Medical practice of recent years shows that the division of doctors into certain specializations does not always benefit the patient. The reason is that the human body is no longer perceived as one. The principle "do not separate what is interconnected" goes into oblivion.
Visceral chiropractic, which has received great popularity in the modern world, shows amazing healing and wellness results.
Such methods of treatment have been known since ancient times. Ancient healers of Indochina, Filipino healers successfully used similar techniques. In Europe, the old Russian visceral chiropractic was a great success.
Yes, and traditional medicine often uses chiropractic. An example is palpation. For practitioners of manual therapy and kinesiologists from alternative medical practices, this is one of the main methods of diagnosis and treatment.
What does this beautiful and incomprehensible expression mean?How to use it?

Visceral Chiropractic Definition
The expression "visceral chiropractic" contains the meanings of three words - "inner", "hand", "action".
With the help of certain movements, an examination of organs is carried out. The correctness of their location, natural mobility is assessed. Then the treatment is carried out. For this, fingers, palm, fist are used. Moving the hand in the right direction and with a set force leads to an improvement in the functioning of the organ and the whole body as a whole.
The specific impact includes the following techniques:
- squeeze,
- vibration;
- punching;
- move;
- tension;
- stretch;
- massage.
All these movements help restore the internal organs to their original state.
The Origins of Visceral Therapy
Ancient healers claimed that massaging body parts is very important for the full functioning of the body, especially in emergency and difficult conditions.
Massage of the abdomen, which was provided by visceral chiropractic in old Russian medicine, was necessary as a means of relieving pain from injuries and wounds.
Gradually, the range of movements expanded and improved. Healers have learned not only to relieve painful spasms, but also to carry out rehabilitation of organs after the completion of treatment. A number of measures were aimed at prevention and relaxation. Positive results gave rise to further research and development.
Some healers believed and carried to the masses the idea that the panacea for all diseases is visceral chiropractic. Complementary drugs were successfully used in old Russian medicine.
Lotions and herbal tinctures relieved the condition and accelerated the course of the disease. With the help of applications, damaged tissues and organs recovered faster. Certain types of plants helped in the fight against parasites. Based on the teachings of herbalists, such a branch of medicine as homeopathy has developed.

The use of medical leeches and bee venom along with chiropractic gave stable positive results. Doctors have noticed that the biological enzymes contained in saliva and poison have not only regenerating properties, but also anti-inflammatory.
The use of pots first, and later jars helped to identify the source of pathology. A bruise - as a result of placing a jar - showed the presence of a disease of the internal organs in this place. The size and color of the hematoma determined the neglect and danger of illness.
Many manipulations are used in modern medicine. In diseases of the bronchi and lungs, along with drug treatment, massage and cupping are still prescribed.
Visceral Chiropractic Application
Visceral chiropractic allows you to identify abnormalities and resume the natural active functioning of the internal organs.
All life-important processes in the body are carried out through movement. Blood and lymph flows in a certain direction at a prescribed speed. Heartvibrates according to the programmed program.
Location, given rhythm, presence of free spaces - all this forms a single mechanism. Failure in any department leads to imbalance and gradual destruction.
Visceral Therapy has the ability to improve lymph formation and flow. Actively restore blood circulation, including peripheral. Communication between internal organs and systems is being established.
Neurological syndromes of nerve endings, spasms of tissues and blood vessels, oxygen starvation, fluid stagnation ultimately lead to the destruction of a living cell and the appearance of a disease. The use of chiropractic helps to restore, cleanse and fully heal the body.

"Proper maintenance of the environment of the internal organs contributes to the active and proper functioning of life support systems" - says Dr. Ogulov. Visceral chiropractic, whose reviews leave no doubt about its usefulness, is sometimes the only remedy that gives a positive result.
It has already been proven that using this kind of therapy can increase endurance, the body's resistance to physical stress, and improve a person's athletic performance.
In especially isolated places where there is no way to control the state of the body with the help of instruments, chiropractic has found its application. Polar explorers and astronauts are taught a short course of visceral therapy.
Effect of visceral therapy
Academician Pavlovhis experiments on dogs proved that weakness in the muscles is observed with changes in the nervous system, this is due to the excitation of the internal organs. With such changes, the motor apparatus is subjected to overload. The inability to perform their functions normally leads to blockage of the tissues of the joints and vertebrae.
Special tables have been created to understand the relationships. They are most appropriately included in the book-textbook, which was developed and written by Alexander Timofeevich Ogulov. Visceral chiropractic (correspondence zones with a projection on organs and tissues are shown in the picture below) helps to solve many he alth problems and can be used for preventive purposes.

About 200 zones are fixed on the human body, projected onto the internal organs. There are 60 of them on the head. Even by the appearance of the skin at a certain point, you can make a preliminary diagnosis of the state of the organ inside.
What results can be achieved by applying "healing by hands"?
First of all, the return to the normal functioning of the internal organs. And already as additional "bonuses" we have the following effects:
- normalization of arterial and venous blood supply;
- improvement of lymph flow, central and peripheral nervous system;
- restoration of hormonal levels and, as a result, normalization of metabolism;
- disappear internal spasms, blocks, clamps and pain.
- improves psychological andoverall emotional state.
Visceral chiropractic has another side effect that women especially enjoy. According to their reviews, skin turgor increases and wrinkles on the abdomen, sides, legs disappear.
Indications for use
“Restoration of the body is an increase in the functioning of weakened, for one reason or another, internal organs. Therefore, the definition of “disease” in this case is completely inappropriate,” says Professor Ogulov. Visceral chiropractic is effective for both a sick person and a he althy one. It allows you to eliminate the problem, heal, and carry out prevention.
Indications for the use of visceral therapy are:
- Postoperative and inflammatory adhesions of internal tissues.
- Misalignment of organs.
- Narrowing the range of organ mobility and internal spasms.
- Blocks and displacements in joints and vertebrae.
- "Manager Syndrome".
Ogulov's visceral chiropractic is indicated for the treatment and rehabilitation of the following organs and systems:
- Gastrointestinal tract.
- Urinary system.
- Diseases of the skin.
- Cardiovascular system.
- ENT organs.
- Endocrine system.
- Violation of the functions of the liver, pancreas and gallbladder.
- Disorders of the spine.
- Impaired brain function.
In addition, healing with hands helps to eliminate visual defects of the figure. It can be seen from the list that there is practically no system inhuman body that cannot be treated with chiropractic.

As with any type of treatment, internal therapy has contraindications. They are divided into two categories: absolute - those that are under a categorical prohibition, and relative - the decision for or against is made by the doctor based on the patient's well-being.
First category – absolute contraindications:
- Protrusion of the abdominal aorta.
- The tendency of the body to form blood clots and the presence of such.
- Presence of fever, inflammation and infection.
- The presence of foreign bodies in the body.
- Acute bone injuries.
- Bleeding.
- Peritonitis.
- Malignant tumors.
- Autoimmune diseases.
Second category - relative contraindications:
- Kidney and gallbladder stones.
- Hormonally active tumor.
- Sustained and uncontrollable increase in blood pressure.
- Heart, kidney, respiratory failure, diabetes mellitus.
- Delusional and paranoid disorders.
- Inflammation and erosion of the internal mucous membranes.
Visceral chiropractic Ogulova recommends refraining from therapy for people with an exhausted body, in the stage of an acute alcoholic or drug state, and also in the absence of confidence in the doctor and treatment.
How is a visceral chiropractic session going?
Going toappointment with a chiropractor, you need to know at least in general terms what will happen there. Feelings during the session are different. It all depends on the degree of neglect of the body or the development of the disease.
"Pain is a guide for the therapist," writes Ogulov. Visceral chiropractic should not bring acute and unbearable feelings of pain. The main thing in the ability of a doctor is to maintain balance, feel the edge of pain and not go over it. Much also depends on the individual characteristics and feelings of the patient. The specialist's duty is to determine the patient's capabilities and select the appropriate technique.
No special preparation before the session is required. Recommendations only apply to food, behavior and psychological state.
On the day of your visit to the chiropractor, it is advisable to sleep well, relax and not think about anything negative. Light food is recommended, preferably lacto-vegetarian. The last meal - no later than an hour before the session. Internal therapy should be started with an empty bladder.
The result that Ogulov's visceral chiropractic gives (patient reviews confirm this) is so strong that active processes in the body continue for several days after the procedure.

Patients are not always able to accurately describe their feelings after the session. According to them, inside the body there seems to be a flow, languor spreads and fatigue is felt, as after a hard day.
To consolidate the effect, a huge supply of energy is needed. Therefore, during this periodit is desirable to rest and sleep a lot, breathe fresh air, do not drink alcohol and heavy food, do not burden the body physically and emotionally. Hypothermia and overheating are also unacceptable.
Every chiropractic appointment begins with a preliminary diagnosis, determining the patient's pain threshold and selecting the appropriate technique.
Duration of manipulations depends on the degree of neglect of the body. Patients say that usually the first sessions are much longer than the subsequent ones. Depending on the scale of the task, the appointment can last from 30 minutes to two hours.
The frequency of visits is determined by the individual characteristics of the patient. During the first two weeks, sessions are carried out twice a week. Subsequently, it is enough to visit a specialist once every 7-10 days.
A normal cycle consists of 8-12 procedures. After graduation, a month is given for rest. Further, a reinforcing course is recommended.
Traditional Medicine Doctor
So who is he - Ogulov AT, for whom visceral chiropractic has become the meaning of life?
The future doctor of traditional medicine and a world-respected professor did not even dream of the medical field. His hobby was sports, namely martial arts. He achieved the title of master of sports in such disciplines as judo and sambo. But injuries forced him to switch to coaching.
It was at this time that Alexander Timofeevich encountered the old Russian chiropractors. He saw the benefits and tangible results, while there was no need to resort to official medicine. Possibility of recovery of the athlete afterinjury without surgery seemed miraculous at the time.

As an addicted person, Ogulov studied manipulations and massage techniques. It helped in the work and gave food for thought. Around this time, he had a teacher. A woman practicing internal massage during World War II. Having no medical education, she worked in a hospital as a nurse and helped soldiers and officers recover from injuries.
At the time of their meeting, the woman's age was more than 80 years old, but it was impossible to call her old. Full of strength, with a clear mind and firm hands, she explained and showed everything that she herself owned.
The student surpassed the teacher, substantiating and generalizing the movements, created the author's method. In 1994, a patent was obtained for a complex massage of the internal organs, which subsequently received the term "visceral chiropractic".
For twenty years of spreading his own methodology, Alexander Timofeevich managed to get a secondary medical education, traveled half the world and acquired thousands of students and followers.
Having celebrated his 65th birthday this year, Ogulov can count his victories in life:
- Created the Forerunner Center in Moscow, where he receives patients and teaches chiropractic.
- Writes and publishes books related to visceral chiropractic.
- Summarized the Slavic experience of manual therapy of internal organs.
- Member of the European Academy of Natural Sciencessci.
- Members the Presidium of Traditional Healers of Russia.
- Has awards for his contribution to traditional medicine and the promotion of the he alth of the nation.
- Created a biomechanical stimulator.
Wherever the professor went, he was enthusiastically received by followers and patients. Representatives of official medicine hardly perceived the obvious. A peculiar approach, the author himself (Ogulov A. T.), visceral chiropractic, innovative solution of the tasks set - everything caused rejection. Although the results and many years of practice proved the opposite to skeptics.
Method of Professor Ogulov
The author's method gradually crystallized. Observing patients, Alexander Timofeevich came to the conclusion that the abdominal region and the organs located in it, no less than the brain, are responsible for our physical and psychological state. He even hypothesized that the stomach is the second human brain.
The pathological condition of the pelvic organs causes certain feelings and desires in a person. Years of observations, research and experiments have made it possible to use massage to correct not only the diseased organ, but also the patient's behavior. With the help of massage, attacks of tearfulness, euphoria, depressive states were removed. The time has come to implement the method for widespread use. The patent was received by the author - A. T. Ogulov. "Visceral chiropractic (abdominal massage)" - this is the name given to the unique technique. It was a real breakthrough in manual therapy.

Practice, according to patients, showed amazingresults. Experts say that abdominal massage allows you to remove spasms and blocks from organs, increase blood flow and lymph flow, saturate tissues with oxygen, and correct the emotional background. People note that the movements of the hands in the pelvic area, performed by a chiropractor, are truly healing. And this is not surprising, because as a result of such seemingly simple manipulations, the movement of blood and lymph improves in all other areas of the body: in the limbs, head, chest. Relax the nerve endings in the spine.
Experiments with athletes - people who are physically he althy and psychologically hardy - had an amazing result. After visceral therapy, they showed higher achievements in their field. Relaxation of the abdominal organs released a huge boost of energy, which made it possible to run faster, jump higher and be stronger and more enduring than their fellow athletes.
Promoting his method, Alexander Timofeevich emphasizes that people in emotionally dependent professions need to practice abdominal massage more often. Thanks to him, labor productivity will increase, he alth and psychological state will improve. Ogulov's patients fully agree with their healer.
Visceral chiropractic: to be or not to be
Despite the excellent results and more than twenty years of practice, some representatives of traditional medicine are still trying to accuse Ogulov and the ancient technique of failure.
They are partly right, because for some, therapy has become not a way to alleviate the suffering of the patient, buta kind of business that brings good income. There have always been pseudo-healers who harm a person, and medical orthodoxies who draw their own conclusions and forbid such activities.
Visceral chiropractic - feedback on therapy is not always unambiguous - it is primarily a desire to heal, help the patient, alleviate the suffering of the soul and body.
Some patients refused to continue therapy only because they experienced unpleasant pain and general weakness. For others, abdominal massage has become the only salvation from the disease, when official medicine was powerless.

A survey of the majority of those who completed a course of internal chiropractic showed that people noticed an improvement in their condition after the first session. According to patients' reviews, heaviness in the abdomen, bloating, and heartburn disappeared. Breathing became freer and fuller, pain in the lower back and knees disappeared.
After several sessions, almost all patients noted an improvement in well-being, normalization of sleep, smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and an increase in the general psychological state.
We note from ourselves: no matter how miraculous a massage of the abdomen is considered, you need to choose a chiropractor with special care. You can trust yourself only to a qualified specialist. At the slightest doubt about the qualifications of the healer, it is better to refuse therapy and continue the search.
For a whole decade, US doctors have been trying to fight "pseudoscience" and charlatans. They demanded not so much positive results as scientific results.studies that can clarify the mechanism of action and fully present the possibilities of this direction.
In the USSR, visceral practice was also banned for a long time. The practitioner, who did not have a medical education, was subjected to persecution, up to conviction under the article of the Criminal Code.
We can be proud that the origin and development of such a useful practice took place in Russia. In the distant stagnant years, the surgeon Bashnak was the first to describe the processes occurring in the body after applying abdominal massage.
After him, the banner was picked up by the great enthusiast, optimist and hard worker Ogulov Alexander Timofeevich. Visceral chiropractic thanks to him, his students and followers gained immense popularity.
Many qualified doctors in our time apply the technique for the rehabilitation of patients, treatment and prevention of many diseases. Every year, internal therapy becomes more and more in demand. Thanks to seemingly simple, but precisely adjusted movements, you can find a he althy body and spirit. Many patients of Alexander Timofeevich speak about this.