An amazing resort town, the main advantage of which are mineral waters and hot springs. Pyatigorsk, a balneological resort praised by poets and writers, cordially invites tourists all year round. Here are unique water resources useful for the treatment of many diseases.
Folk trail
The hot springs of Pyatigorsk are a miracle bestowed by nature, which for a long time people have been using to improve their he alth and treat a number of diseases. All known resources have their own composition, the most popular are radon and hydrogen sulfide waters, and therapeutic mud is also popular. Folk, or shameless, are called hydrogen sulfide baths in the open air.

Water, making its way through the rocks for centuries, has created recesses in the rock, resembling small stone baths. They are considered popular because they came here and continue to strivemany tourists suffering from recovery who are unable to receive treatment in a sanatorium.
Today, in any he alth resort there are spa programs that support the body and spirit in a he althy state. Previously, you could only use the mineral springs by doctor's prescription or using shameless baths.
Struggle for morality

At the beginning of the 20th century, the administration of Pyatigorsk tried to eradicate the "wild" use of springs by filling popular baths with sand and gravel, but the water found another way out to the surface, where another bath was based. The main claim of the authorities was not about free bathing, but was in the nature of a struggle for morality. The fact is that the baths were not divided into men's and women's, everyone plunged into them together, but completely without clothes.
Unable to overcome people's bathing, the authorities decided to streamline the flow of people wishing to improve their he alth. Baths were divided into women's and men's, for this they built a brick building. In addition, medical control was carried out, the doctor who worked here did not allow people with skin and other contagious diseases to enter the baths.
Taking baths in hot springs was completely free, the session lasted 2 hours, the pools were designed for 20 people. Most visitors enjoyed these baths, but some lacked romance and annoyed the queues, so natural rock baths continued to be popular.
For Pirogovskybathtubs
In the vicinity of Pyatigorsk, hot springs with hydrogen sulfide water are located in several places. The most popular and habitable are located in the area of the Skazki Vostoka restaurant and the Panorama cafe, behind the building of the Pirogov Baths (Gagarin Boulevard). It is necessary to go down a steep slope to the springs. In 2015, the territory was ennobled, observation decks and a staircase appeared.

The baths themselves in this place are arranged in the form of a cascade of 14 successively arranged small stone containers. The hottest water (70-80 ° C) enters the uppermost bath, flowing through the cascade, the temperature drops to very cool. Most of the visitors chose the baths on the middle level, from the lower tier there is a magnificent panorama of the city.
The water in the hot springs of Pyatigorsk is cloudy in winter and summer, with a gray or blue tint, this is due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide in it. In the baths, the water never stagnates, constantly being updated due to the continuous flow of water. A sign has been installed for visitors, where there is information that baths should not take more than 20 minutes, as well as a warning about the dangers of self-medication.
Where are the hot springs in Pyatigorsk? You can get to the place by regular bus number 1 to the stop "People's Baths". After getting off the bus, you need to return to the intersection, where you turn left and walk to the end of the street. Further movement is carried out according to the posted signs.
Less known hydrogen sulfide hotThe springs of Pyatigorsk are located near Proval Lake. There are much fewer tourists here, most of the swimmers are local residents. The washout of the resource is located on a gentle slope and has a rather large volume; up to 5 people can fit in it. Also scattered around are small holes filled with healing water, they are used to treat feet.
The water in the largest pool periodically foams and even seethes, this is due to thermal activity and does not pose any danger. Hot springs in Pyatigorsk for swimming in the winter near Proval Lake were first discovered by Peter Pallas in 1793, but it was problematic to get to them. The situation changed only in 1837: a bridge was built for visitors, and it was possible to go down in a basket.

In 1858, the issue was radically approached and a tunnel was made in the rock, since then people have been walking to the lake. You can admire Proval and get treatment in the hot springs of Pyatigorsk all year round. You can get to the place from the railway station by city bus route number 1 to the final stop "Proval". There are other routes, the locals will be happy to tell you the way.
What is useful water
The benefits of the hot springs of Pyatigorsk in the treatment of skin diseases became known even under Peter I. Today, the range of applications has become much wider. They have a therapeutic effect in the form of inhalations, irrigations, bathing, wraps. The fact that water really affects the body is demonstrated by the so-called Matsesta reaction -the skin turns red a few minutes after immersion in hot mineral water.

The change in skin color is due to the expansion of capillaries, a person feels a surge of heat, the pores open and hydrogen sulfide ions, iodine and other useful substances enter the body through them. In general, absorption occurs not only through the skin, but also through the respiratory tract, mucous membranes.
Indications for diving into hot springs for swimming in Pyatigorsk are:
- Skin lesions of various etiologies (eczema, ichthyosis, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, etc.).
- Diabetes mellitus, prostatitis.
- Stimulation of blood microcirculation, ventilation of the lungs.
- Prevention of thrombophlebitis.
- Restoration of cartilage tissue, improvement of the musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, Bechterew's disease, polyarthritis, etc.).
- Stabilize blood pressure.
- Strengthening the nervous system (insomnia, depression).
- Stabilization of hormonal levels.
- Neurological diseases (neuralgia, VSD, paralysis, etc.)
- Gynecological diseases (obstruction of the fallopian tubes, inflammation, cycle disorders, etc.).
Expert Opinion
Doctors believe that it is dangerous to dive into the hot springs of Pyatigorsk, where minerals are found in high concentrations, without a doctor's supervision. In hospitals and sanatoriums for baths, dilute water is used and the patient's condition is monitored in case of the slightest threat to he alth.the person will receive the necessary assistance immediately. In the "wild" conditions of folk baths, the patient is treated at his own peril and risk.

Contraindications for swimming are:
- Pathologies of the myocardium (ischemic disease, heart defects, chronic heart failure, etc.).
- Any chronic diseases in the acute stage.
- Acute inflammatory diseases.
- Neoplasms of any etiology and at any stage.
- Thyroid disease.
- Gynecological diseases (fibroids, endometriosis, adenomeosis, etc.).
- A state of intoxication.
General rules of conduct
To get a positive effect from taking mineral baths, you need to know not only indications and contraindications, but also safety rules:
- The duration of one session should be no more than 20 minutes.
- No more than 3 dive sessions per day.
- In order for the effect of the treatment to last at least six months, at least 10 dives must be carried out.
- You can't dive head first into hot springs. Also, a heart zone is left above the surface of the water.
- Before therapeutic baths, food is taken 2 hours before the session, after the bath, physical activity should be avoided, experts recommend spending 1.5 hours at rest, it is advisable to sleep.

Mineral water from the hot springs of Pyatigorsk, where mineralization reaches a highconcentration, can bring not only benefits, but also harm, if you do not follow the safety rules. The most important condition for success is a preliminary consultation with a doctor. The specialist, based on the indications and analyzes of the patient, will recommend the source, the number of procedures, their duration, mode, and so on. Perhaps, for successful therapy, drinking and mud treatment will be required, which is available both in a sanatorium and in the public domain.
Not only in Pyatigorsk
You can get a boost of he alth at any time of the year not only in Pyatigorsk. Kislovodsk thermal waters have a similar composition and effect. The most popular sources are located in the village of Suvorovskaya. The water temperature in these thermal baths reaches +45 ºС, so you can take baths all year round. Comfortable conditions for stay and treatment have been created for vacationers, the pool is divided into two parts - indoor and outdoor. The complex is located at the address: the village of Suvorovskaya, st. Shosseinaya, building 1.

The second largest source is the Pearl of the Caucasus complex, where several modern pools await tourists, the largest of them covers an area of 300 square meters. The water temperature in the pools is different, from +20 to +45 degrees Celsius, which makes it possible to choose a font depending on the state of he alth and temperature tolerance. Address of the complex: Kislovodsk, Mira Avenue, building 1. All exciting information can be clarified by phone.
In summer and winter, hot springs in Kislovodsk and Pyatigorsk are open to everyone, bringinghe alth and joy for vacationers.