About how migraine is treated

About how migraine is treated
About how migraine is treated

Migraine, unlike most modern diseases, has been known for a very long time. Its symptoms were described by the ancient Sumerians, as well as Hippocrates, Avicenna, Celsus. The word "migraine" by transformation in different languages appeared from the Greek word "hemicrania".

migraine symptoms in women
migraine symptoms in women

"Noble" disease

Migraine, which is characterized by bouts of severe throbbing headache, in the Middle Ages was attributed to the so-called noble diseases. It was believed that it can only be in people with high intelligence and intense mental activity. Ludwig van Beethoven, Julius Caesar, Charles Darwin, Alfred Nobel, Frederic Chopin, Guy de Maupassant, Friedrich Nietzsche, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and other famous people were familiar with migraines. Some men! And it is not surprising, because at that time they constituted the scientific and creative elite of society. Women were mostly the keepers of the hearth. But, as modern statistics show, today the situation is completely different: this problem is detected in women more often than in men, 2 times.

How is migraine treated?

Migraine causes headache attacks, sometimes there are other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting. Women often have this diseaseassociated with an imbalance of sex hormones. This is confirmed by the fact that the symptoms of migraine in women (in 60%) appear with the onset of the menstrual cycle. The main cause of the disease is heredity.

migraine medication triptans
migraine medication triptans

There are a number of medications that can help prevent migraines or reduce their symptoms.

First of all, these are ordinary painkillers, for example, Paracetamol or Aspirin.

You need to take them as soon as the first signs of a migraine appear. If the headache is very severe, it is usually too late to take medication. In this case, the only correct answer to the question of how a migraine is treated is this: try to sleep in silence in a darkened room.

To suppress the symptoms of migraine, adults are recommended to drink 3 tablets of the drug "Aspirin" (900 mg) or 2 pills of the drug "Paracetamol" (1000 mg). After 4 hours, you can repeat the painkiller.

The second group of anti-migraine drugs are anti-inflammatory painkillers, which are even more effective. These include the following drugs: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Naproxen, and tolfenamic acid.

Because a migraine attack sometimes causes nausea or vomiting, people also take medications containing antiemetics and painkillers, such as Migraleve, Paramax, MigraMax.

Finally, there is a fourth group of drugs. This ismigraine medicine - triptans. They suppress headaches. These include the following: Naratriptan, Almotriptan, Frovatriptan, Sumatriptan, Rizatriptan, Zolmitriptan. Triptans interact with serotonin receptors in the brain, and it is changes in the functioning of these receptors that cause migraines. These drugs should not be taken very early, only when a headache occurs, otherwise they simply will not work.

how is migraine treated
how is migraine treated

How is migraine treated in folk medicine

People in the treatment of migraine use a strong tightening of the head, warm foot baths, compresses on the aching part of the head, and it is also recommended to drink hot drinks in large quantities.

An infusion of oregano grass helps against migraines: 1 tbsp is taken for 300 g of boiled water. herbs. After insisting it for 1 hour, filter. Drink infusion 3 times a day for a glass.

A decoction of peppermint is prepared as follows: 1/2 tbsp. mint is poured with boiling water (1 cup) and boiled in a water bath for at least 15 minutes, allowed to stand for 45 minutes. Take before meals 3 times a day for two weeks.

With migraines, the following procedures help: inhaling a mixture of ammonia and camphor alcohol in equal parts, taking a contrast shower and hot baths for hands and feet, a compress of raw onions or sauerkraut (it is better to apply it to the temples or behind the ears).

Well, after information on how migraine is treated with folk remedies, it should be said about the beneficial properties of coffee, because caffeine has a beneficial effect on the entirecirculatory system and helps relieve headaches.
