Circumcision of the foreskin in men: why is it necessary?

Circumcision of the foreskin in men: why is it necessary?
Circumcision of the foreskin in men: why is it necessary?

Circumcision is the process of removing the skin that covers the tip of the penis through surgery. The procedure is quite common for newborn boys in some parts of the world, and it is also performed on adult men. For some families, circumcision is a religious ritual. Surgery can also be a family tradition or a preventive medical measure. However, for some people it seems unnecessary or disfiguring. So what is it and why do many circumcise the foreskin?


Circumcision is a religious or cultural ritual for many Jewish and Islamic families, as well as some Aboriginal tribes in Africa and Australia. Boys are born with a hood of skin that covers the head of the penis. In circumcision, the foreskin is surgically removed, exposing the end.

foreskin circumcision surgery
foreskin circumcision surgery

The need for circumcision occurs when the hood of the skin is too tight. In this case, the operation helps to delay it.back. In other cases (particularly practiced in parts of Africa), circumcision of the foreskin of men and boys is performed to reduce the risk of contracting a number of sexually transmitted infections.

Who needs it?

No need for circumcision in he althy newborns. However, some families remain faithful to this procedure for a number of reasons. Other reasons for this procedure:

  • personal choice;
  • aesthetic background;
  • an attempt to reduce the risk of some infections.

Circumcision in older children and adults can also be done for the same reasons. In addition, adult children or men may require circumcision to treat certain conditions, including:

  • balanoposthitis (inflammation of the tip and foreskin of the penis);
  • phimosis (inability to retract the foreskin);
  • paraphimosis (occurs when the foreskin is removed and cannot be returned to its original position).

Cultural Background

One of the most common reasons for circumcision is religious tradition. Thus, the laws of Judaism and Islam require that newborn boys be circumcised.

male circumcision
male circumcision

In Judaism, the rite is usually performed as part of a religious ceremony at home or in the synagogue by a mohel. Mohel receives religious and surgical training to perform ritual circumcision. The procedure is almost always performed when the boy reaches 8days of life. However, it can also be carried out in a hospital.

In Islamic culture, ritual circumcision is called khitan. In some parts of the Islamic world, the procedure is performed as part of a religious ceremony. In other parts it is done in the hospital. So, in most Islamic countries, chitan is performed in infancy, but circumcision can also be done when a boy enters puberty.


So, do doctors recommend this operation? Let's take a look at the main benefits of foreskin circumcision.

  1. Simplifying personal hygiene. Circumcision makes it easier to wash the penis. However, boys with uncircumcised foreskins can also be taught to wash their foreskins regularly to avoid buildup of bacteria.
  2. Reduce the risk of urinary tract infections. Thus, circumcised babies are less likely to get an infection (UTI), especially in their first year of life. It is worth remembering that the transfer of severe infections early in life can lead to problems in the functioning of the kidneys. The risk of urinary tract infections in adult men is low, and they are more common in newborns and young children. However, uncircumcised men are diagnosed with UTIs about 10 times more often than circumcised men. However, even with this high level of risk, less than 1% of uncircumcised people actually suffer from them.
  3. After circumcision of the foreskin, the risk of contracting infections that are transmitted during sexual contact is reduced. Uncircumcised men are at risk: it is much easier for them to catch this type of disease. However, safe sexual practices remain an important consideration for men with and without circumcision.
  4. Reducing the risk of penile cancer. Although it is a fairly rare condition, it is most common in uncircumcised men. In addition, cervical cancer most often affects women whose sexual partners are uncircumcised.

But doctors say that with proper care of the penis, the above risks are not terrible.

Reasons not to get circumcised

For some people, this procedure cannot be performed. For example, if a child has certain disorders in blood clotting. In addition, it may not be suitable for premature babies who still need medical attention. Also, in most cases, circumcision is not performed on babies born with penile anomalies.

after circumcision of the foreskin
after circumcision of the foreskin

It is important to understand that circumcision does not affect fertility, nor does it increase or decrease sexual pleasure for both men and their partners.


While circumcision has some medical benefits, it also carries potential risks, just like any other surgical procedure. These risks are small, but before deciding to have surgery, it is important to be familiar with all the possible benefits and risks. So, according to statistics, complications in newborns after circumcision occur in 0.2-2% of cases.

Most commoncomplications associated with circumcision are bleeding and local infection. Possible side effects associated with anesthesia. Occasionally, it leads to the development of foreskin problems. For example:

  • it can be too short or too long;
  • foreskin may not heal properly;
  • its remnants may reattach to the end of the penis, requiring minor surgery.

Usually, before the procedure, the doctor explains all the risks and benefits of the procedure. Whether you are planning to perform it on your child or yourself, you will need to provide written consent for the operation.

Circumcision of the foreskin: expert reviews

The benefits of the procedure outweigh the risks. Physicians, while acknowledging the benefits of surgery, do not consider all of the above reasons strong enough to recommend circumcision to all infants and men.

Instead, parents should decide for themselves whether their child needs this procedure. Also, before the operation, you must carefully read all medical information, as well as weigh the pros and cons in the context of your religious, ethical and cultural beliefs and practices.

circumcision of the foreskin in children
circumcision of the foreskin in children

Studies by scientists from Africa have shown that circumcision reduces the risk of HIV infection by 40-60% in men. There is also evidence that it reduces the risk of infection with papilloma and some strains of genital herpes.

Circumcision helps prevent the transmission of some sexually transmitted diseases, since the area under the foreskin is considered a kind of "trap" for pathogens. In addition, the foreskin itself contains more skin cells, which make it easier for HIV to enter the body.

Child circumcision procedure

Newborn surgery is often done in the hospital, usually within 10 days of birth.

In the case of newborns, the boys are placed on their backs, holding their arms and legs. After the penis and the surrounding area have been cleaned, an anesthetic is injected into the base of the penis, or it is applied directly to the penis in the form of a cream. A special clamp or plastic ring is attached to the penis, and the foreskin is removed.

male circumcision
male circumcision

After that, the penis is covered with an ointment, such as a topical antibiotic, and wrapped tightly with gauze. The procedure usually takes about 10 minutes.

For adults

Circumcision for boys is similar to the procedure for adult men. However, in most cases, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia. The recovery period also takes longer, and the risk of complications increases. In the modern world, laser circumcision of the foreskin is also practiced.

How to recover

Recovery after circumcision usually takes 7 to 10 days. It is quite normal for the tip of the penis to hurt and the penis to look red, swollen, or bruised. Also on hisa small amount of yellow liquid may come out at the end.

How to care

If the baby continues to be fussy, after the anesthesia wears off, try to hold him gently and avoid pressure on the penis. Remember to wash your penis even during the healing period.

I circumcise the foreskin
I circumcise the foreskin

Thus, newborns need to change the bandage at every diaper change and apply Vaseline ointment to the tip of the penis so that it does not stick to it. Change your baby's diaper regularly and make sure it's not tight. If a plastic ring is attached to the penis instead of a bandage, then it will come off on its own within a week. Once the penis is healed, wash it with soap and water while bathing.

Problems after circumcision

Of course, like any other surgical intervention, the procedure has a serious impact on the functioning of the body. That is why it is worth noting the importance of the need to consult a doctor if the following complications are observed after the operation:

  • normal urination does not resume within 12 hours after circumcision;
  • there is heavy bleeding;
  • an unpleasant smell emanates from the tip of the penis;
  • The plastic ring stays in place two weeks after the circumcision.

Be careful and attentive! The appearance of any of the above complications should be a signal to visit your doctor.

Summing up

Circumcision is a surgical procedure to remove the extremeflesh, the skin that covers the tip of the penis. Possible benefits include: lower risk of urinary tract infections, penile cancer and sexually transmitted diseases.

laser circumcision of the foreskin
laser circumcision of the foreskin

There is a low risk of bleeding or infection. The child may also feel some pain. Parents should make a decision based on the benefits and risks, as well as their own religious, cultural and other personal beliefs.
