problem cannot be completely eliminated even with the best decorative cosmetics. And what about men who do not use blush and powder at all? An unattractive aesthetic appearance may well provoke the birth of psychological complexes

Infraspinatus muscle: functions, location, exercises

Infraspinatus muscle: functions, location, exercises

The human body has a huge number of different muscles. And each of them has its own purpose. The muscles of the shoulder girdle are very important for human motor activity. Small but important for movement is the infraspinatus muscle, which is part of the shoulder girdle. What is this muscle and what is it for?

Allergy testing. Where to do allergy tests for children

Allergy testing. Where to do allergy tests for children

Currently, a significant proportion of people suffer from such a common ailment as allergies. However, not everyone knows what this pathology is, so it will be interesting for them to know that this is a protective reaction of the body, which is aimed at neutralizing the activity of harmful bacteria and viruses, as well as minimizing the risks of other harmful factors

Inhalation therapy: types, purpose, indications and contraindications

Inhalation therapy: types, purpose, indications and contraindications

One of the most effective means in physiotherapy are inhalations. They are known to many as the "grandmother's" method - however, at present they breathe fumes not only over potatoes, but also with special medicinal substances using special inhaler devices. What are the devices, for what diseases and how to use them correctly?

How to faint if necessary?

How to faint if necessary?

It's undeniable that everyone has had situations in their life when they would like to know how to faint. Moreover, this was necessary not so much because of the manifestation of some ailments, but to force certain events or simply in order not to go to any event. In any case, we propose to find out how to faint on purpose without harm to your own body

Ventricular septal defect. VSD in the fetus: causes, diagnosis and consequences

Ventricular septal defect. VSD in the fetus: causes, diagnosis and consequences

Ventricular septal defect is the most common heart defect. VSD is detected mainly during planned ultrasound during pregnancy

"Lekker-Iodine": instructions for use and reviews

"Lekker-Iodine": instructions for use and reviews

Lekker-Iodine is a new format for the release of an essential drug. The tool is easy to use, for which it managed to win many positive recommendations