He alth is one of the main values given to man. Often itching, burning and fatigue appear in the legs for no reason. Get rid of discomfort will help massage the heels and feet completely. The procedures take a little time, and their implementation is available even at home.

Benefits of heel massage
Relax and get rid of stress massage will help. In society, it is generally accepted that the back and neck are those parts of the body that are massaged to get rid of fatigue. But the heels also have many points that can bring you into a relaxed state. Thanks to massaging, you can get rid of feelings of anxiety, headaches and migraines. In addition, massage has a beneficial, calming effect before menstruation and improves sex life.
Massage of the heels of the feet can improve sleep, relieve insomnia and improve blood circulation. Just like proper nutrition, foot massage can normalize blood pressure. Massage helps to avoidflat feet and swelling of the legs. It also improves the condition of the nails and skin of the feet.

Types of massage
There are several popular and most effective types of heel massage. In the East, the most relevant technique is point. It was in Asian countries that the saying "he alth rests on the soles of the feet" was born. Chinese heel massage has a positive effect on the rejuvenation of the body, prevents premature aging. There is also a Thai foot massage, thanks to which all harmful microelements and substances are removed from the body, often the course of such a massage is ten sessions.
There are also three types of traditional massage:
- treatment usually lasts about twenty-four days, depending on the specific problem of the patient;
- reflex is to change the force of pressing on the heels, strengthens the immune system;
- relaxing - light stroking massage, the duration of which is no more than fifteen minutes.
Features of the procedure
The heel is one of the most important bones in the human skeleton. No wonder in the Middle Ages in the eastern countries they carried out torture by sewing horsehair into the heels - this brought hellish, martyr pains. Therefore, it is very important to take care of the feet and massage the heels regularly. It is recommended to massage while sitting on a chair or lying on your back. Today, a huge number of massage mats with a variety of coatings are presented on store shelves, but massaging the feet with your hands is still the most effective. In addition to the traditional heel massage,rubbing and pinching are often used.

Indications for massage
Foot massage can be used not only as a prevention of various diseases, but also be an excellent addition to treatment. In addition to the fact that foot massage has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system and muscle corset, it can be an excellent helper for the following indications:
- Arthrosis/arthritis.
- Heel spurs.
- Flat feet.
- Valgus foot.
- Swelling and pain in the legs.
- Rehabilitation after fractures/restoration of mobility.
Contraindications for massage
Of course, besides indications, heel massage also has contraindications. In some cases, massaging the feet can be harmful. After all, massage is the same medical procedure, it should be approached with caution, after consulting with specialists.
Consultations with doctors are required for diabetes, varicose veins, cancer of any degree, pregnancy, nail or foot fungus, joint dysfunction.
There are also contraindications in which massage is strictly prohibited:
- Damaged skin lesions on the foot and lower leg.
- Skin diseases.
- Infections.
- High/low pressure.
- Exacerbated chronic diseases.
- Mental disorders.
- Menstruation.
- Bleeding.
- A different kind of tumor.
- Hyperthermia.
- Blood diseases.

Massage for spurs
Spurs on the heels are quite common. In medical terminology, it is called plantar fasciitis. S alt deposits in the heel area bring great discomfort while walking. Often people bring the disease to such a state when it becomes impossible to stand on the heel. Massage for fasciitis is an effective addition to medication. During the heel massage for spurs, warming and anti-inflammatory gels are used. For the treatment of heel spurs, at least 10 daily massage sessions are required in combination with physiotherapy. Hand massage leads to the normalization of blood circulation in the legs, reduces inflammation of the tendons, softens the skin of the affected heels.
In addition to massage, it is necessary, firstly, to reduce the load on the heel and foot, and secondly, to review your shoe wardrobe and purchase orthopedic shoes / insoles.

Massage for a fracture
A fracture is a rather dangerous injury, and a broken leg can deprive many opportunities for a while. And after a heel fracture, massage is a priori necessary. Immediately after the plaster cast is removed from the injured area, it is necessary to start massage procedures. Thanks to physiotherapy and massage, after a heel fracture, the sensitivity and performance of the leg will recover much faster.
Of course, before massage sessions, you need to consult with your traumatologist or therapist. But in this case, doctors are unlikely to indicate any contraindications. Massagefractured heels should be carried out throughout the entire rehabilitation period until the ankle regains its former functionality. Sessions can be held daily for 15-20 minutes. It is best to carry out procedures in combination with painkillers and healing ointments. Alternatively, you can use a variety of essential oils, such as a little tea tree, ylang ylang, or bergamot.
It is very important to always develop the ankle and foot. An integrated approach to restore mobility includes: physiotherapy, massage, physiotherapy and medications.

How to properly prepare for a massage
We must remember that the key to a good massage is the right preparation:
- A few hours before the session, you must refuse to take any food and alcohol.
- Before the procedure, you need to take a shower and make sure your feet are clean.
- If self-massage or massage at home is performed, hands should be washed and disinfected before/after the procedure.
- Before the massage, be sure to go to the toilet.
- Do not use perfumes or heavily scented creams before massages.
- Relaxation of not only the body, but also the mind. If the massage takes place at home, you need to create a relaxing atmosphere in the room and tune in psychologically.
- Directly during the massage, you need to control your own breathing: it should be even, without jerks.
- A single foot massage session should last no more than 20-25 minutes.
Massage inat home
It is not always possible to turn to a professional massage therapist for help. Here a natural question arises: how to do a heel massage at home? It’s good when there are household members in the family who are ready to do a massage with their own hands. Massage at home is best done on a bed / sofa without a back / armrests. When the "patient" is lying on his stomach, the muscles of his legs will be as relaxed as possible.
Before starting the massage, it is necessary to warm up the feet as best as possible, not only the sole, but also the inside / outside. To begin with, stroking and stretching movements are used, holding the ankle between the palms. Heel massage should be treated with extreme caution. With one hand, be sure to fix the foot, and with the other knead the heel. Apply pressure with the edge of the palm and move along the foot from the toe to the lower leg.
To massage the heel at home, you can use the following techniques:
- rectilinear pinching - pinching the heel with the fingers of one hand;
- using the phalanxes of the fingers - in a circular motion to press on the heel from the outside and inside;
- movements with the fingertips - it is necessary to make circular gentle circular pressure with the fingertips;
- heel movement - use all available massage methods, trying to move the heel from its place, but it is important not to overdo it, use smooth and accurate movements.
In order to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to massage the entire foot and ankle, and not just the injured oneheel. Thus, when massaging the heels at home, pain will disappear faster, and due to the normalization of blood circulation, the functionality of the leg will be restored.

Self-massage feet
Next to the patient may not always be a person capable of conducting a massage session. In such situations, do not despair, it is better to study the technique of self-massage. This will help not only during rehabilitation after injuries, but also come in handy in everyday life after a hard day on your feet.
First, don't forget to use massage/essential oils or warming gels. Secondly, we completely relax. For self-massage, you need to take a comfortable position in a chair or on a sofa (always with a back). In order not to stain the surface on which the massage session takes place, it is necessary to put a towel under the hips. The massaged leg should be bent so that the knee “looks” to the side, and the foot rests on the thigh of the other leg.
Performing self-massage is practically no different from the massage technique at home. But there is an advantage: the injured patient himself will feel where to press harder, and where to make stroking movements. But in any case, the session should begin with rubbing and warming up not only the heel, but the entire foot. Another plus of self-massage and massage at home is that a person himself can adjust the pattern of massaging movements.
Heels and acupuncture
In addition to traditional massage, you can use the practice of acupuncture. on the foot, includingheel, there are many nerve endings, the competent study of which will bring worthy results. Acupressure massage will not only help restore the injured heel, but also have a beneficial effect on the performance of internal organs and the general condition of a person. Regardless of the age of the patient, heel reflexology gives positive results. But it is worth abandoning it during pregnancy, violations of the skin on the foot and exacerbation of chronic diseases.