Preventive medicine is quite promising. In Russia, this technique is not yet popular either among doctors or among the townsfolk. However, European specialists have been actively developing this area for several years already.
So, preventive medicine deals with the prevention of diseases of various kinds. As a rule, prevention is much easier than cure, so this technique is gaining more and more popularity.
How is this technique different from prevention?

At first glance, both preventive and preventive medicine do the same thing, but this is not entirely true. The main difference between these areas is that preventive measures, as a rule, are aimed at a fairly large group of people, while preventive medicine deals with each person individually, taking into account the characteristics of a particular organism. Thus, the specialist works with each patient according to the system of an individual approach, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the measures taken.
Types of prevention
Specialists distinguish primary andsecondary prevention. Primary activities include taking vitamins, maintaining an active lifestyle, and so on.

Also here can be attributed the activities of world he alth organizations and various government programs. For example, this is a ban on the release of toxic production waste into the atmosphere. Primary activities are equally useful for each person, and introducing an individual approach in this case is rather pointless. But in the case of secondary prevention, the situation is slightly different. The main method here is the medical examination of the patient. However, it should be noted that this approach in many cases is not able to help identify the disease in the initial stages, although such measures are very often taken in Russia.
Popularity in Russia
So far, this direction in the Russian Federation is very poorly distributed, and the clinic of preventive medicine is a rare occurrence. In our country, this approach was officially recognized only in 2012, so this industry is just beginning to develop.

Currently, there are a lot of unfinished moments in the domestic he althcare system. In particular, the family doctor should deal with prevention and, to some extent, predicting the occurrence of ailments. However, in most cases, the disease is registered only when the patient contacts. At the same time, due to national characteristics, Russians go to the doctor only with pronounced symptoms or even at the stage ofserious chronic process. This is due to the fact that specialists do not have enough time or energy to carefully monitor the he alth of the citizens entrusted to them. Therefore, preventive medicine specialists are rare in Russia, but usually have many clients among people who closely monitor their he alth.
Order of preventive medicine activities
After contacting the appropriate doctor, he will ask for an examination. Today, specialists diagnose the general condition of the body using the most modern equipment, which allows for maximum accuracy in compiling the overall picture.

There are also a number of standard tests, the delivery of which is provided for by preventive medicine. A blood test, for example, for tumor markers, helps to recognize oncological diseases in the first stages, as well as to identify other diseases that tend to affect the structure of the blood. Analyzes are also collected to determine metabolic and hormonal parameters, after which the specialist will be able to compile an individual list of possible diseases and factors that can lead to their development. Next, the doctor will give recommendations on maintaining he alth and offer a plan for a variety of medical procedures that will minimize the likelihood of illnesses.
What counts in a hazard picture?
When compiling a list of possible diseases, the doctor takes into account:
- Genetic features of the patient. TodayThere are a variety of methods for identifying a genetic predisposition to certain ailments. It is also worth remembering that some diseases can be inherited.
- Environmental situation. If the client lives in an area with poor ecology, the specialist will definitely take this into account when making a forecast. The nature of the pollution of the area also affects diseases, for example, the presence of a large amount of ozone and some other substances in the air can lead to atherosclerosis. Is it worth noting that smoking or drinking alcohol greatly affects the state of the body.
- Working conditions. Many people are engaged in hazardous work, as a result, their immunity decreases, they are often exposed to stress that does not pass without a trace. Work at facilities under construction is often accompanied by the inhalation of large amounts of industrial dust and harmful substances. If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, then this does not affect his spine in the best way, which leads to many problems. Almost every profession has "its" diseases, so this cannot be ignored.
Thus, preventive medicine is a very important and promising direction. Thousands of specialists from all over the world contribute to the development of this technique, new studies are regularly conducted, allowing doctors to more accurately predict possible diseases.
Preventive medicine methods
After the doctor presents an overall picture of the state of the body and determines the most likely risk factors, he will be able to draw up a plan to prevent possiblediseases.

The secondary task of therapy is the general improvement of the body in order to increase resistance to other ailments and increase life expectancy. The main methods of preventive medicine include genetic and biochemical research, as well as several innovative ways to study the internal systems of a person.
Lines of preventive medicine
Currently, the most demanded area of preventive medicine is the development of methods for early diagnosis of ailments. As you know, the manifestations visible on ultrasound, radiographs, etc., are signs of already actively developing diseases. To detect ailments long before the appearance of such signs, modern diagnostic methods are used, for example, over the past decade, many new techniques have appeared to detect violations in the work of human internal systems, which made it possible to make better predictions. However, many diseases are still difficult to diagnose in advance, and more important discoveries in this area are likely to be made in the next few years.
Also, experts are trying to invent more effective methods to reduce the risk of diseases and ways to stop the development of diseases, which is also important.
Which is better: traditional private clinics or a preventive medicine center?
Comparing these two types of institutions is not entirely correct. The system of work of preventive medicine specialists is fundamentally different from the traditional he althcare mechanism, becauseDoctors try to prevent diseases, not to cure existing ones. Ordinary clinics work with diseases that are at least at the third stage of development. There are many reasons for this. It is by this time that symptoms appear, by comparing which it is possible to judge with a sufficient degree of certainty the presence of a certain ailment.

Private institutions often charge a lot of money for their services, but if traditional research does not help identify the disease, then specialists simply will not be able to start treatment. Preventive medicine is aimed precisely at the early detection of ailments and reducing the likelihood of their development. Therefore, if the disease is already progressing, it is necessary to turn to specialists in the field of traditional medicine.
How to find a doctor?
There are not many professionals in this field in Russia. One of the best specialists in the domestic segment of preventive medicine is Professor Alexander Poletaev. This specialist has many scientific merits and titles, and in 1985 the Ministry of He alth of the USSR awarded him the badge "Excellent He alth Worker". According to A. Poletaev, preventive medicine is one of the most important methods of dealing with ailments, as it allows you to identify the disease even before its active development. The professor is also a member of the American Society for Neuroscience. In other words, Alexander Poletaev, for whom preventive medicine has become a matter of life, is a true specialist in this field. His merits are highly valued in scientificcircles.

Alexander Poletaev (preventive medicine, Novosibirsk) is ready to help everyone who cares about their he alth and wants to prevent all kinds of diseases. But it is quite difficult to make an appointment with the professor, so it is best to contact the special medical center that he oversees.
Center for Preventive Medicine on Fontanka
Clinic on the embankment of the Fontanka River, 127 offers a full range of services. This Center for Preventive Medicine is very popular, it employs doctors of all speci alties, specialists advise clients and give them recommendations for improving their he alth. The most modern technologies are at the disposal of specialists, thanks to which the diagnosis of patients' diseases is as reliable as possible. The doctors of the clinic practice an individual approach to each client. The medical complex has established effective interaction between offices and laboratories, so that people are served as quickly as possible.