Hypothermic package: composition and application

Hypothermic package: composition and application
Hypothermic package: composition and application

In the event of various injuries and minor cuts, cold can help in the first moments. At the same time, the person may be far from the refrigerator, and coolants may not be at hand. In such situations, having hypothermia packs in the first aid kit helps. Such products will quickly and efficiently help with minor cuts, minor injuries and bruises.

Hypothermic package

This type of coolant is a plastic bag containing components for a chemical reaction, as a result of which the temperature of the bag drops sharply to minus. The cool pack is easy to apply for minor injuries and minor cuts. With bruises, sprains and ruptures of ligaments, as well as with small capillary cuts, when transporting certain types of drugs, such coolants are almost indispensable.

Operation principle

The principle of operation of the hypothermic package is based on a chemical reaction,resulting in a sharp drop in temperature. Inside the bag is a fragile bag of water, and around it is ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate). When mixing these elements of the contents of the package, the water temperature drops to 0-5 ° C.

cooling package
cooling package

It must be remembered that with a sharp breaking and intensive shaking of the hypothermic package, the reaction proceeds faster and more cold is released, but the lowered temperature does not last long. This method of application of the package is used for small cuts.

With less intensive shaking of the package than in the first case, the reaction proceeds with less cold release, but it lasts for a long time. This method is used for bruises and sprains.

If the bag is torn and liquid from it gets on the skin, it is necessary to rinse this place with cold running water. These situations occur very rarely, bags are made of durable materials. It is strictly forbidden to drink water from the bag.


When injuries occur, damage to blood vessels occurs, their stretching leads to an inflammatory process. Rupture of small capillaries leads to hemorrhage, forming a hematoma. Inflamed areas and hematoma put pressure on the receptors, which causes pain. The application of cold reduces vascular permeability, while reducing the likelihood of hematoma formation and tissue inflammation.

For minor cuts and nosebleeds, the use of a hypothermia pack can quickly stop the bleeding. Atsome medicines require a lower temperature to be transported. Packets can keep it for a couple of hours.

the use of cold in medicine
the use of cold in medicine

The "Snowball" hypothermic package helps with burns without breaking the skin, insect bites, with some chronic diseases and arthritis, as well as with heat and sunstroke.

To activate the package, place it on a flat surface and hit it with your fist several times. After breaking the bag of water, a chemical reaction begins and cold is released. The low temperature retention time varies from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the environment. If you use thermal bags, the duration is extended.

Pros and cons

Hypothermia packages have a number of advantages:

  • This type of coolant does not require special storage conditions. You can carry them with you in your bag for a long time.
  • They are applied directly to the damaged area without the use of a fabric pad.
application of a cooling pack for injuries
application of a cooling pack for injuries

The disadvantages of hypothermic packages include:

  • Single use.
  • Short duration.
